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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. The MF party was not wise enough to leave article 112 alone until they were firmly in power.

      One would think that an educated bunch of people would just focus on getting themselves elected

    and approved by all the powerful people of Thailand, then maybe get a few things changed. Sadly

    the younger Thais do not have patience these days. IMO

  2. I doubt that there is a single country in the world that

    has the charging stations needed for EVs to be practical to own.

      Many countries do not have the capacity in their electrical grids 

    either. On some hot days California pleads for EV owners not to charge during peak use hours.

      I have to wonder how many years it will take most countries to get their capacity up to

    what they will need for all these new EVs?  More Nuke power stations are needed. IMO

  3. I am glad that I do not have shares in Ocean Gate company. This mini sub did not get certified

    and should not have been allowed to have any passengers. The carbon fiber main section would

    likely been a sticking point for certification. Most subs and mini subs are steel or titanium structures

    to keep intact. The CEO risked not only his life, but 4 other people made the fatal decision to 

    pay a lot of money to get into this sub and go so far below the surface of the ocean. 

      RIP to them all.

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  4. Well at least 4 of the 5 on board were very rich people. Either it got caught up on something, or had

    a pressure failure, it should have been able to re surface. The news I heard on TV said the ballast could 

    be jettisoned to let the vehicle resurface. I guess we will know more in the next few days as the news media

    get more pictures of this submersible and how it operates. It does look like there would be a pilot on board

    to operate the vessel. The big worry is that it got snagged, or had a mechanical failure.

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