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Posts posted by KK-Mike

  1. Hello all,

    I came here from US with a 90 day multi entry non-imm O visa. Before the first 90 days were up I went to Vietnam. When I returned 12 days later the Immigration officer at the airport gave me another 90 days starting that day, which takes me past the date I plan to return to the US.

    My question is, did the immigration officer make a mistake by giving me a fresh 90 days?

    Thanks, mike

  2. I fail to understand the rationale behind this law. I remember when it was first being introduced, but what exactly it's all about alludes me. This much I can say, though, I think it would be easier to have a 'short-time rental' than to keep a Mia Noi and probably cheaper.

    I quite agree, If it f__ks, flys, or floats, (woman, airplane, boat) lease it. Better not to own and cheaper.

  3. You can also have a private mortagage put on the chanote for whatever money you gave the wife/girlfriend, plus I believe this can be passed on to someone othr than your wife on your death.

    It is, though, a complete removal from reality that farang believe they can have protection from Thai laws, especially when living upcountry, where the solution to such pesky problems as farang expecting to be treated fairly is to have them killed... a lot of Thai men would do the deed for free.

    And the idea that you can get rid of the wife and replace her with someone else whilst staying in the house beggars belief!

    Sorry guys, you should be buying the wife a house at local prices and writing the money off, enjoying rent free living whilst you can.

    This is the best advice of this entire thread. Do not put any money in this country you are not willing to walk away from if the situation should arise.

  4. I hope she looks into the camera at the airport! From what I've heard, I think I'd rather be in a Thai jail than a Texas one!

    Does that mean that you have been in both prisons and choose Thailand as the better of the two? Or you know some people that have been in the two prisons. From what I read you would NEVER pick Thailand prison over one in the states.

  5. I am an American Citizen, age 63, I receive Social Security payments every month and a Workers Compensation Settlement payment every month. My medical insurance is covered by Workers Comp. and when my Settlement Payments end, I will receive a lifetime pension on top of my social security. It's not rich living, but I feel very lucky to have it.

    I would like to thank Thai Immigration for making it mandatory for me to keep 800,000 Baht in a bank account in order to maintain my retirement visa. Next, I would like to thank the Property Manager who convinced me that it is actually cheaper to rent a condo than to buy one at my age. Next, I would like to thank the drunk I met in a bar who told me about the ride he got taken on when he married a Thai lady. I would like to thank the Thai Ladies for holding the line on their prices. Lastly, I would like to thank George Bush for making sure that the American economy would be sliding down the slippery slope into recession.

    I came to Thailand when the bank took my U.S. dollars for 44 Baht for each and every one I put in their hands. I put a lot of dollars in their hands.

    I hope the exchange rate keeps going in the current direction.

    I would love to buy my dollars back for 25 Baht for 1 U.S. greenback. That would give me a lot more dollars than I started with.

    Then it will be time to head off the Hawaii and spend my final years looking at those beautiful sunsets and nursing on the government tit.

    Is this fuzzy thinking? Have I got something wrong? Does every cloud have a silver lining? Is the cup 1/2 full?

    What month and year was the exchange 44 to $1 ??

  6. Hi,

    I'm currently in Thailand, mostly residing in Mahasarakham with occasional trips to BKK. I'm on a Non Imm O visa type (entered on 4th Nov 07 must exit 1st Feb 08), got the visa to care my daughter who's thai national. I'm living in Mahasarakham with my Thai partner (no married). I'm EU national.

    I'd like to extend my stay, ideally for another 90 days extension (if not a further 30 days will suffice); I need to understand if:

    1. Can I extend my visa?

    1b. If so what type of visa: another Non Imm O or a standard Tourist 30 days visa?

    2. Can I do it at an immigration office (rather than exiting & re-entering the country)?

    2b. If I can, do I need to apply at BKK the head office or can I do it at a regional office (Nong Khai a preferred location)?

    Thanks for any feedback

    I went to Nong Khai and paid 1900 Baht to extend my Non Imm O for another 30 days,30 days later went across border for another 30 days, did this twice for a total of 180 days, then returned to the states.

  7. "navy and air force up to a level comparable to neighbouring countries."

    Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos? I would have thought that Thailand's Navy and Air Force were already ahead of these countries.

