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Posts posted by dagobert

  1. Go to 7/11 or a sim shop, ask them can you go online with your sim, if yes make sure you

    have the credit loaded" then go in to your sim menu it will prompt then enter that number

    exactly as you see on the post and your in. This package is volume based and auto renew

    but if you eat up your volume you can just loadup again....

    PS: a little tip when your offline turn off your data feed so your offline, but the phone number

    will still be active.

    If you jump over and the package becomes inactive no worrys just reload using that number.

  2. living by the river in bkk.says it all,i was bitten over 30yrs.ago by 2 of them river dogs,didnt hurt much just a couple of thousand bht. the op needs to stay away from them,they can seriously damage your health and wealth.

    and stop swimming in the river.giggle.gifbah.gif

    Who knows that may be were he baths...........
  3. When i am over there i use my happy sim card that i,v had for about 5 years now.

    Take this Galaxy 7", load the sim, then i buy a 7 day internet package 79 baht 2GB

    on ×104×322×9#.

    With that i have full internet, and everything that goes with that "SKYPE" for international calls

    or just regular calls at standard prices,

    My phone works from Pattaya all the way up north to May Hong Song flawlessly.

    There is wi-fi everywhere "but" before the week is up recharge and that new 2GB is then

    loaded ontop of the remaining credit...

  4. If you want the same rights as a Thai citizen then the answer is to become a Thai citizen. Others on Thaivisa have done it. If you think it's 'too difficult' then you aren't really serious enough about it.
    Uuuhuhhhh.... Except you need a work permit you thoroughly mistaken one, and many of us don't work, don't need to work, but do contribute millions to our respective families..... Now trot off and get educated about citizenship and PR then come back and post something sensible to the debate, there's a good chap.

    If you don't fulfill the requirements for citizenship then the Thai government doesn't want you as a citizen. I know that may be a bitter pill to swallow but it is what it is.

    That's the most sensible thing you'll read all day.

    It's no bitter pill, as I believe it is an unjust anomaly (for married men folk like me) (for women the law is different) which will be changed in the fullness of time. A form of lobbying which is exactly what this thread prescribes is something of interest to me. I understand your blinkered approach to an issue which doesn't concern you. Perhaps just best to shut gob and let more informed people to discuss issues that matter to them (!) amongst themselves.

    It's a shame that you can't manage a discussion where others disagree with you without descending to personal insults.

    "Ha Ha" aint that the Pot calling the Kettle black ?

    • Like 1
  5. 5 baht - 10 baht, unless you make less than 500 a day then I would say, yes sir = same same.

    Referring to the tourist not the ripper.

    Surely no non Thai makes less than 500 a day. I mean I literally throw those smaller denominations of cash away, less than 500 a day, is that even possible? :P
    Good way off quickly, becoming poor and a complete dissrespect towards money.

    Only the smart man, "Who watches every baht" wins in the end!

    (Sorry ND i cant thumbs up that one)


    Good way off? Please explain,I am not familiar with that term

    Is there a prize?

    PS: Don't worry about the thumbs up brother ;)

    Sorry "Typo" Good way of becoming poor quickly,

    Not being aware of where you are from I was wonder what type of English you were speaking to me. I thought you might have been teaching me more British terms

    I,m an Aussie dude tapping on a little 7" Galaxy tab "cant see tha words gov"

  6. In every country it's the "local" native resident and the one who can "vote" that changes policy, not the immigrant. Maybe if you spoke to your wife and her relatives and even their friends and encourage them to start a movement to help Ex-pat's who live here and contribute to Thai society. Only then, and a big "maybe" would things get started. We can only provide the idea, they can provided the force behind it. It's their country, they need to be the force behind it. With a new and seemingly more common sense government in place, it may come to being. But....Good luck with that too.

    Whould it may be possible to start up electronic patition to show support of such a thing.
  7. 5 baht - 10 baht, unless you make less than 500 a day then I would say, yes sir = same same.

    Referring to the tourist not the ripper.

    Surely no non Thai makes less than 500 a day. I mean I literally throw those smaller denominations of cash away, less than 500 a day, is that even possible? :P
    Good way off quickly, becoming poor and a complete dissrespect towards money.

    Only the smart man, "Who watches every baht" wins in the end!

    (Sorry ND i cant thumbs up that one)


    Good way off? Please explain,I am not familiar with that term

    Is there a prize?

    PS: Don't worry about the thumbs up brother ;)

    Sorry "Typo" Good way of becoming poor quickly,
    • Like 1
  8. 5 baht - 10 baht, unless you make less than 500 a day then I would say, yes sir = same same.

    Referring to the tourist not the ripper.

    Surely no non Thai makes less than 500 a day. I mean I literally throw those smaller denominations of cash away, less than 500 a day, is that even possible? :P
    Good way off quickly, becoming poor and a complete dissrespect towards money.

    Only the smart man, "Who watches every baht" wins in the end!

    (Sorry ND i cant thumbs up that one)

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