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Posts posted by phil2407

  1. He was filming something - a political rally - if he brought the drone into Cambodia was he not warned about license etc - if he bought it Cambodia - he's observing not espionage!  Despot Sen has stolen millions if not more $ from his own people and "requested" the opposition be kicked out - no he didn't - he ordered it without any proof but everyone is in his back pocket or scared shit of him - that's not democracy that's tyrany 

  2. Can they not use the same as for the Mexican miners trapped? I hope they're still alive, have managed to find safe ground and even managed to get some of the emergency boxes 

    But TIT - lack of coordination here even between different agencies - me 1st - astounding (in not a good way) 

    hope they find the kids and the coach safe and alive 

    as for the guy that has told the truth - either defamation suit or inactive post 

  3. Gen Prayut however, had to cut short his meeting with Thai expats due to a terror warning from security officers. The Royal Thai Embassy in London announced the warning affecting Thai people and advised them to exercise caution when returning home.

    now is this the UK security officers or Thai security officers? 

    Toad "bling watch" of Toad hall will probsbly now say no election in February (even after number 1 has promised so - like so many times before to world leaders) as risk to national security - maybe I'm being sceptical but doubt it 

  4. Would be so funny if it turns out to be a fake - arrested under IP law put in jail - not released on bail, then done for fraud by saying the real thing and claiming the VAT back! 


    even funnier if he claims it was a gift - doesn't anything over 3000 baht have to be declared to AMLO? 

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  5. China has banned imported E-waste and shifting all their crap to other countries - like Thailand 

    Why doesn't Thailand just turn round to China and say Eff off - you create most of it anyway you deal with your own E-waste yourself and other countries that want and are allowed to do  in Thailand - charge them a premium - (as long as properly disposed of) 

    or again is it too much money and too many "influential people" (use that word loosely) 

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