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Capt Rob

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Everything posted by Capt Rob

  1. A topic which increasingly affects we males. Found that alcohol, spices, sugar ( and heavy sugar laden products ) can easily initiate a bout. There is a line of thinking that it can be a result of pudendal nerve entrapment ( think pelvic cavity ) - mostly troubles females particularly after child berth but guys can have the issue also. Endless antibiotics are not the answer unless specifically indicated.
  2. Just for correctness suggest noun ' leeches '
  3. Whilst admiring and supporting the forthrightness of most contributors - i believe a great many issues in 'our' world are due to folk being led away from reality. Have been encouraged of late by the collective work of "ARC" organisation. This altruistic themed group are attempting a world reset to reality. Not sure that this will be popular with all but, a marked improvement for most. It is not nation centric.
  4. Seemingly there is another dimension to this in that the 32 year old was on medication for illness - not a excuse but part of the group reaction to the event.
  5. A sleep specialist will advise after monitoring with a electronic halter to observe sleep pattern. I found a CPAC machine only mildly beneficial and it disturbed two peoples sleep. They are expensive to buy ( in Aust. ) so advise renting one first as mine ended up in storage. Have seen various simple devices which claim success - personally I avoid sleeping on my back for optimum sleep value.
  6. If you take this route you might need a contingency plan i.e a back up rental house in case she gets annoyed.
  7. Good to see some well intentioned and balanced advice here - There used to be a French Candian lawyer ( Isaan Lawyers ? ) name like Christian who had a good reputation, not sure if he moved on. There are other foreigners practicing law in BKK but 'pot luck' there.
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