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sipi last won the day on December 19 2019

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About sipi

  • Birthday 04/01/1936

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  1. There's a lot more than two...😉😳...
  2. But then they gives themselves fancy names like "influencer" or "entrepreneur". Jesus, pass me the vomit bucket.
  3. Yep........ Frankly it's embarrassing....
  4. Yeah I'm sure it is. $200 a week to sell their soul. So who wants to watch Ricky in Isaan buy a bottle of water, or Greg using donations to buy a girlie bar.
  5. Watching Thai YouTubers is cheap entertainment, like watching a train smash in slow motion. I just don't understand why they wanna advertise their misadventures for the entire universe to laugh at them.
  6. His latest videos are " I bought a bottle of water" and "I took the kids to the park" Riveting stuff.
  7. It's easy to be misunderstood online, whether it's a forum, Facebook, emails etc. Being long sighted with fat fingers, a 4 inch phone screen and slow data doesn't help. If I offend someone I normally don't mean to, but if they take offence and fire up I'm happy to return the serve.
  8. And please include the nail biting chapter on how you rode to the local to purchase a bottle of water. That's seems to be trending on YouTube now.
  9. I don't know anything about him except he came up on my feed today. A bit younger than the others.
  10. Thanx
  11. Are there any a second hand shops in Udon selling musical instruments/ equipment? I just need an electric guitar and bass, and amplifier for a few local fun gigs over the New Year. Once we're done we'll leave them behind for the locals to play with.
  12. There's a pile of useful and very truthful videos on you tube on the subject. Its worth taking a look. There's a common theme... No one is coming to rescue you when you get old...
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