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Posts posted by jackted

  1. Setting the stage for a very rough scene in Thailand the next time the majority gets up the moxie to protest. I almost hope the people roll over and take it, because the alternative is frightening and bleak.

    I believe Thailand has only been a so called Constitutional democracy for about 80 years. In the historical development of a country that`s not long. Many countries including the US and UK both had bloody civil wars along their development to how their countries are now.

    No one surely wants to see a civil war here especially in this age of modern weaponry. I don`t feel there is any groundswell for that amongst Thais. But part of me, sadly thinks the repeated coups, money & power imbalance, endemic corruption will never really change. And so, however unpalatable or unlikely, perhaps a civil war may happen and may change the path that Thailand has unsuccessfully followed for the last 80 years for the better in the long run.

  2. Sorry! Thailand's so called 'bad reputation' is not as a result of coups/generals/non-democracy. It is a as a result of the shared and recorded experience of greed, corruption, racism in Thailand by people who have come here and won't come back! In the wilds of Issan life goes on. We are more worried about rain than dictators/soldiers/farangs/democrats/tourists....etc.

    I think you`re right that Thailands` diminishing reputation abroad is partly as a result of people that have visited the Kingdom and had the sort of bad experiences you mention. But people are influenced by the media whether they have been to Thailand or not and "Coups/generals/non-democracy" surely don`t improve that reputation.

    My Thai family are from Issan and as you say for them "Life goes on" with the daily concerns over the weather. But looking into the future and the bigger picture didn`t the people of Issan start to get an interest in politics and how their lives could be improved when Taksin first came to power? (And I know the pluses and minuses of his era). Unlikely though it is to happen in the foreseeable future but perhaps some of the good people of Issan one day would improve their lives if they could genuineley participate in politics or have a party / leader that put their real interests first.

    • Like 1
  3. You wouldn`t get any business owners here in Koh Chang agreeing with that there has been an 18% increase....except those few hotels with block booked Chinese tourists and the few restaurants where they are shipped to for the CNY.

    TAT and other associated bodies do realize tourism is down and that it does affect the economy. I can also see them trying some initiatives to stop the decline. But frankly those ideas are not enough.Tourists and most governments views of Thailand as a holiday destination have sadly changed....maybe for good.

  4. The truth on tourism figures?

    Nobody can give an accurate figure. TAT has little credibility.

    I can only comment from my 2 tourist dependent businesses and other friends with hotels, bars, restaurants across Thailand what they are saying. Each business was down in 2014 compared to 2013 to varying degrees from 20% to 60%. And 2015 shows no signs of improvement. I believe the country gets what it deserves but it`s tough when your livelihood depends on tourists.

    • Like 1
  5. Fancy a weekend in Koh Chang with a few laughs?

    Monkeys Bar & Restaurant in White Sands beach, Koh Chang, is hosting the islands 1st ever Stand Up Comedy Night.

    Friday 6th February

    Comedians Graham Wooding (from England) & Aidan Killian (from Ireland) will entertain you with me your amateur MC!

    Show starts at 9pm - 200b on the door - all proceeds go to Cambodian Kids Care School on Koh Chang

    For accommodation you could try my resort The Elephant & Castle or The Alina Hotel (next to Monkeys)

    PM me if you want to know more



  6. Monkeys Bar & Restaurant, located in White Sands Beach, Koh Chang is hosting the 1st ever Stand Up Comedy Night

    Friday 6th February - Doors open 7pm - Show starts 9pm 200b on the door

    Appearing - Comedians Graham Wooding & Aidan Killian along with me...the poor mans MC

    This should be a great night with all proceeds going to the charity we support Cambodian Kids care Centre

    Life is better laughing! :-)

  7. As my family & staff rely on income from 2 small tourist dependent businesses I applaud the Prime minster for leading this "Discover Thainess" campaign.

    It`s been a remarkably successful and stress free year almost entirely down to `Thainess` so I think it`s a great idea to promote it......oh by the way my resort unusually has a few vacancies at this time of year and no need to reserve your table at my restaurant!

  8. There must be some kind of foreign business association on Koh Chang, weather formal or informal. Local business people will probably have the best handle on who actually knows what they are doing.

    No business association here & my current A/c I`ve discovered is more akin to `Del Boy`. Other local A/cs` come with an equally poor reputation and no English. Surely there must be a competent, honest English speaking Accountant out there? :-)

  9. Can anybody recommend a golf coach in Khon Kaen?

    I have no handicap...... as yet!

    I`ll be staying in the area for 2-3 months from March/April next year.

    I stay in KK twice a year as this is where my wifes family are from.

    Plus anybody recommend a course in Chanthaburi?

  10. positive influences from Thailand

    It often makes me feel `young` again....whether it is playing on the beach with my son, or walking through the countryside or partying with my staff or laughing at silly things with my wife

    negative influences from Thailand

    Sadly I have become a little more cynical about certain aspects of `Thainess` which lie under a thin veneer - corruption, dislike of foreigners, poor driving etc.

    But in general the positive influences of living here far out way the negatives.

