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Posts posted by SteveFong

  1. the cigarette and the unused condom have me thinking what I originally thought before:

    David and Hannah were getting started,

    they got interrupted by the two asians that they walked past who were smoking,

    they decided to take thee girl, and killed David first

    I have thought this the most likely scenario right from the start. The injuries to the back of Davids head and to Hannah's face suggest they were on the ground when attacked. And the bodies were found in a concealed area of the beach. It may have nothing to do with an argument in the AC bar.

    opportunity crime

    they knew they wouldnt be seen

    Precisely. A pair of sexual opportunists. After killing him they had to kill her. They probably left the island immediately.

    sadly. David and Hannah put themselves in harms way, and, it cost them their lives.

    it is amazing how a seemingly innocent act, can become so tragic, so fast.

    David may have fought, but, after being hit in the back of the head by a piece of rebar, he had no chance and was quickly drowned.

    the poor girl was then defenseless and the last 10 minutes of her life, was painful and gory.

    hopefully, her adrenalin and other chemicals caused her to feel less pain

  2. the cigarette and the unused condom have me thinking what I originally thought before:

    David and Hannah were getting started,

    they got interrupted by the two asians that they walked past who were smoking,

    they decided to take thee girl, and killed David first

    I have thought this the most likely scenario right from the start. The injuries to the back of Davids head and to Hannah's face suggest they were on the ground when attacked. And the bodies were found in a concealed area of the beach. It may have nothing to do with an argument in the AC bar.

    opportunity crime

    they knew they wouldnt be seen

  3. the cigarette and the unused condom have me thinking what I originally thought before:

    David and Hannah were getting started,

    they got interrupted by the two asians that they walked past who were smoking,

    they decided to take the girl, and killed David first knowing they had time and opportunity and possibly, a lookout

    • Like 1
  4. Quote: or to the 11 year old BOY who was raped in broad daylight a few days ago on an English street

    This has no relevance to this topic other than the fact it WAS actually REPORTED

    In this country rapes of foreigners are usually swept under the carpet so as not to affect tourism.

    It is a FACT that no woman, Thai, farang or otherwise is safe on the streets at night OR in a taxi in Thailand.

    My own little darling would NEVER, under any circumstances, contemplate getting in a taxi alone at night.

    Being Thai she is fully aware of the dangers here.

    it was a 32 year old Thai female who educated me about Thailand

  5. I believe 3 men 2 Thai and 1 foreigner were attacking Hannah and David went to save her. He is atrue


    Is the foreigner Sean?

    I dont know but. He did say he was supposed to meet David,but did not. But he was accosted at the bar after the crime. It's obvious he was very near at the time of crime. In his story . He was just quietly sitting in the bar at 4 0clock in the morning and two of bar people casually walked inand threatened to stitch him up for acrime that was committed a little bit beforehand. The bar owner says he was covered in blood splatter , Like we got as much on you as you have on us. He was seennear the scene playing his guitar. His story does not add up. The use of a condomto hide dna is a foreigner thing and he may have used two condoms which is why no sperm was found at the scene. Thai are not bright enough to plan that. Must be aforeiger

    Not a very bright comment either is it? First of all,

    "He was seen near the scene playing his guitar".

    No one saw him near the scene. People say they saw three man at the

    beach singing songs and playing guitar but I haven't read anywhere that

    the guitar player was indeed Sean.

    Now I am surprised how little "sex education" some of the TV members

    have, Anyone thinking wearing two condoms would be safer, either think

    again or apply for a job by the BIB.

    Using two condoms at the same time is actually a real bad idea as it creates

    an excess amount of additional friction and thus increases the chance that

    one or both condoms will break.

    I have never in my life met anyone who ever thought of trying to put a second condom on,

    Western people would wear a condom to practice safe sex

    a rapist that wears a condom?

    never heard a rape victime ever say, and yes, he stopped to put on the condom, and, I just waited

  6. To all travellers young and old, boycott Thailand for a while!

    If this message is put on social media maybe they'l get the message.


    Thailand is safe enough if you behave like a civilized human being, all night benders, drug taking, having sex in public, being drunk and arguing with Thais just as drunk is unnecessary risk taking and is as insulting to your own country as it is to Thailand. Thais have a short fuse,one should be aware of that. I have lived here for 9 years and have been coming here for over 25 years on a regular basis, always for months at a time and usually alone, i have never ever found myself in a dangerous situation

    tell that to all the girls that get raped by taxi drivers in bangkok

    if you were a girl, you wouldnt ever say you felt safe all the time

    • Like 2
  7. The funny/sad thing about Sean : after-only after his run and statement about the real murder etc. - only then they revealed the " blood on face story'...

    Strange, isn't it???

    Yep, and sean only come out with his story after his back was against the wall. Sounds like each side is trying to cover their own behind.

    Sean is believed to be out of the country. He is not hiding from the thai. It seems like he is on the run.

    Sean probably thought he was ok, until they threatened to kill him and pin the murder on him,

    He lived there for 18 months, so, he didnt just decide to uproot his life

  8. I suggest people stay on the twitter feeds of the reporters following this case

    I also posted on the Thailand Ex Pats page on Facebook with 24,000 members,

    We need to stay on this, and I suggest everyone make themselves known to the Facebook group

    Facebook is a dangerous lot of nonsense, in my house its forbidden.


    facebook has been a great way to communicate with friends while I traveled the world and while friends travel,

    it is also the way I stay in touch will all my musician friends and we follow each others careers,

    facebook was also also how Sean McAnna saved his own life

    guns dont kill people, people kill people

    what wrong with E-MAIL ? Why do you feel the need to 'stay in touch' 24 hours a day like some love lorn teenager,as for that muppet Sean i doubt he was ever in danger, sounds like a hysterical <deleted> to me. FB is Ok if you like being connected to the CIA 24/7 or opening yourself to scams

    the CIA?

    are you kidding?

    they have my drivers license photo and my fingerprints from the various licenses I have held in the past,

    and, now that I have gone through that machine at the airport a few times, they know which way my balls hang,

    I am not concerned about any alphabet agency tracking me on facebook because, if I want to disappear,

    I walk outside my home, or drive away on a motorbike, not registered to me, and without cell phone.

    they aren't as smart as you think

  9. I suggest people stay on the twitter feeds of the reporters following this case

    I also posted on the Thailand Ex Pats page on Facebook with 24,000 members,

    We need to stay on this, and I suggest everyone make themselves known to the Facebook group

    Facebook is a dangerous lot of nonsense, in my house its forbidden.


    facebook has been a great way to communicate with friends while I traveled the world and while friends travel,

    it is also the way I stay in touch will all my musician friends and we follow each others careers,

    facebook was also also how Sean McAnna saved his own life

    guns dont kill people, people kill people

  10. Suffice to say, the two kids are dead and their parents are not reading these threads, but the thai invesitgation people are,

    try to make useful comments or just hot the like button and scroll on

    there is no sufficient and growing pressure on the authorities and, it is growing

    every mis step now, will be broadcast to an ever widening audience

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