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  1. Yes but generally we are better behaved- have you been to india - i had the misfortune to travel there on business- absolute sh***le with people openly defecating in public - try it for yourself before pulling out the tired old race card
  2. Yes - you nly need to look at cambodia to see the disastrous consequences of “legal” casinos
  3. Without causing offence and having worked in Nigeria foe 6 months - are there any nigerians in Thailand that are involved in 100% legitimate business? Just asking
  4. Suspicious-?! a £220,000 car was stolen from him and he went to get it - there are details of his lease company in the British press - nothing suspicious here apart from your motive for that comment
  5. Look to Cambodia - towns have been decimated by Chinese casinos . Sihanoukville is now a s****le that makes Pattaya look like Monaco
  6. There would be no inspectors left - same if you sought out corruption in any of the xivil service here - its so endemic and people only work in government jobs for the bribes- you have to bribe someone to get the job! Etc etc
  7. Exactly- there would scooters on the track ( going in the wrong direction) etc!
  8. We only use thai rice - how many restaurants, supermarkets around the world can substitute jasmine rice for basmati rice?
  9. Perhaps you should enlighten us with the name of a single non corrupt politician globally if not in Thailand?! Sometimes better the devil you know- last thaksin reign was very prosperous for our life and businesses which we shared with our thai colleagues etc
  10. Exactly- i saw the africans arriving in the 90s staying around the back hualampng staion . I talked to a couple of them - they were there to get in early on fraud - gold , etc and then fast moved into the drug trade - but a pickpocket is still a thief- obviously he wanted to work an area where there would be drug dealers / tourists carrying cash - criminals need clearing out all of sukhumvit s****hole foreign ghetto now
  11. Are the Actual figures for deaths during construction included?
  12. It broke down, then the Chinese truck taking it to get fixed broke down, etc, etc
  13. So - his accountant, the scammer, the cyber police, etc, etc scammed from start to finish!
  14. They already do in broad daylight every day - in uniform/ suits and without the need for masks
  15. 😂😂😂……projected to….
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