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Posts posted by Ohng

  1. Yes, the temporary passport is issued for who lost passport or a child born abroad.

    My sister did it for her child in Canberra and no need for parents to be present at the embassy. All can done by post.

    The best thing to do is to call the embassy in washington dc or email them.

    By the way, why would you like to have the temporary passport since you can go to Thailand with US Passport and then do the ePassport over there?

  2. Here is the law:



    Section 21
    A person of Thai nationality who was born to an alien father or mother and may acquire the nationality of his father or mother according to the law on nationality of the father or mother shall lose Thai nationality if the person obtains an alien identification card according to the law on registration of aliens.
    Section 22
    A person of Thai nationality who has been naturalised as an alien, or who has renounced Thai nationality, or whose Thai nationality has been revoked, shall lose Thai nationality.

    In the practical, nobody cares as long as you always use the same passport for both in/out of Thailand.

    And you know what, most people of the high ranks in Thailand do have dual-citizenship even our VVIP who was born with US citizenship.

    • Like 1
  3. Thai law does not allow acquired dual citizenship but in practice it is tolerated.

    • Foreigners acquiring Thai citizenship are "supposed" to renounce their original one:

      Section 19. The Minister is empowered to revoke Thai nationality of a person who acquires Thai nationality by naturalisation if it appears that:

      (1) The naturalisation was effected by concealment of facts or making any statement false in material particular;

      (2) There is evidence to show that he still makes use of his former nationality;

      There are no known recent cases of that happening.

    • A Thai citizen will loose Thai citizenship if voluntarily acquires another citizenship by naturalization (which is different an by birth or marriage).

      Section 22. A person of Thai nationality who has been naturalised as an alien, or who has renounced Thai nationality, or whose Thai nationality has been revoked, shall lose Thai nationality.

      There is one knownl case of that happening, but I don't have the link here.


    FYI: Until now, there are only 25 revoked Thai Citizenship cases that officially announced on Ratchakitcha.


    Most of them from the Section 17 [1,2]

    Section 17. With respect to a person who has Thai nationality, by reason of his having been born within the Thai Kingdom of an alien father, his Thai nationality may be revoked if it appears that:
    (1) He has resided in a foreign country, of which his father has or used to have nationality, for a consecutive period of more than five years as from the day of his becoming sui juris;
    (2) There is evidence to show that he makes use of the nationality of his father or of a foreign nationality, or that he has an active interest in the nationality of his father or in a foreign nationality;
    (3) He commits any act prejudicial to the security or conflicting with the interests of the State, or amounting to an insult to the nation;
    (4) He commits any act contrary to public order or good morals.
    The Minister in the event of (1) or (2), and the Court in the event of (3) or (4) and upon request of the public prosecutor, shall order the revocation of Thai nationality.

    Here are the example cases :



  4. http://www.consular.go.th/main/contents/files/news-20150511-112014-354460.pdf

    Same day pick up: 3000THB. Need to submit the application before 12pm and only available at Chaeng Wattana Rd.

    Next day pick up: 2000THB. You can apply at other locations but only available for pick up at Chaeng Wattana Rd.

    Two days pick up: 1000THB. This one is the normal service and you can pick up the passport where you do it.

    Department of Consular Affairs at Chaeng Wattana Rd.


  5. Thank you very much Khun paz and Khun samran.

    Now, I understand very clear about the law after I read this topic. https://www.facebook.com/notes/10152217047198834/

    It's help me to better understand the law, especially it will also affect me.

    I did refer to the wrong section which I understood it wrong.

    But the Section 22 which apply to all Thai citizens still be there and the government can enforce it as well.

    Anyway, I am not talking about the practical one because most of them will not have any problem.

    I am looking on it and sorry for the misunderstanding.

  6. As I said in the practical one there will not be any problem unless if you make yourself to be a problem with the immigration.

    For the Thai Citizenship Law, the latest revision one is on 2008 (2551) and it is only in Thai which you can find in the several government websites such as: http://www.thaigeneralkonsulat.de/th/consular/nationality4.pdf

    This new revision is for the good of those who[Thai Citizen who has Thai Parents] have foreign husband/wife which they can still hold Thai Citizenship and they do not need to revoke their thai citizenship.

