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Posts posted by jackted

  1. This will sound offensive, but it`s not meant to be. You don`t come out for 10 years and that`s your guide on whether tourism is down or not? I mean what an idiotic post. I have many friends, along with myself, with tourist dependent businesses across many parts of Thailand and let me tell you for a FACT...tourism is down. But `down` compared to what? well certainly last year for a start.....massively.

    Like I said, I really don`t mean to sound rude, but unless you have a business relying on tourists you just aren`t going to understand.

  2. They have no problems granting themselves amnesty. But God forbid that anyone else gets its. Where is Suthep now. Why isn't he protesting this amnesty. Oh, I forgot he hiding behind a orange robe.

    Bob... get a life..! I have lived here almost 13 years and have Never seen Thai people so happy.... open your eyes... Thaksin has gone... get over it..!!! And as you and I are Farang, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with us... Next ! wai2.gif

    You`re right that as a farang it has absolutely nothing to do with us......but you`ve `never seen Thai people so happy`? Really? Are you serious? What planet are you from? i`m curious to know where in Thailand you live? You may have been here 13 years but playing that card....`I`ve been here a long time` don`t wash with me. How can you possibly know Thais are so happy now?

    • Like 1
  3. These are desperate times for anyone with a business dependent on tourism in Thailand, whether they rely on Chinese, Russian or any other tourist. The fact is ALL tourist numbers are down compared with previous years. It`s unfair to tarnish all Russians or Chinese with the same brush. But again, as other members have said, the majority of Chinese tourist are controlled where they stay, go and eat And if you aren`t part of that you won`t see their money. Most Russians are ignorant, rude etc etc. But their currency has crashed and they just aren`t here in their numbers.

    Expat friends of mine who`ve been here for years say `teflon thailand`. It`s bounced back from coups, tsunamis, floods etc etc. But this time IS different. the military have been in power longer and tourism has been hit for well over a year now. And there is now light on the horizon that things will change.

    If I didn`t have a business here i would say Thailand deserves everything it gets as far as tourism is concerned. But I do. And it`s a massive worry. Where is the light at the end of this dark tourism tunnel? As some of you know I have a business on Koh Chang. I haven`t spoken to one person who isn`t suffering. With clever minds thailand `could` recover.....but I fear Thailand as a horspot dsetination is and maybe finished....and as `coulda country

  4. Google The Mirror or The Sun, infact any UK tabloid newspaper they have contact telephone numbers for anyone with a story that would be publishable in their paper.

    You could try AFP and Reuters as they have reporters living in Thailand.

    You will also get a pay cheque for it and get your story published worldwide to millions.

    If you do though you will probably have to leave Thailand for your own safety.

    Thanks for suggestions. My wife and all her family are Thai. After living here the gloss has definitely gone off but I still prefer here much more than home. So it wouldn`t be worth the risk if I had to leave thailand.

  5. So here we have a place where the Thai army has no power and influence, that's interesting.

    I met with the top Army guy on the island. He rang the police and told them to come down to see him......they said "No". And that`s that. How the hell is that sorting out corruption?

  6. Didn't this junta government claim they'd set up some kind of avenue for complaint about society, and then like magic a poll popped up saying something like 80-90% of issues people had raised had been solved? Try that. There's been at least two threads here on the topic as described.

    The reason there is 2 topics is this. I 1st posted it in Thailand News - it got moved to computers/internet/communications/technology

    So I reposted it under General news begging the Moderators NOT to put it in a section where it would get less views

    Surely KIDNAPPING - ASSAULT - ROBBERY & A DEATH THREAT...... is a little bit more worthy than the blooody computer section?

    Ah well if the death threat is real maybe if I`m bumped off it will be in a more visible thread!

    Still it`s not like foreigners have been murdered in Thailand before over such matters is it? I mean who gives a f89k about one more brit & his family. Maybe something will or wont happen to me and my family. Maybe it is scare tactics. But if it was your family wouldn`t you do everything in your power to protect them and get help?

    • Like 2
  7. Contact your embassy.

    What nationality are you?

    Do you have actual CCTV evidence or not?

    2 days ago I suggested involving the press- Where are you with that?

    I contacted my embassy -they can do nothing

    I am British

    I cannot comment on the crucial CCTV footage

    I have contacted Andrew Drummond.I have contacted a lawyer (not mine- who didn`t want to know); I contacted CTH and posted on their website. I am about to contact The Bangkok Post and a friend is about t get me the Directors contact details for a publication in Pattaya. I have also been given the suggestion Channel 3.

