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About WilliamSmits

  • Birthday 01/07/1961

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  1. Cashless does not work well for elderly, for millions of migrant workers and for part of the tourists visiting Thailand. Cashless in EU also is not progressing as 》10% of people (mainly elderly) complain about being excluded from society. Pay cash and you remember what you bought and what you paid. Swipe the card and within a minute all recollection is gone.
  2. If no street food, best avoid all processed food (99% of 7/11 assortment), avoid restaurant food (use the same oils). Just buy land and eat what you can grow?
  3. Milk imports are limited by quota, protecting local farmers & the cost of production is high due to heat, smaller scale, (and lower knowledge levels)
  4. Maybe they add a bank account nr to our stored data - then check if this account number number is used just by this applicant ?
  5. Maybe they add a bank account nr to our stored data - then check if this account number number is used just by this applicant ?
  6. Regardless of right or wrong, there is no need for polarisation. Covid was new and there was limited information at first. The guy did his very best (my opinion) and did not deserve to be demonized.
  7. I think the electric tuktuk of Muvmi are great (in bkk), low price, no noise, not too fast, well trained and a great option besides Grap, taxis not starting meters and motomafia
  8. Interesting read, thanks for the report. I was there today for my first 90 day report and with online booking of appointment you get a blue card with the counter and indeed you just need to go and sit (show the card) as soon as someone leaves as there is no que number
  9. I did the process to legitimise my Thai son (as first step and to get the passport of my country later on). This is done in the local office (khet) where you are registered. You (and the mother) will need a declaration of civil status (from home country) translated and legalised + some other papers like visa and more. (best to ask in the local district office as they might not all ask the same)
  10. Moat milk here goes through a long chain, cow to churn, to pick up truck, to cooling station, to processor. Small volumes and labor intensive. Then the price is controlled and the farm sector is well organised in coops with a strong connection to government and lots of votes. Maybe its better to be a farmer here?
  11. within the 70% will be poor Thai, but what hangs around the tourist hotshots are "employees" that are brought and will share the "income" with the bosses. No fun for police as they do not carry much cash I guess
  12. I worked until recently (63 now). The job took me around Asia few weeks each time - then work from home all other days. It became harder over time and part time / reducing hours was not accepted - thus I retired. Financial I am OK and happy to renovate the condo and work around the home upcountry. Very happy to have more time with the family now. Work is to earn money to facilitate a good life. But it's also addictive or hard to let go
  13. Competing with Singapore for few food court tourists, while the rest goes elsewhere? I do hope all vendors are making more than 25000 monthly. After "costs & paying for the location & services" not much left to tax
  14. I had a chat with a Thai taxi driver in bkk driving an electric car: He is very happy, charging once a day (at night) at a cost lower than gas or petrol and he is making more money than before. The rate is identical to the common taxi
  15. I send all needed money to my wife each month. She is registered as "farmer" in Isaan and we live in Bangkok. The idea of paying tax never occurred to her. Who is worried? Or are it just tax "advisors" making us worried?
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