    And the very important thing and related to this topic is that if one who has Thai Citizenship but his/her father/mother is a foreign. Then his/her thai citizenship may be revoked if:

    1. He/She live in for 5 years in the country of his/her father/mother after 20th year old.

    2. He/She intents to be in the other Citizenship and the official has proof. <-- If you use foreign passport, they can make use of this case.

    3. Security treat act.

    4. Criminal act.

    (1) and (2) can be revoked by the Minister

    (3) and (4) can be revoked by Court Order

    One sample case http://www.ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/DATA/PDF/2551/D/091/30.PDF and you can find some more case in this site http://www.ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/

    By the way, it is the law but there is no punishment either. So many immigration officers they keep their eyes blind and will do nothing about it which they will not get punishment for this anyway.

    The best simple way to protect yourself is to use Thai Passport when enter to Thailand.

  7. If you have two passports and would like to test whether you are right or not, please tell the immigration that you have your own right to hold more than one passport/citizenship and they can do nothing about it next time you are in Thailand.

    I don't have dual citizenship, do you ?

    Again, for the case of Thai citizenship at birth (OP case), you have demonstrated you don't even understand what it is.

    For the case of acquired citizenship, you are only scaremongering, and clinging on mirrors to demonstrate your faulty point.

    In both cases, posting more and more won't make you right. The correct answers have been given already above by people that have personal experience, or are more knowledgeable than you. These are the one that are relevant and should remain in this thread.

    No, I am only a Thai citizen and there are many related topics to this topic that have been discussed many times in Thai forums.

    As the OP case, Thai(Mother)+Foreign(Father), the immigration will easily find some reason to revoked his daughter's thai citizenship such as:


    P.S. Please be polite.

    • Like 1
  8. As I said in the practical one, it is all okay but please do not show them or tell them, the immigration, that you have the other citizenship or have the problem with them as well. They, the immigration, have their right to report you to revoke your Thai citizenship.

    That truly show that you don't know what are talking about. Report to who?

    Thai citizenship by birth cannot be revoked, because it has never been "acquired" in first place. It's a natural right, sanctioned by Thai law.

    Another like http://www.thaigeneralkonsulat.de/news/info_1_2555_th.pdf

    I will post the one who has been revoked in the ราชกิจจานุเบกษา here.

    If you have two passports and would like to test whether you are right or not, please tell the immigration that you have your own right to hold more than one passport/citizenship and they can do nothing about it next time you are in Thailand.

  9. That's only done because of the border runners and the dual immigration system Myanmar operates. On Aug 28, 2013, Myanmar opened 4 Thai-Myanmar checkpoints for overland travel with a Myanmar visa in your passport. This applies to citizens of all countries, including those that have visa-free access if they arrive by air, they still need a visa to enter by land. So effectively Myanmar does not allow entry by land without a visa to anyone, except traders/locals from the neighboring country/foreigners that are just visiting the border area, usually for a day and then return the way they came.

    Tom TOM:

    above BOLD is not true

    MY Cambodian gf just did a border run for her 1 year non b thai visa at Ranong.last week.

    she was stamped into Burma for 14 days for FREE. I asked them if she could travel inside Burma an they said "of course, she has a visa free stamp"

    Its stamped EHEMP.

    I went across with her and did the visa with her in the office, without being stamped out of Thailand as i am on a 1 year retirement extension and just went for the boat ride

    SO they let me leave an come back

    I haven't heard that Myanmar has yet started to allow visa free entry that allows you to travel further inside the country. I suspect your girlfriend got the standard 14 day stamp everyone gets without a visa and if she tried to travel to Myeik or anywhere else by ferry for example, she would be denied. This 14 day stamp only allows travel within the vicinity of Kawthoung.

    There have been rumours visa free entry for eligible nationalities or visa on arrival for others will be implemented at the 4 Thai-Myanmar borders soon, but hasn't started so far.

