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Posts posted by Timebandit

  1. 3 hours ago, Hummin said:

    You talking about bank where? Us or Europe and EU member? I would bet a Swiss bank or simular country would take care of your belongings, more safe than any other instutution. Switzerland is not part of EU. 

    I don't mean to offend you or your lovely country but a Swiss Bank several months ago refused to produce the gold owned by a Swiss customer and insisted on giving francs instead. It was a big story in the gold World. That is the case of a middleman failing on his promise again. Good fortune to you.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

    It’s not only the filter at the front that needs to be cleaned but the whole aircon unit if being used continually.

    We get ours cleaned about every six months if being used regularly and the crap that comes out is amazing, but makes a hell of a difference to the performance.

    Have found the same problem as above in hotels.

    I have had two bouts with bacterial pneumonia attributed by the doctor to dirty air conditioners. I now have mine cleaned every 6 months and am in great health. Air out your quarters every day.

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  3. I am known to my regular stores as the "no plastic man". Hong Kong does not issue plastic bags.....you must buy them. Everyone there carries their own bags as I do now. The clerks everywhere say thank you and I have stopped not nearly enough (thousands) of plastic bags from ending up on vacant lots. The big problem now is the tour bus drivers parking for a time near a convenience store or street food vendor and just dropping the styrofoam container anywhere and leaving an excrement deposit, taking parking spaces (where I live) in residential areas every night. These buses in Pattaya are completely out of control. We really need this proposed high speed train with good reliable transport to the center of town on Beach Road. Please carry a big nylon bag folded in your hip pocket and let's try to make a difference. Also, it has been suggested to the government to follow the path of Hong Kong but the plastic bag manufacturers stand in the way. The styrofoam containers can be replaced by cardboard as they were before plastic. The cardboard degrades much faster. How can the Thai pay respects to the land by maintaining a shrine for the land and then throw plastic on it. Please Thai government, save the beauty of your country. 



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  4. 22 hours ago, over2you said:

    Whilst I am totally revolted by the man's actions. And I feel like I want to kill him.

    I can only assume that he has some very serious mental health problems. Please let's not assume about drugs and/or alcohol yet. 

    I believe the therapy should consist of a canning twice a week with his genitals exposed. This would definitely speed up his  therapeutic results. Why should these disgusting people even take up jail space? They don't deserve space on this planet. Alcohol is not an excuse.

  5. 'Tis the season. New Years in Cambodia will find many large rotisseries in front with a large dog rotating. Mine was overdone and tasteless. KC original BBQ sauce may have helped but it tasted like overdone pork. They raise Dalmatians just for this as they produce many puppies and grow fast. I saw it on many street corners in Phnom Penh. I had to eat a portion out of curiosity. I wouldn't go back for seconds. All past civilizations have eaten them. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

    Probably a rock shark

    That is the answer!

    I lived in Palm Bch, Fl., USA for 45 years, diver, fisherman and have seen some shark bites. Rocks don't produce that kind of symmetrical radius of bites. This IS a shark bite. But then look at the odds of a shark bite which is rare to the carnage on the road. Everywhere you go on Earth has its' natural dangers. Accept that when you travel. How many people have been killed by lightning strikes in the years since the last verified  shark bite. I believe the bigger threat of going in the water in Thailand is the daily Raw sewage dumped right next to tourist beaches. 

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