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Posts posted by Mario666

  1. 7 minutes ago, buick said:

    my parents live in the state of washington (legal) in USA.  it is pleaure to return and visit them !!!  when i was in high school, thaistick was the best.  oh, have times changed !!!


    i remember your name/avatar from a situation relating to a young lad having some similar issues as the OP.  and then another  incident where 'mum' came onto thaivisa to try and help her son who was caught with weed (i think that was koh tao).  in any case, you've provided some good insight in the past.  the OP here is lucky to have paid and been set free. 

    Thanks Buick....Yes you are right....And the "Mum2" case was the second I had been involved with in less than 6 months....the other being "Brit Kid caught with ganja on Koh Tao" .

    I am very familiar and up to date with what happens on the Southern Islands, but I cannot offer advice about what might happen in BKK.


    I only know that I have not smoked weed for over 12 years,i.e., since coming to LOS and even though I sometimes stay in the UK for up to 3 months on vacation I still never smoke because I know of the penalties here.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Xentrk said:

    I have both a Fire TV Stick and Fire TV with 4K Ultra HD.  The primary reason was to use them when traveling.  There is no option to connect via Ethernet cable.  It is all done over WiFi.  To load iPlayer, you need to follow these instructions if you did not purchase the Fire TV in the UK http://www.aftvnews.com/how-to-install-geographically-restricted-apps-from-amazon/


    If you have an Android box, you need to do a similar technique, but using the Android (Google) Play store.



    Well I simply take my laptop with me (always have iPhone and iPad mini as well) when I travel and all works fine over WiFi.

  3. 2 minutes ago, buick said:

    i must agree i was a little wary of the 'i only had 2 puffs' and hadn't smoked in 3 yrs before that.  would 2 puffs really show up ?

    With respect I suggest the "2 Puffs" is probably not the real case...How many people have you seen sharing a spliff who only take 2 puffs???


    Certainly not in my experience! and also if you haven't smoked weed in 3 years why do it when you come to LOS when everyone knows the SHIT you will get?

  4. 22 minutes ago, Mattd said:

    The Fire TV box connects to the TV via HDMI and to the internet via the WiFi LAN, it is a set top box specifically for Amazon related content and apps, however you can sideload any Android app, as behind all of the Amazon stuff it is really running Android, so I do have some of the Free to air stuff, as well as paid for I View HD loaded on to it, these work well, what I cannot access is the Amazon Prime stuff that is Geo-blocked.

    The TV is a cheap 'dumb' model.

    Sure am.

     Well if you don't have a laptop or MacBook I suggest you get either.....for a small cost upfront you can get everything I referred to FOC and it


    works. You can also do all this stuff on your tablet or phone, but obviously you have the charging issues and quality is not as good. It is also a bit


    more complicated to setup and obviously the 'device" is pretty much tied up when you want to watch something....they also heat up and I am


    sure over time it will knacker the batteries.


    I just bought a brand new Dell Inspiron laptop, 4Gb Ram, 500Gb Hard drive, Radeon Graphics, 2.0Ghz for 13,900 Thb.


    Nothing fancy but quick and great graphics.....superb quality when replaying or streaming through my "Dumb" Samsung TV.

  5. 1 minute ago, Mattd said:

    Yes, that will be the plan later when I get back, it is Norton 360, so comes with a firewall as well, could be the reason.

    Sorry, didn't answer a previous question, the Fire TV is an Amazon Fire TV box (not USB stick), there is the option in there to change the DNS, however, when I go back to it they have reverted back to the Google DNS ( & this could be hard written in to the box to avoid being able to view geo blocked Prime stuff, not sure if it possible to block Google DNS addresses in the Humax router.

    What are you using to connect to the Fire TV Box or is that just a set top box with a remote?


    Also is your TV a Smart TV?....


    Either way if you have a PC or a laptop that you can connect directly to the HDMI port on the TV (or Monitor) and you could test the theory.


    I don't subscribe to any movie/media packages, boxes, Kodi boxes,etc., as I either watch something on UK TV channels or YouTube.


    If I want a particular movie or concert I just download them via one of the Torrent Sites, e.g.,     https://proxybay.bz/ ....more than you can ever


    watch FOC.


    You can also get loads of stuff FOC at the following URLs:










    In the past I have also subscribed occasionally to "u-play"


    https://web.u-play.tv/webapp/?a=tv      There's loads of channels, movies, sports, etc., and for the Premium Package it is only 300 Thb per


    month, but service is variable and often poor when there are big Matches on, boxing, etc.


    With SmartDNS you can also access sites around the world....Many FOC, but for things like NetFlix you would need a subscription.


    With that lot you should find something! :smile::thumbsup:


    BTW are you are Brit?





    • Like 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, Mattd said:

    Thanks, I use Norton AV, so will see if this is the cause.