    His cambodian gf can get 14-day visa exemption between Mymanmar and Cambodia


  10. i wonder, if she has not had the baby ,

    My baby will be born in Pattaya

    why not go back to Laos now before? or do u not have faith in the hospitals there?


    Devils advocate;

    Would laos allow u to be placed on the child's BC if your NOT married?

    Just Wondering

    In Thailand a Fathers name/Nationality HAS to be on the bc.

    We live in Thailand, where I work. No, I am not confident about the medical facilities in Laos, in any way. In any case, my girlfriend hasn't lived in Laos for 5 years, although her family home is there.

    Laos has nothing to do with the birth certificate, as it will be issued in Thailand. My name will be shown as the father, although, until, or if, we marry I know this doesn't give me full paternal rights.

    We are returning to Laos for the Songkran holiday. We will be returning to our home in Thailand when Songkran is over.

    My question was purely about whether we can fly direct from BKK with the 3-week old baby. The travel agent (confirmed by Mario2008) says we can if we have permission from the Laos Embassy. My girlfriend may try to get this (if we have time) and I will remain out of the picture to avoid complicating matters (as advised by Paz). Alternatively we will travel overland.

    In time, I will apply for a British passport for the child.

    I hope this answers your questions. Thanks for your interest.

    I just wanna add here.

    The child's BC will clearly show your name as a father and your wife will need to show this BC to Laos Embassy to issue the Emergency Travel Document but the propose of this document is to help their citizen to travel back their home country. And you will have a problem on the way back if you are traveling by air and the airline won't let your child check-in.

  11. I still insist that บุตรธิดา or บุตร-ธิดา or บุตรหรือธิดา are more precisely.

    Yes, บุตร can means daughter since men and women are equal these days.

    Other example words: ทายาท ทายาทผู้สืบสกุล ทายาทผู้สืบสันติวงศ์ were meant to used only for men but it is widely used for both gender now.

    We can use พจนานุกรมฉบับราชบัณฑิตยสถาน to lookup the word that we are not sure since it's once used in the court to judge the former prime minister. thumbsup.gif


    บุตร, บุตร- [บุด, บุดตฺระ-] น. ลูก, ลูกชาย. (ส. ปุตฺร; ป. ปุตฺต).

    By the way, บุตรี ธิดา บุตรสาว ลูกสาว are used only for the daughter.

  12. บุตรธิดา means children [son and daughter]

    if you only write "บุตร", it can also be translated into only "son" and one can says that you still have ธิดา [daughter]

    so, it is better write "บุตรธิดา" than writing just only "บุตร" since it is ambiguous word.

  13. Thank you for the reply

    Actually it is the translation from another language to English

    I had that translated into Thai. I have asked a Thai neighbour to read it to me but it sounded all wrong, it is when I decided to post here.

    Since, I have asked someone else to translate and I have got something which seems to be correct

    This is my testament, written by my hand at

I, name , childless, born on date, place, residing address, name my spouse, Name, born on date, place , residing at the same address, as my sole universal heir.

Done at

    ข้าพเจ้าเขียนพินัยกรรมฉบับนี้ด้วยลายมือของข้าพเจ้าที่ ประเทศไทย

    ข้าพเจ้า Name ไม่มีบุตร เกิดวันที่ Date Place ในจังหวัดสมุทรปราการ พำนักอยู่ที่ Address คู่สมรสของข้าพเจ้าชื่อ อแลง name, date ที่เมืองมาเซลส์ พำนักในที่อยู่เดียวกันในฐานะเป็นทายาทของข้าพเจ้าแต่ผู้เดียว

    Actually I had problems with "sole universal heir" whereas, in the first translation I think I fouls understand "first heir"

    If you cannot figure it out I will have it translated from Thai to English at another office, but thanks anyway


    ข้าพเจ้าเขียนพินัยกรรมฉบับนี้ด้วยลายมือของข้าพเจ้าเอง ณ ประเทศไทย
    ข้าพเจ้านาย/นาง Name ไม่มีบุตรธิดา เกิดวันที่ Date Place ในจังหวัดสมุทรปราการ อาศัยอยู่ที่ Address คู่สมรสของข้าพเจ้าชื่อ อแลง name, date ที่เมืองมาเซลส์ อาศัยอยู่ที่เดียวกันกับข้าพเจ้า มีฐานะเป็นผู้สืบทอดมรดกของข้าพเจ้าแต่เพียงผู้เดียว
  14. There are other slang variations on this word, like : มว๊าากก which is a combination of มาก and ว๊าากก.

