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Posts posted by Timebandit

  1. Is that a female? Where are the boobs?

    As a gay man I thought it was a youngman from Japan or so, same body- and hair-stylecheesy.gif

    Don't tell me you guys can see it is a woman, you only know because of the news bulletin.

    Can you spell gravity---idiot!

    What a delightful act of freedom. She will have the photo enlarged I'm sure. Lovely young lady.

  2. Last time I went to Cambodia I was waved on because late last year I went to Siem Reap with a new

    passport and prints were taken. I have a U.S.passport. I'm not making border runs. In front of me Italians were printed and someone in front of them was printed. If Cambodian records show you were previously printed no need to print again.

  3. Wait until after you have healed to pick out the car. Definitely get the insurance with the scooter as you will need it all. Do not take a moto taxi to the clinic or hospital everyday. Get a Japanese or Korean car so parts are available. Then have the car painted DAYGLOW orange and trick it out like a Mad Max movie but with flashing multicolored lights all around. Wear your helmet, the neck brace and Kevlar body armor as it will be much more comfortable with the air conditioning. Also get a car video camera mounted to use in court. This is a cheap investment IMHO.

  4. If you you have the resources the ultimate solution would be a second " fly " roof over your existing roof like the old

    Land Rovers had. Like a tent fly. It doesn't have to be weatherproof. It is a shade only. Any breeze will carry away the heat before it reaches your house. Suggest 8 to 12 inches above your existing roof. Fiber-cement may be a good material but secure it enough to withstand a rare windstorm. It worked very well in Panama as the workers were scratching their heads.

  5. One of the posters said "anything goes".Does that mean I could carry and use a baseball bat? I am in Phnom Penh now where they simply wish each other a good year. I was a victim of a drunken Aussie/Brit ? throwing ice water on me as I was riding a motorbike not on a bar lined soi. That was my first Songkran. After the audience laughter died down because I couldn't find anything to hit him I needed help to pick up the bike because my foot was injured and the drunken perpetrator went on to another victim. I had to pay for the damaged rental bike and the clinic to clean and bandage my foot. Shouldn't the bar Sois by blocked of traffic and let the drunken AH's beat the crap out of each other and have a good time? IMHO everyone would be happy in that scenario. If on the day after Songkran a drunk continues to be obnoxious do I get to use the ball bat? What's the law on that?

  6. KUNMING! Very nice city. Doesn't seem that big. Two trips for me and I will go back. You, being comfortable with Chinese culture, would no doubt appreciate it more. Safe, as you know.

    • Like 1
  7. Can f16's take off on carriers?

    It's more of a question of "can they land on a carrier?". Carrier planes require a much stronger landing gear

    than an F-16. There really is way too much perceived value placed on a carrier. In today's Military with

    it's myriad of stealth anti-ship missiles any carrier can be taken out at will. i.e. the Chinese have a weapon

    referred to in the West as a "Bammer" which is a Mach 10 kinetic warhead. Nothing now can hit it and being

    just a big Mach 10 bullet it will go right through a hail of bullets from an Aegis system and right through a

    ship full of bombs, jet fuel and in some cases a nuclear reactor. The carrier has some uses in fighting a

    limited war against small arms as in Syria or Kosavo. In a conflict with a formidable enemy the carriers will be out in the first two weeks if it lasts that long.

  8. Its a bit weird they dont even stock 5 baht? I ever bought 20baht they walked to the back and had it in a minute. Why don't you buy from a famous chain, then you are sure your not being scammed, and they always buy back the gold they sell as it has their stamp. I always buy from Aurora, you can find them al over BKK. They NEVER ask for deposit, and they always stock 5 Baht as its nothing for a shop....

    I totally agree. I have bought from Auroa for three years now and I have a gold acid test kit with a scale. Why in the the World did she order a single 5 baht bar? You should have told her to buy ( 5 ) 1 baht bars. They are too thin to salt with tungsten. Are you going to the grocery store with a 5 baht bar? "Can you break this 5 please". I walked into Aurora yesterday and bought ( 8 ) 1 baht bars with no problems. I like those people. Always keep the warranty they give as it helps to have them at sales times. I always kept the buyback warranties from the PBoC in HKG.

    As for the guy suggesting buying paper gold (ETF's), good luck standing in line at the window when there are one hundred paper ounces for every physical ounce. You are headed for a great disappointment. Even GLD.

  9. This was posted by an officer of the department of civil aviation. The lantern was stuck inside the A320 engine. I personally think they should ban the lanterns full stop.

    Your photo show a bit of rice paper left by the lantern.....I wonder if the lantern was ingested as the reactor was winding down on the tarmac... in flight I think nothing would be left ,,especially rice paper...but I am not an aviation technician.

    These lanterns have a wire frame at the base, you can see part of the lanterns metal frame if you look closely. The paper may not be a problem but the wire may have the potential to cause damage.

    It appears this is a clash of old and new cultures. Yes, indeed the wire can do damage to a turbine engine. In the past I suspect the lanterns were made of bamboo but still caused fires. If we want our inventions the past culture must pay the price of extinction. This will be hard to enforce. As a former military engine tech I agree that this probably happened on the tarmac.
  10. Not to worry you unnecessarily but the fine art of pickpocketing has now been reduced to a sharp blow over the head with a blunt instrument.

