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Posts posted by AlexLah

  1. Am I correct in thinking that if the market does not drop 30% or near 30% the investor will loose 4.5 billion USD?

    They buy put's on a whole index fund that means they are betting the whole market will collapse?

    S&p and Eurostoxx are made up of non US companies does that mean this investor is betting that the EU market will collapse first and the US market a bit?

    65.000 S&P

    245.000 Eurostoxx

    Another strange thing I do not understand is why recently governements in US and EU were pumping billions of dollars in the banks.

    Did the banks ran out of money?

    If for example 90% of people took out their money from their accounts incase of some catastrophic event happening, what would happen?

    If something big would happen that affects the stock market in a very negative way I for sure would sell all stocks I have as quickly as possible.

    A lot of strange things are happening behind the screen that is not reported in mainstream media, maybe better to sell now?

    The link to anomalic research is very confusing and to me it seems they have things mixed up.

    Where is Dr Naam when you need him, ha ha ha

  2. So for those tape lovers. Once your done filming and want to edit what you have filmed.

    Yes you need to down it to a pc, aahhhh you need some capture card and that card will do what with the quality?

    I have a Sony SR 100 here (with HD) and makes very nice and crisp footage.

    It has a 30 GB capacity so more then enough I would say

    Very easy to use and for downloading your stuff just plug it into your USB port.

    I payed 34.000 Bath for it about 8 months ago.

    It will be a lot cheaper now as all the hype is HD nowadays.

    Kind regards,


  3. Hi November Rain,

    Did you read part one and two of my story?

    Indeed a few people here think they are superhumans, up to them.

    I just wanted to share an experience that I had and to make clear that these kind of things really happen.

    As for me how I feel about it.

    The towel and water thing still hunts me at times as it was a really nightmare experience.

    It felt if I was going to die.

    Those people that do this should be put in jail or give them the same.

  4. So how many years did those bombers get in the first place?

    I mean if they got 20-50 years I would not worry to much about a 2-5 month reduction.

    Those bombers where most likely sort of brainwashed that at that time they were thinking it was allright to do.

    Hopefully now they do know beter and showed this in some way or the other.

    And altough they know they will not be free before they die in jail I think when someone shows he/she has changed for the better it can be rewarded so that those people know when doing something good, good will return to them.

    LaoPo I am not sure why you bumped this post but could it be that you lost some loved ones there and you are still having emotional problems with it?

    How about the hundreds of thousands people in other countries (like Iraq) that lost their lives through state sponsored terrorism?

    Look a bit closer what is happening in the world and how governements and institutions turn a blind eye to mass slaughterings/starving (E.G: Darfur).

    I do not say that I agree with the Bali bombing but I guess those people behind it and beyond them wanted to make some kind of statement that would open the eyes of the Sheeple.

  5. Gold will reach astronomical hights in a few years from now.

    I advised a friend of me with a lot of money to buy gold 2 or maybe 3 years ago when you could buy One Bath for about 7-8000 Bath.

    Now it is 10.750 or something.

    The US economy is going to collapse and the USD will be worth nothing.

    M3 figures are not being published anymore so that the FED can keep printing money.

    Iraq, Iran, Venezuala, China and other countries are backing off on dollars and some want/wish the oil be paid in Euro.

    Next will be some kind of US, Canada, Mexico Euro and revaluation.

    Then an Asian Euro and finaly one global currency.

    I will be long dead when the last happens but I am sure I will see the others happening.

    Just follow the financial trends and not only the mainstraem because they are mostly controlled by the people in place.

    This world is about to collapse.

  6. hotel/restaurant employee: 5k Baht

    entry-level administrative position: 10k Baht

    government employee: 10k Baht

    teacher of English as a second language: 20k Baht

    sales/marketing executive: 20k Baht

    financial services executive: 20k Baht

    engineer: 25k Baht

    manager: 40k Baht

    director: 56K Baht.

    In my opinion your numbers for the higher positions are a bit off.

    Country Sales manager in my company: 100.000

    Area sales manager: 50.000

    Finance controller: up to 100.000

    Product manager: 40-60.000

    Director/profit center leader 150.00 and up

    I love my job but have some serious problems/frustrations with some egotrippers in my company that are in a constant state of denial and do not have a clue what is happening outside their cubicles/offices and that are in their position because they went up further then their elbow....

    Funny is when you are in meetings and ask them questions that you know they cannot answer, ha ha ha .

