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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01


    These people are serious........love it.

    More of this General, you are doing a good job.

    So when can we see the Junta scrutinizing ALL the top brass of the armed forces and the widely expanded arm of the Privy Council? Honestly, if you knew how rich these guys are you would be shocked. These are the most corrupt institutions in the country!

    Until then this guy is just a patsy, a fall guy, charged only to give the military a perceived aura of respectability.


    AH ha, an expert I see.  Neither you or I will ever know, until it is brought to the forefront, just how many people are under scrutiny in the fields you have nominated.  And you even know how rich they are.  A clairvoyant as well.  .And gee, these are the most corrupt institutions in the country.  I see that you are also a fully fledged investigator and have intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the army and Privy Council.  If you have such knowledge then I suggest you contact the General aa he would be most interested seeing that he is trying his best to rid this country of as much corruption as he can.  Oh, one more thing, can you please tell me just how rich they are so I can believe you and will be shocked by your revelations.


    Firstly, this particular general has been arrested for suspicion of extortion after complaints from street vendors and after an investigation had taken place.  He is, however, innocent until proven guilty before the courts.  He does although, have a little problem with his alleged admission of collecting funds for the  owners of the copy written goods.  I just hope he still has the cash otherwise he will find it hard to explain why he does not. 


    As for being a patsy, a fall guy, what are the other four civilians arrested over the same matter?  I suppose they too are patsy and fall guys, charged only to give further credibility to the Junta's actions.  Fair Dinkum, in the past two months the Junta, in particular, the General, has proved to have more respectability in his little finger then you  have in your whole body.


    You are entitled to your opinion but give us a break with your one sided outlook on what is happening here.  Are you actually living in Thailand or just a disgruntled troll writing garbage that has no foundation.  Substantiate you BS comments and I will be the first to apologise. In addition, it is also an offence to criticize or defame the Junta and with your post you are getting very close in doing that.  One only has to read between the lines to see what you are intimating.      

  2. I have only been a TV member for a short time and have never seen anyone pushing the elite card as you suggest. I might not bee reading the correct sections of TV so I would like it pointed out where I can see the postings you are referring to.

    I have been back and forward to Thailand for over a decade and first applied to retire here in 2010 and received permission to stay within three months after depositing the necessary 800,00.00 baht. I moved and settled here permanently in 2013. Every year prior to moving here and since then I have obtained the yearly extension and a multiple re-entry visa and have never had a problem reporting every 90 days.

    I was ignorant of the elite Card until I saw a few referrals to it over the past month but I have never seen any of the so called Hi So's you are referring to pushing their barrow on this matter. I have never seen the need for an Elite Card for myself but then I am only an average Joe Blow and maybe this card is beneficial for younger persons who are unable to retire here but are fortunate enough to have substantial assets to start a business or invest here.

    I planned my retirement and although not rich, I am living very comfortably in North East Thailand. I have retained funds in my home country, Australia, and receive a little interest each month that pays some of my monthly accounts. I was one of those rich bastards that you seem to loath so much but lost most of my money when the share market collapsed in the GFC but with what I still have you might think I am a Hi So.

    You accuse others of being bitter whilst you are crying in your milk about life as it exists for you. I think you should understand the old saying, if the cap fits, wear it because from what I read of your post, you are the bitter one and obviously jealous of what others have been able to obtain. If you have come to Thailand to live and retire and are now living hand to mouth then you have only yourself to blame, please do not blame others for your failures.

    I will never tell you or anyone else what I have in assets but even though I had problems in the GFC I survived and have been able to put aside enough to own everything I have, have no debts whatsoever and live a very comfortably in this wonderful country. Sure, there are many things that I think the Thais could be a bit lenient on for us Farangs but as I elected to retire here I find no difficulty in abiding by their rules, some of which do leave a little bit to desire, but that is life and I am getting on with it.

    May I suggest you do the same and stop being bitter against successful people. I can tell you if I had ten million baht there is not way I would invest it in Thailand at 2.75% interest, as through negotiations I can get around 4.5% in Australia. But before you go off, I definitely do not have that amount. There may well be people on here like you say but to each his own and if you can see through them then there is no need for you to display you envy and distaste of them.

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  3. I ran into the same issue recently, only in my case we're not talking about 9 baht, but nearly four times that amount. The manager was useless (in on it?), so have consulted a lawyer about next steps to take. She seems to think a class action suit is possible, but obviously we will need to find the other victims that are surely out there, and get them onboard. In the meantime I've set up a website to help get the word out and hopefully stop this kind of fraud happening again www.justiceforourstamps.com (try it without the www if it doesn't work).

    Are you for real? I don't think so, you have to be a troll or, if not, are you just looking for your five minutes of fame? A whole 36 baht and you have consulted a lawyer. So you want to instigate a possible class action? You have set up a website? What are you hoping to gain from a matter that is unlikely to see the time of day in a court of law.