    You suggested that 2 days ago. A meeting was arranged for 3pm yesterday. We waited and waited as I thought that was going to happen. It didn`t. So I didn`t contact anyone at that time. Last night I worked at my restaurant, I also have a scared wife and baby to look after. But I am making progress as you can see.....but as yet no one has helped.

  8. Has a formal complaint been lodged with the Police about this alleged KIDNAPPING, ASSAULT & ROBBERY ?

    What help are you expecting to receive from a forum?

    Koh Chang is small island. I can`t report ot too the police.....they were part of the gang that kidnapped us!

    There`s no "alleged" about it. It happened, it was terrifyingly real. I have proof and witnesses.

    I have reached out in desperation to lots of people. I have never been in this situation. I have no idea what to do. The Army seem powerless. The British Embassy can do nothing. I reached out to this forum to see if any members had any advise on what the hell I should do. I am scared for my family.

    What`s your advice for me and my family?

    Err, get off the island, move, vamos, get the hell out of Dodge...

    Besides that, I'm not sure what you think anyone on TVF can do for you...

    You might be right cowboy....but who then runs my restaurant?

    So you don`t think there is anyone on TVF that can help? Nobody has been through something similar before? You may be right. Worth a try though right when I`m so bloody desperate and frightened or shouldn`t I have bothered?

  9. Pack up and Move for you and your family's safety...

    Yes that has obviously crossed my mind..... but my main income source is my restaurant based here (I leave - who runs that?), I just built a house here (what happens to that?)...my life and friends are here...Of course the safety of my family is paramount but it`s just not as simple as `packing up and moving`

  10. Why can't these two threads be merged into Thailand News? Surely a larger audience could help this family.

    Social media is a powerful tool here in Thailand. If you do have CCTV evidence, post the clip on as many important Facebook pages (with links to these threads) as you can. I'd begin with the CTH Facebook page....

    Because maybe it does not belong in Thailand news. So far we only heard the story from a desperate person. I'm not sure if its true or not but the first thinkg he should do is contact a lawyer or the real police,

    Or the Thai media , they would love to print this if its true.

    Or he could contact some of his friends , or even other locals he know to follow this up . This is just a forum , if he has no other options I suggest he contact one of the administrators here and leave his phone number so they can find a trustworthy person in his area to try to help .

    1 It is true. My staff, customers and friends witnessed me leave with what I thought at the time were real agents from CTH and the 2 police officers that work at Chai Chet Police Station. We have photographic proof. Once at he police station the police departed leaving us in the hands of thee thugs. They made sure we could not take footage. Where they made me take out money from my ATM they were skilled enough to be away from the CCTV of the ATM. I made several calls to fiends whilst we were kidnapped but had to stop because they tried to take my phone. Bravely when my wife was alone in the main police station she got off a sneaky photo of one of the gangsters inside the police station

    2. I did contact my Thai lawyer several times. This happened late Saturday evening and he didn`t want to know. He will be replaced.

    3. I have no experience of this or contacting Thai media. By not taking this lying down like all businesses do here I am not making myself popular with these gangsters or the police. I don`t know which media is the best to contact or who. I a about to contact The Bangkok post. But I have no idea if that would be the best option or not

    4I have contacted my friends. Most of them say `well that`s just part of business life here. You get shake downs, pay a fee, suck it up`. A few have said take it further like to the Army here. I did but they seem in no hurry to do anything about it.

    5 I will leave my number if I can get a trustworthy contact with some clout who can do something about this

  11. Has a formal complaint been lodged with the Police about this alleged KIDNAPPING, ASSAULT & ROBBERY ?

    What help are you expecting to receive from a forum?

    Koh Chang is small island. I can`t report ot too the police.....they were part of the gang that kidnapped us!

    There`s no "alleged" about it. It happened, it was terrifyingly real. I have proof and witnesses.

    I have reached out in desperation to lots of people. I have never been in this situation. I have no idea what to do. The Army seem powerless. The British Embassy can do nothing. I reached out to this forum to see if any members had any advise on what the hell I should do. I am scared for my family.

    What`s your advice for me and my family?

