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Everything posted by Lopchan

  1. Ok, in every other country, they report on what the police have done. But because this is Thailand, and you are a bunch of sour jaded, lifeless sexpats, you have to berate everything that is reported that the cops do ...Sad bunch of keyboard <deleted> warriors
  2. Has happened before in the U.S. Made the headlines and all the conspiracy sites... not unique to Thailand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elisa_Lam
  3. Well done to the teams involved
  4. People on here make light of this but as the lady in the OP suggests, it could lead to further problems for ladies in the area. Often sex offenders start off with "weird" behaviour before it escalates. The sooner he is caught the better. I'll add that many women in the west feel psychologically violated when burglars go through their closets rummaging through their underwear or stealing it. But the heroes here will just post their usual sh23 diatribe.
  5. "Another strange belief" What an offensive , discriminatory comment to so many!
  6. "Taking matters into their own hands" is that a euphemism for helping him to a happy ending? ????
  7. WHAT A PIECE OF (UMSTAINEDJUNK! Hope he ends up needing urgent medical attention and receives the same
  8. Using "moll" to describe a 14 year old girl, probably very impressionable who has lost her life brings you to a whole new level of low ASEAN NOW
  9. It has always worked fine for me. As always hats off to those running the show.
  10. Yes, that's why we have CANINE teeth right?! If like me you are a creationist, we were designed that way. If unlike me you are an evolutionist, we evolved (became better) that way.
  11. I agree totally, all these sour, jaded sexpats who have to berate even a nice piece of news every time...hoping Karma will visit them soon in the same horrible, negative way they talk about Thailand and Thais the mag@ots.
  12. The iphones most of the racist (anti Chinese) posters on this forum use
  13. Good luck and prove the naysayers wrong Tono!
  14. Thank you for this, flooding is within 0.5 km of my home and rising daily
  15. And in other news today, I stubbed my toe.
  16. Congratulations young lady! Wishing you great success for your future!
  17. Seems strange to me that ASEAN NOW has disabled the "sad Icons" for this thread! And for anyone who disagrees with the diatribe. You can only like, give a champion point or agree............... What wonderful neutrality you show ASEAN NOW
  18. Sigh....another TIK TOK in the making? "Look at me! Look at me!... make a freaking pig / moron of myself here in Thailand, I'm oh so spare....shul, look at my manbun as I do yoga later"
  19. So many sad, sad low life's here blaming the deceased (Thai), implying they were at fault. Yet if the deceased were an expat, you same people would be blaming the (Thai driver) without evidence. What a sad pathetic bunch of racists / elitists you are
  20. Well done to see your hard training pay off!
  21. Sad comment when this is people's livelihoods you're referring too. Goes in line with most of your other negative comments about Thailand...
  22. So many sad, negative losers on this forum who can only criticize, berate and degrade anything Thais do. What a pathetic bunch of turds you are
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