    What would this type of action cost? By the sound of it a lot more than you have, as firstly, you want to collect stamps for cheap junk, secondly you need to seek others to bear the costs. Please don't tell me that the lawyer has offered to prosecute your alleged case for a No win, No fee charge. Make sure of your facts or you could end up on the wrong end of a suit, which would cost you more than I expect you have in assets or maybe you could use you stamps tomeet any costs incurred.

    You must be a member of the Litigation Sect or just someone who has little or no common sense, the latter I would suggest. If you and the original OP are so sensitive about not receiving your stamps just give me your address and if he wants to provide his I will send my stamps, divided evenly between you, so that you will be able to sleep of a night and never again be anxious when you do not receive those very valuable stamps.

    Please give me a break and get a life, surely you have more important things to worry about. And do not give me the tripe that I am condoning fraud or theft, as I am not but all this trouble for stamps for which you can only redeem cheap rubbish products. it is obvious that both you and the original OP are nothing but Cheap Charlies and would complain about anything so tonight go to bed early, have good sleep and please get out of bed on the correct side.

  4. Hello, the What if: I am not going to do it brigade are out in force.


    The law is at it states but it appears some of you think you are above the law and do not have to follow the rules of your host country.  I am not going to!  I will pay the fine.  Who cares what you want to do, I am sick of the way people carry on about the rules and regulations. Can you tell me why you have an attitude such as this?


    In countries all over the world you are required to carry your original passport.  Trot off to some of the extremist countries and see how far you attitude gets you and not having a passport on when stopped and checked.  No fines and  I can assure you and their gaols are not very nice.  Honestly, you have more chance of being run over by a bus then you have of losing or having your passport stolen.  Didn't your mummy teach you how to be careful and aware.  Obviously not from the rants on here 


    You have elected to come and live in this country, no one invited you so abide by the bloody rules.  You all know what you can do if you do not like the situation.  Everyone came here for a reason but unfortunately some of you brought your poor attitudes and that chip.  Get rid of them both, play by the rules, instead of trying to beat them and maybe, just maybe, you will have an enjoyable time living here.

  5. It is refreshing to see that at least someone is thinking about reducing corruption. Remove the statute of limitations, put in harsher penalties and actually charge someone and imprison them in an attempt to put deterrents in place for others, however, to impose the law on seven generations? I am not sure.

    If it can be proven that the children, I mean adult children, the wife and possibly their extended families have been actively engaged in corruption and/or have knowingly profited through the others misdeeds, then yes, subject them to the full extent of the law. It is harsh to prosecute or blacklist a felon's children, especially when they are under the age of reason or knowing right from wrong. Also, just because one person is corrupt, it does not mean their extended family is in the same boat.

    It is however, well known in the west that many crime families groom their children to take over from them as they age so the authorities must be able to substantiate their actions through direct factual evidence before proceeding on and subjecting some seven generations to these laws, if they are ever implemented. There is no doubt however, that similar families exist here in Thailand and if one can prove corruption beyond a reasonable doubt and they are found guilty in a court of law, then to provide punishment of future generations through the confiscation of their assets would be a start.

    However, in this day and age, the thinking criminal, not their stooges, secrete funds in various banks accounts overseas in an attempt to thwart investigators following the paper trails. Having been in law enforcement and criminal investigations for over 30 years during which time I was involved in many a successful prosecution for fraud and other money laundering offences, I noted a genuine trend of certain ethnic nationalities making huge profits through their entire familiy's criminal activitiy and no doubt this would be occurring here in Thailand.

    Politicians from my country, Australia, are becoming noticeably involved in corrupt activities and through their positions, on occasions, have been able to stay under the radar. it is now known that one of our recent ex-prime ministers is alleged to have been involved in fraudulent activities, as one of the accomplices has been singing like a canary. There has recently been a number of investigations into other politicians and union leaders, a number of which have been found guilty in a court of law and given gaol time. The most recent matter was that of the prior governments' ex-speaker, he himself a lawyer, who only last week was found guilty of fraud but is yet to be sentenced. He even tried to distance himself from his actions by suggesting to the court he was suffering from depression as the time.

    There are also now a number of Royal Commissions in action and maybe Thailand needs something similar where witnesses are compelled to answer questions. They should also have phone taps and the like. When I was working, we knew the answers before asking the questions owing to this aspect and the use of surveillance. None of this BS about I cannot remember or it wasn't me, I was made to do it. Also forget the inaction of the courts, where because the criminal has not had prior convictions or a term of imprisonment, they receive leniency and have the gaol time reduced to a bond. On many occasions it is just that they have not been caught before.