    Well Laos smacked their arse last battle they had and I doubt Thailand would stand much of a chance against Vietnam

    If they really want the toys countries in the region have like Singapore they had better triple the figure they are asking for - also given the 10% or whatever they scrape off the top of any arms contract it looks like the Genrals are lining their pockets pretty much

    Your right about Thailand standing up to Vietnam, look what happened to the USA. South East Asia war games, USA came in 2nd. after loosing 58,000 people

  8. The one I saw about ghost was a family taking apart their house board by board until the house was completely down. I thought they were going to build a new house. A few days later they rebuilt the house using the same lumber to exactly the same house. I ask my wife what was going on and she explained that the house had a ghost living there, so they dismanteled the house so the ghost would have no place to live and after the ghost moved on they rebult the house.

  9. Where did they get these reports from? Who issued these reports? If they have been "receiving" reports like these for quite a while, and they were credible, then why didn't anything ever happen in Pattaya or Phuket? EVER!!

    Very simple, they signed, sealed and delivered those reports themselves. Just like the americans, they always know something will happen based on "chatter". Cry wolf comes to mind... :o


    Vikingen ? ? Why so very derogatory towards "the Americans" - must have a short memory: whenever there was any serious trouble in this world, the Americans were there first to sort-out the mess for all the rest of us, and all the while (before, during and after) subjected to the "scorn" of many . . . .

    Well; this Viking ( and I am a real one !) for one, is very grateful to the Americans, since I didn't have to grow up speaking German . . . . . .


    I owe a great debt to the Americans and state anything other than that would be totally insincere !



    you would still be speaking german if the british had not stepped in when germany invaded poland,the yanks came along far later and lent us money then troops.

    please get your history right

    and the main reason the yanks have been there first in so many conflicts is simply that they covertly started them

    You are 100% correct in your statement about the yanks. This is a fact, not fiction!!!!!

  10. the majority of TV members and Thailand farang are too old to worry about the possibility of a bomb threath. I mean, a day doesnt pass when I dont see some 60+ yo frng on the skytrain - these guys are old, so its pretty dumb to think they care about some small threath like this. To some extent, farang over 40 yo are killing thailand.

    Kind of a strange post. What makes you say this?? Why should only those under 40 worry about being killed?

  11. Why stop with the enforcement of these laws?

    Get rid of the venues promoting prostituition and limit the number of bars.

    You will get high spending and high quality tourists in return who prefer a decent drink at a nice bar to rubbing with overweight and drunk farang (male & female).

    You will get people who like to sleep at night and not to be kept up by noise.

    These low life tourists and expats who are attracted by low quality "entertainment" should not be welcome in Thailand.

    Once they are gone this will be a much better place again.

    And please spare me comments on the economic nessecity. One high quality couple looking for a quiet place, nice restaurants and boutiques will spend more than 10 charter tourists.

    I hope the Phuket authorities realize what it takes to be No. 1 in Asia in the future. If you want quality you can't have quantity.

    Its a good thing you are in the minority and who do you think you are to attack farang's??? Find you a nice quiet, expensive place and go there. I'm sure no one invited you to come to Thailand, you came by choice and now your unhappy, no one cares!!!

  12. did the 200 billion lost on propping up the thai baht have anything to do with this - i wonder? :o

    Thai baht ain't being propped up. They are doing their best to hold it down though.

    hold what down Sam thai baht to 35.06 to usd when in my opinion it should be around 45 to 1 usd after all we had a coup tsunami market drop bomb in bkk and other areas ploblems in south getting worse tourism down did I miss any thing here I am getting pissed every time I go to bkk bank and see my USD get less baht than I should be getting but like a fool I will hang in there for another year lets see now i am losing around 250 bucks a month X 12 = 3000 usd pocket change to some but it a lot of money to me as far as I am concerned I want to see the thai baht crash & burn so I can get 100 to 1 that would please me very much since the only thing I have to pay for is truck payment of 12 k every month as for those falongs with house mortgage it would help them also my two cents is used up bye for now Ronnie

    Getting more baht per USD is not going to help your problem:: If today the Baht is 33.33 to 1 USD and one beer cost 33.33 baht or 1 USD and the rate goes to 99.99 baht for 1 USD you will not be able to buy 3 beers, you will have to pay 99.99 Baht or 1 USD for 1 beer. You don't expect the beer company to sell you 3 beers for 1 USD just because the exchange rate goes to 99.99 do you??

    This will happen across the board and the Thai people will be the one's suffering.

  13. I've just been googling about and haven't found any burnt concrete cases; it certainly looks like the end of that story. Perhaps this chap, the one who told me, ought to get his college money back :D


    The reason concrete explodes is as it gets hot the air trapped inside the concrete expands and the concrete blows apart.

