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Posts posted by KK-Mike

  1. 10k baht penalty for the tourist? Are elephants banned from the city? I can already hear the upcoming howls of protest from tourists getting clipped.


    I wonder if this 10,000 baht fine is only for tourist? What about Thais feeding the

    elephants? Probably another way the Thai government has of saying "we do not like tourist"


  2. "Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

    PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

    Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

    At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

    Sgt Pepper, Thank you, finally someone has the correct information about the red and yellow

    shirts. Your entire statement is 100% correct.


  3. How often do you really need to do get a new passport or add pages? In the grand scheme of things they just added like $0.05 a month to your citizenship. Deal with it.

    I get a new passport every ten years, but I always have to add extra pages at some point during those ten years which means my ten year passport will now cost $217.00 instead of $100 not a big deal but that is more than a 100% increase. Thanks Obama, the worst ever.

    And by the way deal with it, that comes to 97.5 cents per month.

  4. Good on you mate, I left January this year, althought I didn't stay as long as you. When it's time to go, no point in hanging around.

    PS. You are probably going to get some stick from the Thai apologists on this forum :)

    Five years here also and the plane leaves March 18. Not coming back, happy to go.

  5. More security personnel, YES. But the quality of security personnel must be improved.

    Even more important, America--as well as European nations-- must revisit PC policies. Profiling

    of passengers is a legitimate security measure.

    You are absoultely right of course - but it will never happen. You suggesting it and me agreeing with it - will make us be accused (wrongly) of being racist by many people I have left behind in the UK. PC policies are here to stay.

    I cannot imagine how they will stop someone going to the toilet in the last hour of the flight :)

    This is what concerns me, when I have to pee I have to pee right now! Not an hour later!!

    I wonder what the charge will be for peeing in the floor at your seat?? I guess everyone should show up for their flight with a bed pan hanging around your neck.

  6. Just take a look at British Farang at Songkran

    In Thailand they feel there are no laws meant for them and go beserk

    So maybe its not that Thailand is so bad

    But that British tourist do not know how to control them selves

    so the heading should be


    This is 100% correct, the brits are always in trouble and they think themselves superior to everyone else. They are rude, crude and socially unacceptable.

  7. Everyone is making this too difficult

    First off find out HOW your current bank handles wire (SWIFT) transfers

    We know that you cannot not set it up before you get to Thailand but they should / will tell you what their procedures are once you get to Thailand

    Follow those instructions once your Thai Bank has given you all your account details and their SWIFT number

    Even if a US bank does not accept telephonic transfer request they most certainly will accept a FAX transfer request

    Jingthing with all due respect Citbank is the worst bank to deal with for transfers since even using their online system you must make a telephone call to obtain a code number to finish the transaction, plus they have the worst exchange rate of any bank I have ever dealt with

    E*trade for instance, only requires a fax using their form

    This is the way my US Bank works also, they have a form which I fill out and fax to them. Then in an hour I phone my bank as they require this phone call, verify with the bank that I did send the fax and the next banking day in Thailand my money has been transfered. Very easy to do.

  8. Hi, I'm a dual citizenship (thai/american). I have 2 passports , but with 2 different names. My thai passport is under my original thai name and on the US passport is under my new american name (I have changed both first and last name). I'm planning to go back thailand to visit my family and stay there for about a year. My question is , should I purchase the plane ticket under my thai name or my american name? Is it going to be an issue if the name on the ticket and the passport doesn't match? Should i get in with thai passport, us or both? Any help would be appreciated , thanks

    I'm amazed by the amount of answers you got. I understand you are flying USA-BKK-USA. So this is the correct way:

    Use your US name to purchase the ticket. Show your US passport when leaving the US.

    When arriving in Thailand, you have to show your Thai passport. If they ask for the ticket, show it, and present your US passport if they ask about the name descrepancy. You are legally carrying both passports, you have nothing to hide.

    When leaving from Thailand, you will have to present your passport and boarding pass. The names won't match; show both passports to the airline check-in counter as well as to immigration. It's nothing new for them. The exit stamp by immigration will go into your Thai passport, because you entered the country as a Thai citizen.