    I'd say that Thailand, under this General, the military and the decent people that we now see acting for the benefit of the country and its people, needs to be given a go and we must understand that their culture and laws are far different from those of the west. In fact corruption has been the norm of many generations. In time, no doubt, corruption will be reduced but never eradicated and it will not occur in my life time or that of the next two or three generations. Wherever their are substantial amounts of money to be made through nefarious activities corruption will always flourish as money gives power and power corrupts. But given time and the efforts of decent people then I believe that it is possible for corruption to be reduced as will the infliction of bribery and other associated crimes. It does however, need an energetic and honest police force and one with the knowledge and experience to tackle the criminals head on and without fear or favour. Clean out those who are corrupt, give the various departments the manpower and tools to act on this and then, and only then, will the people start to reap the benefits of a lawful country. Two thing Thailand desperately needs is to get rid of the "saving face " attitude and "mai pen rai". then I believe you will see progress.

  6. "The two suspects were identified by police as Natthapan Loombangla, 40, a motorcycle taxi-driver working at Petchaburi Soi 5, and Charoen Promchart, 38 who works at Rama IX road."

    Personally, I read that as 3 persons... however........... facepalm.gif

    Can you count or am I missing something? It refers to two people who have been identified by Police. One is 40, the other 38. Where is the third one. Is he hiding under a rock somewhere?

    Someone is being pedantic about the comma placement.

    1. Natthapan Loombangla, 40,

    2. a motorcycle taxi-driver working at Petchaburi Soi 5,

    3. and Charoen Promchart, 38...

    Not being pedantic, just thought I was reading the article incorrectly. It specifically relates to two suspects and then identifies them. There is no incorrect placement of a comma. If one was to refer to a third person in the sentence I would imagine it would state three suspects arrested. As far as I can see a third alleged offender, Krisda Chaikae, is apparently on the run and has sought refuge in a neighbouring country.

  7. "The two suspects were identified by police as Natthapan Loombangla, 40, a motorcycle taxi-driver working at Petchaburi Soi 5, and Charoen Promchart, 38 who works at Rama IX road."

    Personally, I read that as 3 persons... however........... facepalm.gif

    Can you count or am I missing something? It refers to two people who have been identified by Police. One is 40, the other 38. Where is the third one. Is he hiding under a rock somewhere?

  8. "I know of an emergency sale of land at a darn good price about 1/3 below market value if I was to sell it immediately!.---DerekMarshall"

    You can put the title deed in my Thai fiends name Derek-----everything will be OK....... Trust Me....................... coffee1.gif

    "Thai fiends name Derek "

    Not sure that your Thai acquaintance would like being called a "fiend."

    The poster appears to have left out a comma and it should have read, "you can put the title deed in my Thai friend's name, Derek." The name of the original poster. With the additional being added, " everything will be OK Trust me." I would say this poster is making a statement with tongue in cheek. I think maybe fiend is a typo and now you are trying to make a humorous statement.

  9. I cannot believe what some of you posters are on about. Bitching about how many people are being sent by Australia to assist in the recovery. You know who you are so I will not give you oxygen by listing your name in my response. First off, are you Australian and do you pay tax. If not wake up and keep your despicable responses to yourselves and do not insult the memories of the families of those lost. Before you go on another rant, I am an Australian, proud of it and paid taxes until I retired here in Thailand. I have no objection whatsoever to how many people our Prime Minister is sending. He is proving to be a very compassionate person and a true statesmen. In addition, do not forget that what is happening is being planned by a special force of military and civilian personnel, none of whom are idiots and have far more expertise then you. Also, they are waiting on approval from the Ukraine Government for the personnel to be allowed to enter the area. Further, your knowledge of the situation appears very limited as this operation falls under the auspices of the Dutch Government and has received unanimous approval of the UN, including Russia.

    Secondly, have you ever been involved in search and rescue and the securing of a crime scene. And don't forget this scene covers an area of some 50 odd kilometres. Well I have been and being in law enforcement for over 30 years and responding to crime scenes and the securing of them I have some idea of what is required. There are many fields of specialists that are required and being in a war zone security is the utmost importance. It is abundantly clear that you are ignorant of what is required in securing a scene in a hostile area and what is required to protect investigators whilst they search for evidence to hopefully, prosecute those involved in what could be classified as a war crime.

    We have already seen personal effects being stolen and bodies being moved so the personnel being sent, in my opinion, is justified. Or heaven forbid, do you people condone the initial atrocity and those being perpetrated after the event. Show respect for the families and the dead and if you feel that your body is only a vehicle then all I can say that from your writings you should seek some repairs to it so at least you can become a thoughtful and civilised human being.

    I joined the forum to keep abreast of what is happening here in Thailand and around the world and I have read many posts that are clear, concise and well written as they contain facts, not moronic statements like a couple of you have posted. If you cannot say anything constructive backed by facts, not guesses, assumptions or hearsay then I suggest you do not post offensive and distasteful remarks on this or any other forum.

    In conclusion all I can say is that you must have a lonely and poor quality lifestyle as what you have written only highlights the flaws in your character and lack of knowledge of the subject you elect to comment on. If you cannot articulate your comments then don't post garbage.

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