    Yes I know some of those people hate me, but I do not care, I know they only last a few years.

  7. I also think it is hilarious when people attempt to speak Thai whilst still keeping their strong regional accent, especially cockney. "saboi de moi, mate" :D

    Ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,

    I have heard like that a few times and mostly when going through immigration when arriving here.

    Another one, : Ko (like owe) tuut crap, or : Sawet di crap

    Anyway back in the learning books for me ahum, lesson one.......... (boat ti nong)


    ha ha ha

  8. Yep I sold the whole story to a big producer and it will be a mini serie in 10 parts, reality style they told me :o

    I guess indeed I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    It was at that time that the war on drugs was declared so I think the coppers were a bit motivated to find ways to recieve their bonus.

    Oh,and frenchfarang,

    Please try at home (just for fun) Sit in a chair, let a few friends hold you tight and give you a good punch in the stomach let them wrap a towel around your head and let them start pouring plenty of water over your face while one of your friends pulls your head backwards.

    After you experienced that for a few minutes come back here and tell me if you enjoyed it. :D

    Anyway what you need is not the normal number from your embassy but an emergency number.

    When have to do a pee pee test ask for two botlles and keep one yourself and hold it thight (assuming you are not an illegal drug user).

    Have some picture ID with you at all times or a copy of your passport (I run into problems because I did not have my passport neither a copy of it with me at that time, but that is a long story so I not tell).

    Do not shout to the police, another English guy did this and he recieved some serious beating.

    When you are asked to empty your pockets do it in front of a camera when there is one, otherwise let plenty of people watch and better undress completely and let the officer empty your pockets after you showed there is nothing (No drugs or other illegal stuff) in there.

    Make sure you have on paper a few telephone numbers of friends/embassy incasepolice take your mobile. just stash it somewhere in these small pockets of your jeans.

    If you are taken to some special room be prepared and flex your muscless.

    Stay calm at all times and tell you are not guilty of anything, never sign any statement unless you know what it says and you agree with it.

    Again I say this is a vey good topic for when you come into some problems that you think would never happen to you.

    Take care all,


  9. Ok so the officer gave me a number to call.

    I tried and nobody picked up the phone.

    It was Sunday morning at around 5.

    You no lucky the officer told me.

    Tell me why you go that bar, maybe I can help you the officer told.

    I explained everything and then the officer told me that if I could pay a 100.000 Bath all problems would be solved.

    I do not have this amount of money and as I not did anything wrong I was surely not going to pay anything to anyone I explained to him.

    Up to you he said then and added: Are you sure?

    I then realized he was just part of it but only trying to play the nice guy.

    Next thing that happened that I had to get my picture taken and fingerprints as they told me they found a few bags of drugs and found prints on it and they told me the owner of the bar/house denied it was his so they had to check it out.

    So prints and pictures were taken and I was taken back to the waiting area.

    Again after a while the ‘big boss’ came in and was shouting to the other officers.

    I had to go back to the hospital for another urine check.

    I again asked for two bottles and the staff reacted very irritated.

    In the pick up truck I was watched by many locals and some were spitting on me.

    Again placed in the waiting room.

    During this whole experience I kept asking what I was accused of but no reply other then things like you have bad friend, you take drugs, you have big problem.

    I was really tired and tried to get some sleep but after a while someone hit me hard in my stomach. It was another officer screaming and shouting to me in Thai.

    I was taken to the same room where they previously took me and where they had there fun with the towel and water.

    There where about five officers and they were holding me. I tried to resist but they were too strong.

    They asked me to admit I buy drugs from the Club/house owner. I told them I never did.

    And at that moment they kept on striking me, not in my face but in several body parts especially my stomach. And kept telling me if I admitted taking drugs I would be free.

    I kept telling I did not do anything wrong.

    After a while they placed me back in the waiting room. And then some guy came in that spoke good English.

    I finally found out what the problem was.

    This place was observed by undercover police for a few months and they found that drugs were being sold there so they assumed that anyone there was involved.

    After the second urine check they confirmed that I did not have anything in it and also they checked fingerprints found on the bags with drugs and found they were not mine.

    In the end I had to pay a fine of 300 Bath for drinking after closing time.

    They gave back my belongings and told me to have a good time

    I went back to my hotel room about 12, confused and hurt.

    (Other things have been done to me but I will not them mention here as I think people will react that they not believe that has been done to me.)

    For your info the whole police team was replaced there after receiving many complaints about them a year later.

    Kind regards,



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