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Posts posted by AlexLah

  1. Ok, the finale of my story I will post tommorow.

    In my previous post you can already find some good tips on what to do when arrested.

    I am posting my experience so you can learn something from it, yes also for those 'very experienced foreigners' that claim they can get away with any offence by giving a few hundred Bath, that is just <deleted>.

    Take care all,


  2. For your info Emperor my brother is a very well known chief cook in Holand.

    And he agrees with me that Kobe beef is far out better then any beef you can find elswhere.

    Ok you just stick with your beef and I stick with mine.

    Take care


  3. Kobe beef is a fad and nothing special.

    Same as other Japper foods such as sushi, fugu, ramen etc, which used to command ridiculous prices due to their rarity and novelty value too.


    Go for example here lah:


    Quote: Texas cattleman Gary Yamamoto says at least 97 percent of his Kobe-style Wagyu beef is prime. Nationwide, only about 2 percent of beef earns a prime rating.

    Or here:


    Or here:


    Obvious to me you have never eaten Kobe beef when I read your comment. :o

    I have been and worked in more then 60 countries and everywhere whenever I can, I find out where the best (non Kobe) steak is served and give it a try.

    For example for SE Asia it is for sure at the Park Lane hotel in Jakarta in their restaurant/bar named : Styx.

    Anyway have a good time all and enjoy your steaks!


  4. It is only about 2000 Bath for a good piece of meat that you really will enjoy.

    If you like steak then just buy once a month or so.

    There is another Japanese type of beef that is even more expensive (i believe double the price of Kobe), maybe I will try this weekend.

    Let you know how it was when they have it.



  5. As I said before it is a good question and take my experience as an example please.

    No or litlle experience in SE Asia and the culture.

    Just there for a holiday, coming from the West (Holland where life is like living in a paradise).

    Very surprised/happy to see so many Thai Farang couples walking hand in hand, no idea about bargirls and such.

    Can you (so called experienced Farang) place yourself in this mindset?

    Yes please flame me for being naive at that time and believing in the good side of people (I still do).

    This question is about what you do when arrested in Thailand or any country and you do not know what to do or who to call.

  6. Ok I promised you all to continue my story about how a minor incident can turn into a disaster while being in Thailand as a foreigner in this case.

    Be prepared to read and learn about false allegations, bribery, torture, spiked drinks, false testimonies, embassies not willing to help, poisoned food, and intravenous truth serum being given against ones will.

    Ok the first part of the story ended here:

    No I said I will not do that, and then it all started.....

    One of the officers hit me right in my solar plexus, yes the place where all nerves end.

    Not being prepared for that I went down and gasping for air.

    I was then put back on a chair and a towel was wrapped around my head and water was poured over it. For your info this not feels good in fact I felt like I was going to die.

    Why is this happening to me I was thinking, I did not do something wrong.

    This procedure was repeated multiple times sorry cannot remember how many but in the end they stopped it.

    You very strong one officer said to me, I was just happy they gave me a moment of rest as I was guided to some kind of waiting room...

    After a while an officer came to me, really very friendly guy, gave me a cigarette and some water. He started the converstation with the question what I was doing in Thailand.

    I was planning a few days of relaxing on the beach and some dancing and making new friends I told him.

    You in wrong place he told me, very bad people there, sell drugs and steal money.

    I was just asked to join a birthday party, this is my second time in Thailand I told him.

    I do not speak Thai I do not know many people in Asia . What I have to do I asked him.

    Call your embassy he told me and he gave me the number.

    Story continues…..

  7. Ok I will type up what happened after and will post in the coming days.

    Why so long, because I want to make sure that what I tell you is what really happened.

    Yes it was a few years ago so I have to check if what I tell is what really happened.

    Yes it is really bizarre so I have to make sure that I tell you the right sequence of events.

    This event has been published in the Phuket Gazette as I have seen a copy of it, but it said Foreigners nabbed in Anti drug raid.


  8. I think this is a very good and legitamite question.

    I will tell you my story on how a small offence went into a disaster.

    A few years ago I decided to spend some annual leave in Phuket together with a Thai lady friend of mine.

    Ok we decided to stay in some hotel at an area called Karon center.

    First night we were there we decided to see if there were any bars open, just looking to have a fun time (dancing a bit and stuff like that).

    When cruising the streets we soon found out the place was dead.

    So we asked some locals where to find some action.

    So they pointed us out to a bar were live music was being played and some farang would hang out, just a 10 minute walk down the road.

    So we go there and indeed the place was packed.

    Good live music and great atmosphere, really a good time we were having.

    After some time the owner and his wife asked us if we would be interested to join a birtday party of his friend in his house after closing time.

    Yes sure, always in for a party we answered.

    Once arrived in the house the bar owner asked if each one of us could pay a few hundred Bath to buy some beer and snacks, so we did and everybody else.

    Wife of barowner served some 'Welcome" drinks and after a while the beer and whiskey came in so we all were doing our best to get the party started.

    About 15 minutes into the party suddenly the door was kicked open and in came police with guns and TV crew with cameras and others with photocameras,

    shouting and screaming whatever it was. At that time I did not understand a word of Thai so I was very surprised and scared.

    Apparantly some of the 'Thai' guest's turned out to be undercover police as they told me they needed to search my pockets.

    I refused and told him I would turn my pockets upside down in front of a camera, any camera.

    There were about 40 guests and about 40 police so you can imagine what the scene looked like.

    Agents shouting to you in Thai while cameras and guns pointed at you.

    So I took of all of my clothes and emptied all my pockets, yes in front of a camera, my friend did the same after I told her to only to do that

    when there was a camera.

    Apart from some chewing gum and siggies nothing was found on me and my friend as the agent told me but they put all in plastic bags..

    I told you that a small offence went into a disaster right, so here we go!

    The big police boss decided that some of us needed to get our urine checked and guess who, yep all the farang!So whe where pushed

    in a pick up truck and went to some hospital to do urine check.

    Arrived at the hospital I asked for two botlle for urine sample, just in case to get a second test when the first botlle turn out to

    have some illegall substance for whatever reason I would have a sample that could be checked by my embassy.

    This was not really appreciated by the police I tell you.

    Ok after the check we all went back to the police station and there is where the story went bad....

    Afer arriving back in the local police station and waiting for another hour the big boss came inside.

    He called up some numbers and only farang had to line up and he told these people had tested positive for drugs.

    Yes I was one of them according to him,

    My mind thinking, was there something in the welcome drink?

    Back to the hospital for anoher urine check.

    After that back to the police station.

    I was really scared, what if the welcome drink contained some kind of drug?

    Back in the police station my name was called.

    Remember I had to give/show all my belongings to them while doing the pocket search?

    I was transported into a room with no windows and only one door to enter or go out.

    3 police officer there.

    They had some kind of tools that I can not identify as the room is a bit dark.

    They ask me if I agree that some kind of drugs was found on me.

    No I said and told them the evidence is on tape and I also have my urine check.

    No problem they told, just admitt you recieved some kind of drug from that guy that invited you for the party, if you do you are free they told me.

    No i said I will not do that, then it all started.....

    If you want me to continue this story please tell but it is very graphic and I think Mods will not allow it to tell.

    Mods can I continue or not?


  9. Very good topic here and very good advice from TV members.

    Due to this topic I went out today and buy the Thai for beginners book and cd from Benjawan Poomsan and another one from her called: Improving your Thai pronounciation.

    So I will try again and this time a strict regime of spending at least one hour a day to study.

    Thanks alll!!!

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