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Posts posted by jackted

  1. Good article. In terms of the probable election delay, it will make little difference. Thailand never has had a system anywhere near resembling democracy and even with an election it won`t be any nearer. Enshrined in The Constitution is that at least 50% of the NLA will be from the military, thus blocking anything they don`t like. The power has always been with powerful families, the military and another institution and will be for the foreseeable future. The irony is that the majority who elect a government will have no real say in that government least of all help. There are no independent bodies to assist in a democratic process like civil service, judiciary, police. And last of all whoever has, is or will run Thailand will be corrupt, as it is endemic in Thai society.

  2. On 3/7/2017 at 5:56 PM, phuketjock said:

    You have 4 years experience running a restaurant, can you please tell me what % of 

    your monthly takings i.e. total till receipts for the month you would expect as reasonable


    The restaurant business is notoriously difficult to predict accurate monthly figures. Especially in Thailand where it`s seasonal and tourism has been down for the last 2 years. I look for a 20% net monthly profit.....but don`t always get it! Lol.

  3. I need advice on any strategies to get a longer business lease than my current one for 12 months.


    My business, a restaurant, is for sale but prospective buyers won`t take the risk with the short lease.


    The restaurant has been established for 8 years, originally on a renewable 3 year lease. However, the landlord made all his tenants switch to a 1 year lease  18 months ago. Because there were plans to knock several businesses down and build a plaza (which we could then rent again after completion). So far this hasn`t happened and management say `there are no now plans`. I don`t believe that 100%


    We are a good tenant paying rent, electric & water every month and on time & maintaining the premises. I`ve never met the billionaire landlord, who rarely visits the area. All communication is through lower management. I have asked several times and even written a letter in Thai to be passed on to the owner requesting a longer lease. All requests met with a "No".


    It maybe nothing will make the landlord give a longer lease, but to sell my business, I have to try. I think the key is the landlord but can`t think of how to get a win:win agreement. Or even how to make a better approach.


    So any serious suggestions on how I could approach this would be most welcome.


  4. I agree, BKK is much safer now since the coup.

    and the bombing at the Erawan shrine?

    Thailand is not just about Bangkok. Yes the awful indiscriminate shootings have stopped, so to an extent that is a good thing.But if you get yourself around the country you will find a simmering discontent in many parts. Whilst the army hold the rifles it may `seem` safe but if long standing issues are not addressed there may well be a return to violence.

    Oh and before the coup there were no bombings? Is that what you're trying to say? (No)

    At least the political groups don't kill eachother anymore on the streets of BKK.(True) Corruption is being stopped (It isn`t) international rules are being applied (They aren`t - E.g fishing industry), there's investment in public transport and watermanagement (still too slow buy allright)(true). The farmers are all paid now (they`re not) (on cost of the normal taxpayers), things like the lottery are organised better (no it isn`t), police is being reformed (no they are not...and never will), human trafficking and slavery is stopped (no it hasn`t).

    Outside BKK they suffer from the drought, that's the risk of all farmers around the world (true). Also all fishermen around the world have to obey rules (True- but for too long Thailand hasn`t & still isn`t). Yes every kid starts crying when it isn't allowed to do something for the first time of it's life.

    Since the coup the police never demanded a bribe from me, i like that. (Ah if only that fairy tale applied to all - the police continue to take bribes and are still corrupt - one of my examples? Being scammed, assaulted, robbed & kidnapped by mafia & police - true story. Check out my post in February about it)

  5. I agree, BKK is much safer now since the coup.

    and the bombing at the Erawan shrine?

    Thailand is not just about Bangkok. Yes the awful indiscriminate shootings have stopped, so to an extent that is a good thing.But if you get yourself around the country you will find a simmering discontent in many parts. Whilst the army hold the rifles it may `seem` safe but if long standing issues are not addressed there may well be a return to violence.

  6. I really do wish my business and livelihood wasn`t dependent on tourism. But it is, which is why these `words` to me are meaningless in the real world. Actions speak louder than words. And,though I`m no expert, I see tourism has plummeted, the economy declining, long term International investment going elsewhere and general International unhappiness with the direction Thailand is heading.

    Worst still there is no light at the end of the tunnel for all these issues. Talk of how rosy things will be are just empty words. There won`t be elections soon, tourism won`t pick up soon, nor will the economy or investment from overseas. The rich, powerful, elite, royalist will still control Thailand after an election anyway and none of the fundamental flaws with the country will change either - an army accountable to the government of the day, an independent & fair legal system, corrupt free police, politicians, army etc and accountable. And when the said rich, powerful, elite royalists don`t like the government they`ll be yet another coup.

  7. Mr Sek insisted that Thailand and the European Union remain good friends and partners and share close political, economic, social and cultural relationships. He called on the EU to cooperate with Thailand constructively.

    Thailand, he said, is ready to heed proposals which are constructive, balanced and based on accurate information and to cooperate with the EU in all aspects and at all levels.

    The full 5 page transcript from the EU doesn`t sound one bit like they are being `friendly` nor would it appear they `share` anything in common. As for `constructive proposals` they`re all there in the document. Not that Thailand will take heed of any of them.

  8. If the BIB lose their money from roadblocks they`ll look to take it from other areas or increase their fees for things they already get money for like protection. Let`s see if this actually happens. Time will tell

    But they CAN still do roadblocks: Quote

    "From now on, he said that if a roadblock is to be set up, it has to be manned by a police inspector and there must be a clearly visible sign to show the existence of the roadblock. Also, their superiors must be informed about the whereabouts of the roadblocks and what kind of roadblocks they are."

  9. Does this mean we`re on a slow path to getting my 60,000 baht back from a joint police/mafia CTH scam?..........probably not

    On a more positive note, I was stopped recently for being in the wrong lane in Khon Kaen (due to crazy roadworks it was hard to find any lane). Policeman didn`t want any money...how refreshing! But he did insist, in Thai, to my wife, that I go immediately to the police station.Upon pointing out to him that on my wifes lap was a newly born baby and that he`d have to shoot me first..... a thunderbolt of lightening struck...he discovered how to speak English, couldn`t apologize enough and bid us farewell. Image restored :-)

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