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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. For first degree murder, and especially for multiple murders, the killers should get the death penalty.

    In Canada, the Canadian population never got to vote to end the death penalty. It was done by politicians.

      A life sentence in Canada is not a life sentence, just 25 years no matter how many killed is considered

    the humane amount of time for a person in prison, and that is just wrong.

    IMO of course.

  2. Besides 7, 11s what other business operates through the night.? Just bars and night clubs and taxi services if you are lucky.                                                                                                                                 Oh and hospitals do not count or  Ambulance services. Just my opinion of course.

  3. Well he is an ex criminal no longer.  A bit hard to feel lots of sympathy for the man,                                                                                                                                      I only have feelings for the family and friends he may have had, in most cases, ex convicts have few 

    real friends.

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