  14. I approach each day in this country with a simple maxim; namely that I expect to be suprised, amazed, astounded and disgusted by events I encounter. Reading this thread has managed all 4 feelings in one hit! :o

    I am happy for you that all your daily expectation's were so simply satisfied by this thread.

  15. Thaigoon is too busy justifying theft . . .

    How extraordinary of the authorities . . . I wonder what the response would be if Thai labourers here were to be given the same treatment . . .

    Concentration camp anyone? Let out during the day to work and kept locked up and in from dusk to dawn . . . amazing racist crap.

    Did you ever consider that where ever these workers come from, the conditions may be worse or no jobs at all.

    The workers know what they are getting into before they come here to work. Once here and they don't like it they can catch the bus and go back to where ever thay came from.

    Whats the big deal?

  16. :o:D :D :D


    This shows that Thailand is richer than America. I have called up and I shall be their tomorrow with my wife. Looking to meet other members tomorrow but I guess most on this board is Cheap Charlie.

    Why do you want to take a cheap shot at people on this forum that you do not know. You are worse than cheap. your an idiot.

  17. Before I start I would just say I am not a troll, I've not been active in posting but I do spend alot of time reading posts and I really do not need anyone questioning the sincerety of my post.

    For the past three days I've been trying to call my GF but not been able to get through. Then, whilst I'm sat a work, I received a text from her: "Hi james im stay the hospital now stay 1week i have something in my bran can u call now" I got the text 15 minutes before I was due to leave work and to be honest that was the longest 15 minutes of my life.

    Once I left work I phoned her and she answered straight away. I have tried to get some more details from her but, although her English is quite good, there are some things that she does not know how to communicate to me. I've managed to ascertain that she was taken into the hospital in Khon Kaen on Monday suffering some kind of blackouts/fits. She had just finished her computer course, and returned home to her small village just outside Ban Phai. When she got home she felt unwell and went to bed. She said she felt hot inside and when she went downstairs to speak to her parents she collapsed.

    She said she had another fit in the car on the way to the hospital then again when she was having her head x-rayed. She has told me that her legs don't work good, has a bad headache and has had lots of tests done including having cuts made in her neck, back and leg ?!? She has been given some sort of medication and has been told she will need to stay in for a further week.

    As I'm stuck 6000 miles away in the UK I feel totally helpless which is compounded by not knowing what is wrong with her, I've googled for hospitals in Khon Kaen and found one, but the site is all in Thai and theres little point in phoning the hospital as I only speak a few words of Thai. If anyone has any knowledge of the Hospital in Khon Kaen can they please let me know a few things:

    1) Do any of the doctors there speak good English? I've asked her to speak to her doctor and ask them to write down what is wrong with her in English so she can text it to me but she said she thinks the doctor dealing with her only speaks a little English.

    2) As there is no health service like in the UK the costs are racking up pretty fast, has anyone used the hospital in Khon Kaen and what is it like? She did mention that she may have to go to Bangkok for more tests or treatment so I assume that they must have specialist hospitals there which can treat her condition, whatever it is. How does payment need to be made (ie is it when they are released or can it be paid off later) and do they accept a SWIFT transfer? I've said I will try to send out some money I've saved to help with the costs as her family is not wealthy, they are rice farmers.

    3) Is there any farangs/wifes in Khon Kaen that can speak to the doctors to try and find out what is wrong with her? (I know in the UK you have to be a family member to find out anything, wonder if its any different in LOS.) If it is possible I can pm you her name and the room number she is staying in.

    4) Is there more than one hospital in Khon Kaen? When I asked her which one she said The Khon Kean Hospital.

    She has her family staying with her as its about an hour and a half drive from where she lives, so at least she is not on her own. She does not like hospitals as she thinks there are too many Phi and they scare her. I've tried to comfort her on the phone but when we last spoke she had to go after about 20 minutes as she said she felt sick and had to call the doctor.

    I've know her for a couple of years and have stayed in her small house in the village near Ban Phai a couple of times, I do not think this is a case of "buffalo sick" syndrome - she was taken to hospital previously about 6 months ago, she showed me the photo on her mobile phone of her sat in bed in hospital, then she was sent home as they couldn't find anything wrong with her after a couple of days of tests.

    I really don't know what to do to find out whats wrong with her so any help would be appreciated.

    Khon Kaen Hospital is an accredited hospital, Thailand has a health care system of sorts. We have a family member who is a nurse at this hospital. email me and we will try to help. [email protected].

  18. Before I start I would just say I am not a troll, I've not been active in posting but I do spend alot of time reading posts and I really do not need anyone questioning the sincerety of my post.

