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Posts posted by Timebandit

  1. I used to work in engineering at DiseyWorld, Florida. The parking lot trams took more lives than any other accident. The people had been driving at 100+ KPH for hours on I-95. So they got out of the car and on a tram at 10 KPH to get first inline for tickets. Appeared to be going really slow. They would roll right into the parking lot posts and die right there in front of audience. Disney term was " Bad Show". Many things you could do in your youth you cannot do now. Images of the old European films with people running to catch a train come to mind. Humphrey Bogart leaving Paris in Casablanca. "Here's lookin' at you kid".

  2. I am from Florida, US and grew avocado, coconuts, pineapple and of course bananas. When you plant the "start" bury a large (a fist size) or two fish heads from the market and stand back! It will take a little time for the plants to discover this super nutrient. Your plants growing and producing rate will be astounding and organic and cheap. Trust me on this as Florida has nothing but ground glass for dirt.

  3. This may encourage China to make their announcement sooner than later. With China, Russia, India and Switzerland (half the World) scrambling to buying physical gold at suppressed ETF rates how long will our Zimbabwa Dollars last as king currency. The petrodollar is now circling the drain.The manipulators are running out of ammunition and when the people holding ETF's go to the redemption window the house of cards will collapse. There will be blood in the streets and precious metals will get you through this. Thailand has some gold and at the reset they could declare the baht to be 5% backed and avoid much anguish.

    Lets say you owe the bank a round million dollars for your house, car and all of your debts. If the world currencies tank and we have rampant inflation. You now owe the bank 1 billion dollars.

    Do you see why this can't happen?


  4. Nixon's government had a bank run to redeem treasuries for gold. At the head of the line was France. The U.S. refusal to return Germany's gold in front of the whole World was very revealing. Anyone who still believes there is gold in the US is a fool. That gold was sold years ago to suppress the gold price. When they ran out of gold they invented paper gold ( ETF's) in order to continue their dollar protection scheme. Let's hope that Canada and UK can return Swiss gold or that might be the catalyst for

    another financial crisis.

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  5. I rented a bike on Beach road next to the Police station some years ago before I had a Thai license. I had a USA, Florida license and the tout accepted it--- NO PROBLEM. The motorcycle had an empty gas tank so I put a gallon or so of gas in the tank for a pleasant sober few hours ride in the country. 30 seconds after buying gas I was waved over and threatened with ticket wearing the wrong color helmet for that day or noise or something. A 500 baht donation to the police orphans fund returned me to the motorcycle tout. "Give me my money back" oh no! So I ride down to walking street and circle down 2nd to return after a short stop.Tout happy with day's rental plus nearly full gas tank and his police neighbor happy with 500 Baht. Next victim not happy with a liter of coke in the gas tank.

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  6. Long time diver of 40 years in Florida and Mexico. No there are no box jellyfish in these places but other jellyfish and very venomous critters. Most venoms are protein based so I always used a meat tenderizer paste. Worked quite well, even with sea nettles. I alway carried Adolf's meat tenderizer on the boat but any brand is the same.

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