    Try just disabling Norton and do a brief test....don't forget to replace your AV before you go back surfing!!!


    SmartDNS Suport wrote to me:


    1 . Dns leak test shows some Thailand DNS IP which isn't our Smart DNS . Please check once again configuration of your streaming devices and use only our DNS IPs.

    2. If you have any antivirus like Avast then turn this service off and try to stream again. We just received information from our users that some Antivirus software updates causing trouble. For example Avast 2015 and AVG have a new feature called “Secure DNS” which changes your DNS.


    As I said I am using AVG and working fine!


    Good luck! :smile:



  7. 27 minutes ago, Mattd said:

    I have True Fibre (VDSL) in Bangkok, using a Humax HV100-02 and subscribed to the 14 day free trial with SmartDNS, religiously followed the setup instructions to the letter, using their Singapore (DNS 1) and Japan (DNS 2) DNS servers, as these are the closest to Thailand, as per their advice.

    I have tried manually setting the DNS setup in Windows, Fire TV box and in the Humax, disabling the True DNS routing, both separately for each device and all together, none of this is working for me at all, any ideas why not?

    SmartDNS have been very good support wise, so far they cannot work it out either, if I do a DNS leak test, then it shows that it is True BKK.

    I am using TRUE fibre 50/20 with HUMAX HG100RE-02V router.....I have not changed any of the router settings as if something goes wrong it takes TRUE about 3 days to come out to me.


    I have the same DNS settings as you, i.e., Singapore and Hongkong.


    I just use my Windows 10 Laptop connected directly by HDMI to my Samsung TV. I don't know what FIRE TV box is....is it a bit like APPLE TV or AMAZON FireStick?


    I also had a dodgy DNS Leak Test so SMART asked  me what Antivirus I was using and I told them AVAST....they said AVAST sometimes changes your DNS settings without you knowing so try something else.


    So I reverted back to a "clean install" of AVG having done a complete Revo Uninstall of AVAST and Hey Presto!...Problem solved!


    Please let me know if this helps.:smile:



  8. On 5/23/2018 at 9:32 AM, rbkk said:

    I started a 14-day trial, three days ago, with SmartDNSProxy. I can get The BBCiPlayer, and ITV and Channel 4 and Pandora and Capital Radio(without having to use a London postcode). I use True Fiber. I have just been upgraded to 100/30 for 899baht (after complaining about my old smart package of 50/20 for 999baht.) It is working a treat and my speeds are not affected when I use the internet. If it continues as well as this I will be subscribing. It was easy to change the DNS numbers manually as there is a helpful video an d text instructions. Happy days......Thank you Mario666 for the heads up.

    My pleasure! :smile::thumbsup:

  9. On 5/22/2018 at 11:31 AM, phetphet said:

    Is this Smart DNS the same type of service as Unblock.us which I tried a few years ago? Please enlighten me if it is not, I found it to be a bit of a hassle. Perhaps I was doing it wrong.

    I seem to recall I had to change some settings on my router, and then tune my Thai bought Samsung tv to UK settings. Then go back into the router and change back when I wanted to use True.

    Is this the same for you? Or was I doing something wrong perhaps?

    Sorry for late response....been offline for a break.


    To answer your questions I also tried "Unblock"about 3 years ago...It was free and would only work intermittently.


    With SmartDNS you do have to change your network adapter settings, but there are full instructions and you only need to do it once.


    I also have Samsung TV and use UK language settings without any issue.


    I did not have to change any Router settings and works fine with TRUE Fibre so if your Router is up to date you should be okay.


    They have a 14 day free trial and the Online tech Support is great 24/7.


    This is by far the cheapest and most reliable way I have found to watch UK TV.


    They are also introducing free VPN for existing customers, but the Windows 10 Version is beta and I couldn't make it work without some


    seriously "Geeky" twiddling, so I will wait until they have their "Out of The Box" solution working properly.


    Good luck and please let me know how you get on.





  10. 33 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    In a thread about whether foreigners really like Thailand and you are talking about the USA President , I do think that a PM "intelligent conversation " with you will be about American Politics

    For sure....There is nothing "Intelligent" about American Politics.....Please excuse me for going "Off-Topic"....But it has been such a long thread I forgot what we were talking about? ????

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

    A lot of people on here suggesting you  (the OP) ignore/tune out on what bothers you. It's not sound advice. Developing a tuned out mentality is dangerous on so many levels. Just one such problem with tuning people out because you can't stand them is that you end up creating problems for others because you have tuned them out, not caring at all about them. That may be fine until you cause a serious enough problem for them because you don't care what they think or feel and then  they decide to cause you a problem.