    When arriving in the US, only your US passport counts. This shows the same name as your ticket, so no questions will be asked.

    Remark: In Thailand (that includes entering the country) you have to use your Thai passport. So don't use the US passport just because it appears to be more convenient, especially if you are staying less than 30 days. You are a thai citizen over here, and you indeed have to use the Thai passport.



    US citizen's entering the USA with a US passport do not need a plane ticket to enter.

  9. Plea to moderators - Please make opening a bank account in thailand into a pinned topic!

    Just today we have not one but two new threads started about "what do I need to start a bank account" (here and in the business forum) ... to join the countless other pre-existing threads on the same topic.

    Doesn't anyone ever spend a few minutes either flicking through the old threads or doing a forum search before starting a new thread on this subject? All the info you need is there already

    But nope, each time we get the same "this guy in this bank said .." and then "oh, i went to that bank and they said <the other>. "Oh, that must have been a different brach then?", and on it goes.

    News flash: you don't need a work permit to open an account! Different staff in the same branch of the same bank will tell you different things about what is or isn't required. This has usually nothing to do with head office policy and everything to do with a lot of other things, including ignorance of what their own rules really are.

    Hence there is little point in saying to some newbie to go a specific bank at some location and you will be ok (i.e. because I was when I went there).

    Better advice is simply to walk along any street and try each bank you come to, you will almost certainly walk out with a passbook by about the third bank.

    Why do you care if new people ask old questions? If you don't want to read it just click on another subject and maybe you will be happier. Tho I doubt it.


    This is how to do it without SHOUTING!

    To sell gold after removing the stones is not a great thing to do if you only have a few rings...and if the gold comes from the US. Then good luck , almost no corner goldsmith will want it...you can try in the world trade center or at some of the bigger luxury shops.....what kind of stones ? What kind of gold? Weight ?...My wife makes stuff and she has a lot of training...you can pm me if you want any more advice. She is in Hawaii until Friday.

    A little sensitive today you are.

    Why do you care if the person uses upper or lower case letters?? At least you were offered some information.

  11. This is a free market. If doctors don't like the pay they get from govt hospital, they are free to go elsewhere. Why blame it on the 30 baht scheme. They reason why they stay is because they cannot get a better paid job from other hospital.

    To be fair, there are more doctors queuing up to get into the govt hospital than those wanted to leave. Becuase work condition is easy going, unlike private hospital. And they have plenti of free time to run their own money grabbing clinic.

    Two years ago we took my father in law to the 30 baht hospital for the results of the previous weeks blood work. We arrived at 8am to find we were #55 inline to see this one doctor, we sat there until 1 pm when they called his number. That one doctor saw 54 patients in those 5 hours minus his lunch break of 1 hour. The doctor told him he had prostrate cancer. They could operate and he would die or he could go home and die as well.

    I really had no faith in a doctor that can see 54 patients in 4 hours which works out to one patient every 4.44 minutes. I took father in law to Khon Kaen to a

    hospital where you pay as you go.

    In Khon Kaen they told him he had no prostrate cancer, that he had kidney problems (no he does not drink) and a week heart. They put him in ICU for 4 days ( cost me $800) when he stabilized they moved him to the Khon Kaen University Hospital which is a teaching hospital along with being a 30 baht hospital

    plus any special meds you may need. He stayed there 14 days as they flushed his kidneys and meds for heart. Two years later he is doing fine, goes back to Khon Kaen every 6 months for check up. All is okay.

    Had he stayed in hospital about 70 km away no telling if he would be alive or not.

  12. I am from the u.s. and have been living on and off in Thailand for the past four years , Nok is Thai and holds a 10 year multi entrance visa to the u.s. and has visited me once in the u.s. We now have a newborn child togeather and I would prefer reloacting home I was told by an immigration lawyer from the u.s. that Nok can come to the u.s. on the visa that she currently holds ( B1/B2) and once she arrives he can start the process for her green card and permanent resident by her and I getting married. The question that I have and if anyone had a similar experience is if he is correct ?

