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Posts posted by Nbarch

  1. My GF and I drove around in our pick-up for many months without any number plates at all. After getting fed up with being stopped by the police too often, we went to our dealer and said we want proper plates, he said, when he supplies the number plates the company has to pay the vehicle tax. My GF 'strongly' insisted on plates or she would return the new vehicle; we had plates with 24 hours!


    Dear TV reader, can you guess what is going on here?

  2. Just arrived back in the UK and watching TV and reading some investment and financial newspapers quite a few analysts think the GBP is undervalued between 15% - 20% as general economic data is good. The UK is still also the 5th largest economy in the world.

    The problem is the uncertainty about when Brexit will take place, due to interference from the likes of Gina Miller and the House of Lords. Both these obstacles have now been swept away so some confidence will return when Article 50 is actually triggered.

    There is also more conciliatory noises coming from Europe who want to trade freely with the UK, as an example, the UK is the biggest consumer of French Champagne. The political old guard and dinosaurs like Juncker’s have been noticeably quiet recently about trade agreements.

    Of course a spanner in the works happened yesterday when the ‘Dwarf from the North’ announced a second - ‘once in a lifetime’ -referendum on Scottish Independence, which caused the GBP to drop.  She is clearly is crazy as Spain, again made it very clear they would veto any application from Scotland; oil is below $50 and the same old chestnut that she wants complete full independence but wants to keep the British Pound, the Treasury quite rightly said no last time and have said no again this time.

    So ‘keep calm and carry on’ things should improve.


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