  12. I am asking the administrators of TV to place this story on a more prominent site URGENTLY before it is too late


    Me, my pregnant wife and 19 month old son are under serious threat for daring to do something.....maybe the oxygen of publicity will save us


  13. CTH called us twice today to tell us they were on there way to Koh Chang for the meeting. They called wanting our bank details to transfer the 60,000 baht that was stolen from us. We gave them an account with next to nothing in, just in case this was yet another scam. The meeting at 3pm never happened, the transfer never happened! CTH are now not answering the phone. But both the Bangkok Post & The Nation would like to publish this story. All parties have until tomorrow to honour what they promised.

    We have been kidnapped, assaulted & robbed. Just when it seemed some sort of justice might miraculously happen.........nothing. Come on guys. For a Buddhist country with guys supposedly trying to address corruption this is yet another shame on you. Please follow through on your promise.

    You know jackted. When I read how your start posting here I think you are one of these good guys who are in good faith with people and maybe porbably never experienced anything like this before. I can tell you that this things happens so regularly in Thailand and you are getting scammed everywhere here. Not just farangs...Thais also get scammed by Thais.

    The thing is that many foreigner are "still" in good faith and then just accept how it is. Ok 60k THB is gone maybe... you and your family still live. But if you don't react now, you will be a victim again. If these people know that you just gave them 60k they will come and do it again.

    Please be strong and fight!,,

    Look my life is to work hard at my business and take care of my family. I keep a low proflle and don`t cause a problem to anyone. I have read all about these type of scams but when its happening to you for the first time it takes a while to sink in. Once the police had us they abandoned us to over 20 thugs. I was totally in their hands and defenceless to protect my wife & son. I felt totally violated & victimized.

    Virtually everyone here has said take it on the chin..."That`s Thailand they say. Maybe true. Well I have started to do something. And the more I do the more threats we are getting. The scammers, CTH and the police do not want this foreigner to tell others about this crime and their corruption.

    I am strong and fighting....but I have to consider the risk to my business and family.

    Who the hell is going to help or protect us?

    Thee PM / General / Dictator talks a good talk about stamping out corruption. This example of corruption couldn`t be easier to stop........ We have proof, we have witnesses, the scammers are still here, we have records of ATM withdrawls we have a statement placing people at the scene albeit a fake account

  14. CTH called us twice today to tell us they were on there way to Koh Chang for the meeting. They called wanting our bank details to transfer the 60,000 baht that was stolen from us. We gave them an account with next to nothing in, just in case this was yet another scam. The meeting at 3pm never happened, the transfer never happened! CTH are now not answering the phone. But both the Bangkok Post & The Nation would like to publish this story. All parties have until tomorrow to honour what they promised.

    We have been kidnapped, assaulted & robbed. Just when it seemed some sort of justice might miraculously happen.........nothing. Come on guys. For a Buddhist country with guys supposedly trying to address corruption this is yet another shame on you. Please follow through on your promise.

    Sorry to hear your sad story. being in such a situation with a little child and a pregnant wife's changing a lot.

    Would that be in lower northeast, I could give you the address of a very good lawyer. Have you ever considered to check your options?

    No idea if the tourist police can be of any help, as they might be part of the package.

    Whatever your decision will be, wish you best of luck from lower northeast. wai2.gif

  15. This story deserves to be in a more prominent position on this forum. Surely this is important Thailand News. Did you pursue your options with the CCTV footage? Thai press? This is just plain wrong. Go up the food chain....(Keep any original copies of CCTV footage in a safe place!)

    Me, my pregnant wife & 19month old son were kidnapped, assaulted and robbed by thugs and the police

    I posted this on Thailand news - it was moved - surely to God this deserves more publicity TV?

    Because we have tried to take some action we are now being watched and my business & family are under serious threat. We need help.

    I went to the top Army man in Koh Chang he called the police but they refused to come. CTH called to arrange a meeting yesterday in Koh Chang at 3pm and said they would transfer our money back......the meeting never happened and not did the transfer. CTH deny making any such arrangements now.

    I have posted this on the CTH FB. There are media channels I could pursue. I have never been in this position before. I have a totally legal business. My wife is Thai, my son was born here. We pay our taxes correctly and yet we have this horrific crime committed on us and no one can help.

    Because I haven`t just accepted this scam the police here are not impressed and I am serious when I tell you we are very scared.

  16. CTH called us twice today to tell us they were on there way to Koh Chang for the meeting. They called wanting our bank details to transfer the 60,000 baht that was stolen from us. We gave them an account with next to nothing in, just in case this was yet another scam. The meeting at 3pm never happened, the transfer never happened! CTH are now not answering the phone. But both the Bangkok Post & The Nation would like to publish this story. All parties have until tomorrow to honour what they promised.