    Seems like the kids don't want to learn a proper trade anymore. I blame it on smartphones.

    I agree with ATF.. I lived in Buenos Aires where the fine art of pick pocketing is alive and well. Through deperation virtually half the people in BsAs are suspects. Every time I put my hand in my pocket someone's hand was there. Do not carry a wallet. Look through your wallet and see how much useless crap you're carrying around. Carry your driver's license in your car or motorbike where you need it. I carry my cash in my front pocket, I carry a small laminated copy of my passport and reverse side visa extension. I buy pants with zippered pockets if I can find them. North face has some and I found some really nice zippered pants in China. I wouldn't bother with the sock thing as everybody in the bar sees you diving into your sock at checkout time. A thousand baht is no big deal to lose. In BsAs they now just drive up next to you on a bike and point a 9mm at you. Let's hope it doesn't come to that here.
  11. For "fangferang"

    Your unwavering patriotism suggests to me you are in the wrong country. Vladimir and Xi still have a handful of cards. They just want to sell off as many T-bills and dollars as they can before rendering them worthless. They can do this by uttering six words. As you said " don't mess with the Chinese". I have had no problem with the equally welcomed Russian tourists and certainly wish them a happy and prosperous New Year. I suggest you try to avoid listening to main media drivel.

  12. The Americans attacked the Russians where it hurts, and effectively. Pattaya, especially, will suffer.

    Do NOT mess with the Americans or the Chinese. You will lose every time.

    Great Britain is biding her time...and has solid cards to play here. No other country has Great in their name, because no other country has earned that appellation.

    The American and Chinese hegominies are solid. Great Britain is a rock all would do well not to pound their foreheads upon.


  13. Are you saying that you did not provide a new visa sized picture required in the little box provided on the application form as I did 3 weeks ago? Could that possible be the reason? You said they gave you an extension "into 2016". Is that two weeks into 2016 or 11 months 27 days into 2016? My last extension was for two full years but that may have been in error.

  14. Same question I had for the only vascular surgeon in Thailand. He said running "good for your heart but bad for your leg veins".

    Dr Chumpon Wilasrusmee at Bumrungrad hospital, the professor at the med school there. It was previously mentioned on this thread by a very wise man to exercise indoors at a gym. The doctor told me to swim but I have a different concern then your problem. Find an Air conditioned gym away from heavy traffic pollution or perhaps a condo that has an AC gym. Please run no more out on pavement as the impact eventually breaks down the check valves in your leg veins. My first appointment at Bumrungrad cost only 40,000 baht followed by imaging procedures next visit. Just get the Hell out of this nasty air and bicycle or use a choice of walking machines. Walk outside with a mask now in this smoke from Burma. Best of luck.

    • Like 1
  15. Gold goes through the washer just fine. As a matter of fact it does just fine after 1000 years at the bottom of the ocean. Agitator bangs it up a bit but the manipulating government bangs it up too, but it's still there. I would think we all at one time or another have times of remiss behavior. You pretty much know the hoops to jump through. I think this may be easier than if it was lost or stolen. Remember this-- a renewed retirement visa extension and the 90 day check-in do not run the same time thread! When a retirement or other visa start at a given date this IS NOT the same date for your 90 day check-in. These are two seperate threads according to Chonburi immigration. These 90 days are from your last border crossing regardless of the fact that a week before you gave them the same information i.e. Address when you renewed your Visa extension. Don't forget to request a new notice of when your next 90 day is due stapled into the back page.

    Best Wishes for theNew Year

    As for the above post, been there, done that. Try doing that from China into Vietnam. Gets really lonely across the Friendship Bridge in Lao Cai when the soldier through the window doesn't understand the taped in added pages.

  16. I was in Singapore and K.L. earlier this year and I also found K.L. to be filthy and unfriendly. It is all a matter of individual experiences. I found the stinking open sewer next to the overhead train station to be particularly unappealing as it was wafting through the food vendors. I had a very nice hotel with a less than enthusiastic staff. Being an engineer I couldn't help but notice that the Stainless steel panels on the Petronas Towers are attached by zinc plated carbon steel screws which in a salt air fog have the heads rusting off. I would not stand down wind of the towers. For all you gentlemen who are ready to move there and meld into society may I remind you that 90% of the people in Malaysia follow a religion that encourages them to kill infidels. That's you! Can you recognize a jihadist when you see one? Such as an airline captain? Or perhaps your new neighbor? I have only visited there, but I believe that it may be more difficult to assimilate to that culture. Perhaps a " wild weekend" in Banda Aceh, Sumatra would be an enlightening experience in dealing with jihadist. I look forward to your travel report.

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  17. Very funny, I'm in KL at the moment staying at a hotel near the Petronas towers and I find the city utterly filthy. Car drivers seem to be very aggressive and a pint of lager will cost you a fortune.

    I lived in Singapore and apart from the high beer prices KL has nothing in similar with it. Singapore is clean and has proper transport, between buildings there are a lot of well kept parks and green areas. KL is a concrete jungle falling faster apart than they are able to rebuild it. Oh and I find the people grumpy.

    Penang where I live now is much better, so anybody contemplating a move to Malaysia should have a look there as well IMO.

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