  11. Thailand is known as Land of Smiles and so you`re right OP, there might actually be some mileage in discussing if it still deserves that informal title. But it perhaps wasn`t the best way to start that discussion using a one off example you had in a coffee shop.

    LOS - what a fantastic thing for a country and the people to be known for.

    Of course in reality Thais do not go around all day with a permanent grin. And as someone pointed out a Thai smiling can have lots of different meanings.

    It would be ridiculous and impossible to measure if Thais are less `smiley` these days than they use to be. I can only say from my experience over the years that the Thai smile does seem in less abundance, particularly in service sectors than it use to. Maybe it`s because I`m that use to it that I don`t notice it as much. Many tourists that I speak to that have been coming to Thailand for a long while say the same. Or maybe I`m turning into a grumpy old man and just don`t appreciate it as much! :-)

    That said Thais are a lot more smiley than my fellow countrymen in the UK. Doesn`t matter where I am if I smile at a Thai then more often than not I get a warm Thai smile back....and I like that. Who doesn`t?

    • Like 2
  12. A clear explanation from GP on what his vision of a `Thai style democracy` looks like would let other countries consider if that is more `palatable`. Some actions taken already, such as on corruption, might be viewed by other countries as a positive step. Other actions, such as loading the NLA with military personnel maybe not so appealing. And sooner or later to look more `globally palatable` the GP and others are going to have to deal internationally with other countries governments.

    Also what does he mean by being `globally palatable`?

  13. First off all I`m sorry for your friend as depression is an all too common and terrible illness. I have suffered on and off with it all my life.


    I can`t give you any professional advice, this is just from my own experience.


    You say your friend is depressed so I presume a professional has actually diagnosed depression, as counselling is being given, if not, that`s the 1st thing to establish.


    Depression varies in each patient and therefore so can the treatment. There are lots of meds over the counter or prescribed. From my experience most take between 4-6 weeks to have any effect. A few do not help at all.


    You say your friend needs `urgent support`. He can see a Doctor now. But in most cases of depression it can take weeks if not months to start to get over depression.


    I had depression years ago when I lived in BKK. I went to the Psychiatric Dept at Bumrungrad and though I`m sure well meant the help from that particular Doctor was poor. He prescribed some medicine and said see you in a month. My particular depression at that time merited better help. I can`t speak for the whole Dept, it was just one Dr that I saw.


    There are many different ways of treating depression these days rather than just popping pills. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) I have found to be very helpful. If you do a search for Bangkok you will find several places.


    I do know a contact that is a based a few hours outside of Bangkok. He is extremely experienced in treating all aspects of depression. However as I do not know about your friends individual circumstances this contact may or may not be of help. Furthermore he is away from Thailand for the next 2 weeks and so that would not help with the `urgency`. But if you wish to know more then pm me and I will give you details. I have been recommended another contact in BKK for depression from a good friend whom I trust, though I have not used his services personally. I could easily get contact details.


    Both professionals in the field of depression and laymen have often given very me basic self help advice whenever I`ve been depressed. All can help but depending on the severity of the depression can be impossible to do

    *Avoid alcohol (It`s a depressant and will make your friend worse)

    *Try and get a good nights sleep

    *If your friend is working then try to keep working

    *Exercise - even a little like a walk. It boosts a feel good factor, called endorphins, even for a short while

    *Eat healthy

    *If certain people / places have caused this depression then if possible avoid them

    *Your friend will not just need professional help but help from friends / family. Whoever is able listen and be supportive


    Hope some of that helps.





  14. Apart from wife & family


    There`s a Thai guy that works on road construction near where I live. I don`t know his name and have never spoken to him but often see him as I pass.


    He is a midget and he was born with both feet facing backwards. So he wears his wellies back to front. Sounds like the start of a mickey take.


    But he grafts as hard as any, yet I could see some back in the UK who would settle for disability payments rather than work. Respect to the man.



    • Like 1
  15. I'm going to Koh Chang this weekend--just Saturday and Sunday. I'll drive from Pattaya starting early (5/6 am) and leave on Sunday. Any ideas how the ferry will be both days?

    I assume I'll arrive at the ferry pier approximately 9 am on Saturday. Will there be a wait, do you think?

    How about leaving on Sunday? Do I have to leave very early, or can I get a ferry in the afternoon without that much trouble?

    Ferries do run less frequently in low season than they do in high season so there may be slightly longer waits for a ferry and also if they decide to fill the ferry up before leaving.Often it`s a matter of luck if a ferry is there when you arrive or you can see one coming from the island. Maybe I`ve been lucky but I can`t remember waiting any longer than an hour for a ferry.

    There are some exceptions though. If you come on a Friday afternoon when a lot of Thais come for the weekend there are often longer waiting times. Since you`re coming on Saturday you`ll avoid that.

    Leaving the island on Sunday is a tricky on. Some sunday mornings just after 9am can be horrendous. Leaving before 9am should be fine but will give you much less time on the island. I`d be inclined to get the ferry late afternoon when the rush should have died down and gives you a longer break on KC.

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