    We have been kidnapped, assaulted & robbed. Just when it seemed some sort of justice might miraculously happen.........nothing. Come on guys. For a Buddhist country with guys supposedly trying to address corruption this is yet another shame on you. Please follow through on your promise.

    Sorry to hear your sad story. being in such a situation with a little child and a pregnant wife's changing a lot.

    Would that be in lower northeast, I could give you the address of a very good lawyer. Have you ever considered to check your options?

    No idea if the tourist police can be of any help, as they might be part of the package.

    Whatever your decision will be, wish you best of luck from lower northeast. wai2.gif

  17. CTH called us twice today to tell us they were on there way to Koh Chang for the meeting. They called wanting our bank details to transfer the 60,000 baht that was stolen from us. We gave them an account with next to nothing in, just in case this was yet another scam. The meeting at 3pm never happened, the transfer never happened! CTH are now not answering the phone. But both the Bangkok Post & The Nation would like to publish this story. All parties have until tomorrow to honour what they promised.

    We have been kidnapped, assaulted & robbed. Just when it seemed some sort of justice might miraculously happen.........nothing. Come on guys. For a Buddhist country with guys supposedly trying to address corruption this is yet another shame on you. Please follow through on your promise.

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  18. We met with the army and top bosses from CTH have contacted me. A meeting has been arranged tomorrow. It sounds too good to be true but we have been promised certain things, so we will see.

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  19. If you have paid for a commercial license from CTH then they should have provided you with the paperwork and a sticker to show that you have paid.

    The normal CTH monthly fee only covers viewing in a private residence. Viewing in bars or restaurants and other commercial properties requires an additional monthly payment. I believe that the additional amount due depends on the number and size of the TV s served.

    CTH do not issue licences.

    We do pay CTH the extra monthly rates for 2 TVs which allows us to show it in our restaurant

    We have paperwork from them which in effect is a contract

    CTH did not issue us with a sticker which I will take up with them but in anycase there is no legal requirement to show it.

  20. A scam related to the broadcaster CTH is happening now on Koh Chang

    A dozen plain clothes guys with CTH name badges came to my restaurant in the evening accompanied by 2 police offices. They said we did not have the correct licence to show EPL football and nor did we display a CTH sticker. They were very polite.My business is totally legit and all documents as far as I know are up to date.They allowed us to take pictures of them their ID badges and acknowledged we had CCTV. CTH do not answer the phone at night.

    I have never had any trouble with the police before or been scammed and so we were asked just to pop 5 minutes down the road to the local police station to sort out paperwork. I saw nothing wrong. I went with my pregnant wife & 19 month old son. Once we arrived at the police station all the police left and the CTH guys demanded 60,000 baht. I got in my car to leave and they dragged me, my wife and son out the car. They frog marched me to an ATM.

    There were by now over 20 guys claiming to be from CTH but the mood was very ugly and threatening. Nobody else was around excpet these thugs and my family. I thought 60,000 would be a small price to pay to get away from these guys. But no. They forced us into my car and 2 guys also got in and took us to the main police station an hour away. When we arrived there were no police just more `CTH` thugs. My wife was taken into an office to sign what turned out to be a fake account of what happened. I was forcibly made to stay with my son outside. In the early hours of the morning we were told in no uncertain terms to go.

    So yes this is a scam. Others were wiser and didn`t leave their premises, others like me ended up paying. But none were assaulted like my family or paid 60,000. It was very traumatic but what can I do? The police were in on it. CTH the following day confirmed we are legal and a CTH sticker is not necessary and of course these thugs do not work for them.

    We have approached the top army guy here. He seemed to listen sympathetically, he even called and asked the police to come down - they refused. His superior is coming down from Bangkok on Tuesday so we will have a further meeting to present our evidence.

    I must admit I am not optimistic anything will happen. These thugs are still on the island, with the approval of the police. Will the army have the stomach, manpower, acumen to address this corruption? By Tuesday these thugs will have left Koh Chang.

    The prime minister talks a good talk about stamping out corruption. This for me is a clear case, easily provable and the culprits are here to arrest. It couldn`t be simpler.

    My feeling is that `corruption` amongst the police and others is endemic in Thai society. It will need more than just a few arrests. IMHO it would take years and years for the mindset amongst other things to change before most corruption is eliminated.

    So if you are showing premiership football in your bar / restaurant be aware of these scammers.

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