    So, it somebody is so beautiful you want to scream it out, you can write under her facebook picture: สวยมว๊าากก

    I don't think so and I think it means that if we say มว๊ากกก then it means that as much as we would like to kiss it. Trying to say "มาก" while you're kissing something and it will sound like "มว๊ากกกกก"

    • Like 1
  15. Quite a few sites indicate KHRUEANG KAENG as being condiments, or side dishes, but this appears to be an incorrect description.

    KHRUEANG KAENG, It should be เครื่องเคียง KHRUEANG KIANG

    • Like 1
  16. "Ai-Tim" is more common pronounced among Thais people, regardless the level of education.

    As I am Thai, I am sure if someone who is Thai pronounced it as "Ai-Sa-Krem" in the wrong places, people will look down at you for sure!

    • Like 1
  17. Dear Mole and Ohng,

    Firstly Mole. Thank you for your reply. I was aware that ล should be pronounced as N if at the end of a word, but Thai-Language.com pronounced it as DIL, so I was somewhat confused. Thank you for the confirmation.


    Thank you for your reply. I note that you recommend pronouncing it with an L at the end. I guess that Mole's pronunciation as DIN is the correct pronunciation and yours (DIL) is perhaps the common pronunciation. I will include both. Thank you for the site link. I now have the following Thai words to describe Dill:

    PHAK CHI LAO (ผักชีลาว)

    DIN (ดิล) (is this script correct? it is different from the 2 dins below)

    THIAN KHAO PLUEAK (เทียนข้าวเปลือก)

    THIAN TATAK TAEN (เทียนตาตั๊กแตน)

    PHAK DIN (ผักดิลล์)

    YA DIN (หญ้าดิลล์)

    My Thai reading ability is not too good, but I noticed in the link you sent that they referred to PHAK CHI LAO FARANG (ผักชีลาวฝรั่ง) as being European dill, so I guess that is also another word which can be used to describe dill.

    Thank you both for your help. If you could confirm the Thai script shown above for DIN, I would appreciate it.

    From the Chiang Mai University site here, http://www.pharmacy.cmu.ac.th/web2553/n26.php , DILL is the english word and it's originated from the southern europe. And in Thai is "ผักชีลาวฝรั่ง" or "หญ้าดิลล์" or "ดิลล์หวีด (Dill weed)" since it is Thai food then I think the Autor used DILL because it is familiar to ผักชีลาว that commonly used in Thai food.

    So, if you write it as DILL then the Thai script would be "ดิลล์" since it is not Thai word and I'm pretty sure no one knows "ดิลล์" "ผักดิลล์" "หญิงดิลล์" in Thailand. In Thailand as describe in http://www.weherb.net/wizContent.asp?wizConID=123&txtmMenu_ID=7 , it's known as "เทียนข้าวเปลือก" "เทียนตาตั๊กแตน(Central provinces)" "ผักชี(ขอนแก่น เลย, Khon Kaen, Loei provinces)" "ผักชีตั๊กแตนผักชีเทียน(Phichit province)" "ผักชีเมือง(Nan province)"

    Btw, even I am Thai but I only know ผักชี, ผักชีฝรั่ง and ผักชีลาว!

    • Like 1
  18. ซีม่า


    กับคาลาไมล์ = Yes, it's calamine lotion

    แถมมะม่วงไว้ให้กิน = I think they just use the liking word and nothing to do with mango.

    มีซีม่ากับคาลาไมล์ แถมมะม่วงไว้ให้กิน

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