    Better, I think, is to shift your perspective to specific people and situations and take them one by one. Of course, on some level, it is helpful to develop a set of expectations, conclusions or generalizations about one's surroundings. We need to be able to make good decisions and what we have concluded from our past experiences often helps us know what we should do. If you know that most people in some country will not stop their car to let you cross the street and would just as soon run you over without much remorse, you will be more conservative about crossing the street. Its not nice to think even subliminally, "Oh they are such bloody minded, compunctionless people, I better wait to cross the street or they might speed up to make me get out of the way or try and hit me so as to clear their path." But if you don't at least subliminally think that, you may make a bad decision to cross the street before you ought to and then end up getting nailed by someone in their car.   So, as much as people complain about generalizing it does have its purpose. Likewise, there is that same level of functionality which also kicks in when dealing with people and foreign cultures. But, in reality not all Thai people will react badly to you and I think that is what most of us face, experiences with people who don't like us from the get go, people who are xenophobic or people who have bad experiences with foreigners in the past. But its not all of them. Those who have bad reactions, you just cut your losses and get and stay away from them.


    I agree with others who say, you don't really need Bangkok society. To me they have little to offer anyway and you will just be spinning your wheels trying to get anywhere with them anyway. You have to make your own way and life here, you have to get involved in your interests, stay in contact with friends back home and appreciate marriage partners family who will treat you with respect. I think many Bangkok middle class and rich would be more open to us, but they fear having problems with their peers and family for having anything to do with us. Even some of my family since moving from Isaan to BAngkok have become completely snobby and say and do many things that suggest to me they want me to keep away from them. They are all trying to make it in the society, so for my mug to appear on say their facebook page may cost them a lot. So, maybe think of it that way, some of these people are just trying to protect themselves from problems with other Thais by doing and saying alienating things. I don't notice that many Thais, especially in Bangkok have very warm or developed friendships anyway. I get the impression I am not missing much by not having any Thai friends. I am someone who values and likes friendships very much, I have always been well liked by many back home yet I don't have any freinds after 20 years here. I know that it isn't all to do with me.


    Thailand has a lot of problems, so does the world. Thais don't want foreigners to help they don't like or trust most of us very much at all. They don't seem to like or trust each other either. You just have to accept that yet realize that the generalization doesn't always apply. Most of what you are talking about is culture and culture is mostly pretty nasty. I don't like the way Americans behave mostly either and I am American. I can't say that I like any cultures at all, they are all a set of narrow and prejudiced confines that people work within in order to avoid doing something wrong within their respective societies. Its just a survival level thing. But Ultimately being too culture bound means being cowardly, prejudiced, narrow minded, etc no matter what country. So we have to take each person each situation on its own terms, have to work with opening our own minds and being brave enough to respond to people as individuals, respond to situations as they really are, not just as some stereotyped categorized generalized shadows or you'll never be anything but unhappy in Thailand because most of your interactions will follow a pattern that you have suggested of being lied to, being blown off with a grin or a chuckle etc. If you examine closely, not all Thais, though maybe most, especially in BAngkok or Pattaya will give you some not insignificant amount of negativity. You just develop a thick skin for them once you have given them a chance and they show they follow the pattern of b.s.ing you or trying to get something from you without being considerate etc.

    Wow....By far the most intelligent response I have seen on any TVF question.....Are you sure you are American???o ????


    Did you ever think about running for president???...Oh Sorry.....Most Americans are to thick to understand you....Trump is easy to understand if


    you are stupid and which let's face it 40% of the US voters voted for!


    PM me sometime.....for some intelligent conversation? ?

  12. 4 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

    Not going through 6 pages just to agree with your last line , I love it here and best days of my life arived in 2005.  Don't live in Patts . not Fuquet nor Bankers , don't need those places.

    Good for you...I assume you have been to the aforementioned and chose to live somewhere else?......May I ask where, because I might come and have a beer or two with you? ??

  13. 7 hours ago, uffe123 said:

    Not any more. Cost of living is now par, or more expensive than my home country. all the veges are poisoned/laced with paraquat,

    1, gas is now about 4 bucks a gallon. $60.00 to fill up my truck, Wow that hurts.

    2. traffic is horrible

    3, Roads feel like you are driving on 13th century cobblestone. Hit a pothole driving at night, blew my tire and bent the rim.

    The nice military have raised the taxes on vine 50%, cant even get the vine I used to drink because no one will buy it any more. Not imported.

    4. The pollution in Bangkok is 50% above the WHO limits on a daily basis. Buy you oxygen tank now, stay here long enough you will need it.

    5. Not worth going to the beaches any more, thrash all over, and stinky sewer water. Went to Bangsan, wasted trip

    Have I missed anything? O yes, land confiscation, go ask any isan farmer about this.

    Good thing I'am leaving tomorrow.


    Bye....And Please Don't Send A Postcard! ?