    For the past three days I've been trying to call my GF but not been able to get through. Then, whilst I'm sat a work, I received a text from her: "Hi james im stay the hospital now stay 1week i have something in my bran can u call now" I got the text 15 minutes before I was due to leave work and to be honest that was the longest 15 minutes of my life.

    Once I left work I phoned her and she answered straight away. I have tried to get some more details from her but, although her English is quite good, there are some things that she does not know how to communicate to me. I've managed to ascertain that she was taken into the hospital in Khon Kaen on Monday suffering some kind of blackouts/fits. She had just finished her computer course, and returned home to her small village just outside Ban Phai. When she got home she felt unwell and went to bed. She said she felt hot inside and when she went downstairs to speak to her parents she collapsed.

    She said she had another fit in the car on the way to the hospital then again when she was having her head x-rayed. She has told me that her legs don't work good, has a bad headache and has had lots of tests done including having cuts made in her neck, back and leg ?!? She has been given some sort of medication and has been told she will need to stay in for a further week.

    As I'm stuck 6000 miles away in the UK I feel totally helpless which is compounded by not knowing what is wrong with her, I've googled for hospitals in Khon Kaen and found one, but the site is all in Thai and theres little point in phoning the hospital as I only speak a few words of Thai. If anyone has any knowledge of the Hospital in Khon Kaen can they please let me know a few things:

    1) Do any of the doctors there speak good English? I've asked her to speak to her doctor and ask them to write down what is wrong with her in English so she can text it to me but she said she thinks the doctor dealing with her only speaks a little English.

    2) As there is no health service like in the UK the costs are racking up pretty fast, has anyone used the hospital in Khon Kaen and what is it like? She did mention that she may have to go to Bangkok for more tests or treatment so I assume that they must have specialist hospitals there which can treat her condition, whatever it is. How does payment need to be made (ie is it when they are released or can it be paid off later) and do they accept a SWIFT transfer? I've said I will try to send out some money I've saved to help with the costs as her family is not wealthy, they are rice farmers.

    3) Is there any farangs/wifes in Khon Kaen that can speak to the doctors to try and find out what is wrong with her? (I know in the UK you have to be a family member to find out anything, wonder if its any different in LOS.) If it is possible I can pm you her name and the room number she is staying in.

    4) Is there more than one hospital in Khon Kaen? When I asked her which one she said The Khon Kean Hospital.

    She has her family staying with her as its about an hour and a half drive from where she lives, so at least she is not on her own. She does not like hospitals as she thinks there are too many Phi and they scare her. I've tried to comfort her on the phone but when we last spoke she had to go after about 20 minutes as she said she felt sick and had to call the doctor.

    I've know her for a couple of years and have stayed in her small house in the village near Ban Phai a couple of times, I do not think this is a case of "buffalo sick" syndrome - she was taken to hospital previously about 6 months ago, she showed me the photo on her mobile phone of her sat in bed in hospital, then she was sent home as they couldn't find anything wrong with her after a couple of days of tests.

    I really don't know what to do to find out whats wrong with her so any help would be appreciated.

    Hello, We live in Khon Kaen and will try to help. I do not post often and will try the PM deal. Send me all the info you have. We have a nurse in the family but not sure at which hospital. KK_mike

  19. Cancel wedding over phone..change date of flight and stay away from her village! (problem solved)

    This is the BEST advice yet!! Why meet and stay in a hotel, where she will have more time to make your life more miserable or knife you while you sleep.

  20. Fron The Nation newspaper in Brief column 10 Jan 2007

    The government approved two key bills

    1. "allows a fiancee to demand monetary compensation from those who have sex with their partners."

    2. "allows those whose spouses are having an affair to demand money from the lover"

    You could be a rich man :o

    rEF: # 2 ABOVE. I know of a case where husband had girlfriend and wanted divorce, girlfriend and husband had to pay 300,000 baht to the wife before they could be free of the mess.

  21. Is there any way to bow out of this thing a little more gracefully? Here's the problem, one of my best friends is married to her neighbor, and the "fiancee's" family is a lot more powerful in the Moo Ban. I want to make sure that I deflect any blame from them, 'cause I know she's gonna be pissed. It's getting to be a bit like a like a soap opera -- she called me not 10 minutes ago..."Dahleeng, why you no call me?"

    How do I get myself into these things?

    What do you mean " more gracefully " Your fiance is banging her EX or someone. How gracefull is that. To hel_l with the lot of them. Like many other post, Be gracefull while RUNNING VERY FAST.

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