    We had EXACTLY the same senerio as you. We went to Immigration here in Arkansas. They gave us the packet of forms, told us to go get married and return all the forms and fees. 5 months later Noi had a green card and all is okay. We did everything ourselves. Good luck.

  13. The limit will now be 49 per cent, without exception.
    Why would that hurt the resale market?

    You won't be able to sell your condo to a farang if your building already has 49% (or more) foreign owners. So you'll have a smaller set of buyers to deal with and they will be well aware of the bind you're in, so it'll be even more of a buyers' market.

    On the other hand, if your building has fewer than 49% farang owners, you might find greater demand for your condo if it's in a location with farang-appeal.

    This post must be for Thai condo owners.

    If a farang has a condo they should be part of that 49% so how can a farang have a unit outside that 49%. Maybe a Thai being part of the 51% would have a problem selling to a farang if the 49% was full, but should not bother farangs

  14. Irrespective of whose figures you believe, the rate of fatalities on Thailand's roads is quite staggering.

    An average of 30 people die every day on Thailand's roads. This is a conservative estimate.

    I wonder how many children are killed a year riding on the front of motorbikes? Are these figures ever reported? I thought it was the duty of every goverment to protect children so if there is a law to stop chilren from being slaughtered why is this law never enforced here. Can you imgine what they would do to me if I rode a motorbike down any high street in the UK with child perched on the front of a motorbike holding on to the rear view mirrors?? Throw away the key?????

    What do you think these people can do with a child when they go shopping etc. etc. The poor on the motorbikes are doing the best they can to get through life on 200 to 300 baht per day. They do not have a car to strap that child in the back seat when they go shopping. You seem to think more laws will help save lives? You sound like you are from the government wanting to controll everyone. The other thing is they are in Thailand and not in the UK.

    Give them a break.

  15. hi,

    i am 24, i am married to a thai LADY, i have a child on the way in november(very excited)!

    i am currently on tourist visa 60days which i got from laos, i am going to apply for a 1 month extension in chiang mai.

    my first question; is there any likelyhood of getting a 1 year extension on tourist due to being here when the baby is born etc

    i have a steady but rather poor income overseas of 200 pounds 13000 badt.

    we will be moving to bangkok living with her parents who themselves have an income yearly into the millions of badt, im not sure whether this is counted in respects of family income per household? as we will be living with them????

    LETS say :o my wife has a business making and selling bags which she has an income of around 40,000- 40,150 a month and paid taxes of 2000 a month and recieved tax paperwork showing so. could this be used without any bank statements as my wife doesnt trust banks :D and be accepted for an extension of stay for 1 year. plus being married and having a child on the way??????????

    is there any other way that it would be lausible for me to get this extension?

    would this extension qualify me to do 90 day reports to consulate?

    thank you kindly for your anticipated answers.

    If you get a visa, how are you going to be married, raise a child, and live in Bangkok on 13000 baht per month?? If you can do this, you should write a book about it and become rich.

    Sorry abouting putting this in the middle of post #1 TypeO

  16. Hi

    I think I need to get out more! Whilst on one of my few trips out ...went AWOL without the boss ladies permission!!! :o

    I happened to notice stuffed effigies tied to the gates outside several houses. These are like what we would call scarecrows or Guys in the UK seem to be stuffed with straw and dressed in an assortment of clothing.

    When the boss lady was finally talking to me again she said it was a Cambodian custom to keep evil spirits away. Well its the first time in 8 years that I have seen this happen, and after discussing it with some buddies they also report sightings of this phenomenon...spooky huh! :D

    Any ideas?

    I am thinking of joining in the custom and have located a suitable basque and suspender belt for the project , just need a pair of fishnet tights now, any offers :D

    TBWG :D

    Be carefull mate or the boss lady'll have you strapped to the gate post.

    Good Point jandajoy! dressed in that getup who knows what unsavory characters I might attract :D

    TBWG :D

    I wonder what happens to that sweet little Thai lady to turn her into BOSS LADY soon after the wedding?? Almost never fails, I told mine yesterday that I did not understand that my wedding ring was to be worn in the nose, and called her boss lady. She is pissed but I don't care.

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