  14. 38 minutes ago, phetphet said:

    I also use my VPN when I do online banking, and accessing some things that are not always available here.

    Also when I am using my phone on unsecured networks.

    Excellent point about VPN for online banking, etc., but I have tried all the major VPNs for watching UK TV, and all give shit speeds and BBC eventually blocks them!

    • Like 1
  15. 15 hours ago, Matptg said:

    thank you again for your advice. we might try Chiang Mai she told me. But if it is for me my edge goes on the north european countries. Still have some time before the baby grows.

    Why don't you try to be the "Leader" she wants and move back to Europe?


    Who in their right mind would want to have a new born baby choking to death on the smoke in Chiang Mai?


    (Just for the record I have never been to CM, but from all the stuff I have read it is not a good place for infants, "Coffin Dodgers" or anyone else


    that wants to "BREATHE"?)


  16. 19 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Bangkok is not the best place to live as it has an edge of being too cement-ish. But it certainly does have its qualities. Lived there years ago and visit a lot, but would not live there again.  October till now is not a long time at all either. One goes through growing pains or does an about face to get the heck out of here pains.


    If you are going to take your kid out of here and it sounds as if it is to the USA, then you better get started with the processes now as it will take you quite a while to sort through, and then the little lady is not guaranteed to go with you as the USA is a bit difficult with Visas.


    Yes, Thai can be superficial and huge racists, but you go to Mexico and you a re a Gringo. 


    Basically you are looking too hard into it so need to take another step back. the USA aint all that and I would rather live no other place except here. My kids are 23, 17,15 and half and half. 

    "And half and half"......Does that mean you have 5 kids altogether and the youngest are 6 month old twins.....or are there only three kids, but they  are all transgender???

    • Sad 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, Matptg said:

    thank you for your opinion. My girl is actually a good person, showing humbling when it needs and like said before, not looking for advantages. About thai attitude, dunno, maybe takes just longer to adapt

    "My gf told me that nor her or other friends never worked a single day in their life ( before graduating) because for the families it's like showing they are poor."


    "At S. Valentine day my gf showed me of her female friends posting on facebook the pics of the money they got from their husbands...I was like, seriously? how poor is to post a pics of notes on facebook to show everyone your wealthy?? When I saw my gf profile I was like...disappointed. She posted pictures of some super expensive hotels she went to with her friends and mentioned the price. And the way they follow superstars here, they even know when they go to toilet and damn, when I watched a tv serie I saw the worst acting skills ever, even I can do better. "


    Your words not mine....And now she is Pregnant...well done!


    I get the opinion that you don't like it here, you have got this weak minded "Material Girl" up the Stick  and you don't know what to do


    next...otherwise you wouldn't have posted the this story on here.


    Please believe me I am not having a go at you.....I think you know you have "Dropped a Massive <deleted>" as we say in the UK and you are


    searching for answers. I wish you all the best!

  18. Hey mate,


    Seriously take a look at SmartDNS Proxy.....works great with very fast speeds.


    I just checked my account and I was wrong...My subscription was actually less than $25 US for 24 months!


    Good luck and please let me know what happens? ??

  19. I have traveled around many countries and cities around the word and found good and bad in each.


    As regards manners of Thais and their behaviour to "Farangs" I have also found good and bad.


    I sometimes  have Thais push in front of me at 7/11s, but I push them back, give them a few words in Thai and give them the "Stare" and they


    usually either look annoyed or embarrassed, but always back down.


    In the main I find Thais in BKK to be very courteous, even though I am a Farang...Obviously I stay in some nice hotels so that is expected, but I


    also find people on the streets, e.g., street vendors, market stall holders, etc., to be great as soon as I speak a little Thai to them.


    I think the OP is mixing with the wrong people in the wrong places and has not had time to learn the "Rules" of social engagement in Thailand


    yet (particularly if you are a Farang)!


    Also sounds like he has picked up a dodgy girlie, but hey we have all done that before?


    My advice would be go home (wherever that may be) and forget about Thailand unless you are prepared to change, accept that you are a


    "Farang" whether you like it or not and learn some Thai.


    None of us like to be "racialised" and if you are American you have probably seen plenty of that in your own country.


    Good luck with the "Girlie", but sounds like you drew the "Short Straw" with that one!


    Best of luck!??



  20. 30 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


    Just step away from them, problem solved as they not gonna chase you !!!

    Hey Carlos....Bugs don't Chase You?....Once I had a millipede nest in my garden wall.....There were hundreds of babies coming out and they were quite aggressive even if only about 2cm long....So I went and got the insect spray and squirted it in the hole where they were coming from....Next thing This BIG BLACK MF Mother millipede (about 10cm long) ran out and started trying to attack me....I backed off, but it reared up and then chased me...Not Kidding!


    In the end my gardener "Removed" the critter from the equation.







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