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Classic Ray

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  1. Land acquisition delays almost every rail project in Thailand (as well as in some other countries). The Government need to get better at planning and preparation before announcing projects and appointing Contractors. The other big delays usually centre around utilities diversion.
  2. Rather than the Government targeting ten year old cars for scrappage to stimulate new car sales they should scrap all the old and dangerous buses and coaches with their ancient chassis clothed in new panels and their CNG cylinders waiting to turn them into fireballs.
  3. Whilst the Chinese may have declared Taiwan a province it is still self-governing as an independent country they have not “taken it over”. Better to look at what happened in Hong Kong to see how China behaves.
  4. Forcing consumers back onto cancer-causing, but Government-revenue generating, cigarettes.
  5. Stopping midway in a descent for a couple of minutes allows the brakes to cool and reduce fading. It also slows the descent to avoid loss of control on curves.
  6. This is because it is just an increased cost for the operators with no benefit to them. They are selfish and most of them can’t even keep the lights working properly. Government don’t care enough to pass useful legislation, too much concentration on individuals making money, not caring for the electorate.
  7. I think most of it is down to the lack of a safety culture in Thailand. May be connected with Buddhist resignation to fate, if something bad happens it was meant to be. There are no sanctions for bad road behaviour like in Western countries where killing someone in a collision leads to years in prison and massive insurance payouts. Police do little enforcement except tea money speed traps and crash helmet fines. No driver education, only minority have licences, bad signalling, follow too close, no giving way etc etc. Until the Government makes road safety a priority, nothing will change. At the moment it’s just lip service with static checkpoints during dangerous holiday periods. Get the police on mobile patrol, fix the broken speed and stoplight cameras, and teach the kids road safety instead of endless Thai history lessons. Make a difference and save some lives.
  8. The only reason the Government would consider legalisation is to take a slice of it in tax revenue. I expect the illegal way will continue with those who don’t want to pay tax on their winnings or profits.
  9. I wonder how the aggressor in a full face crash helmet was identified as a Thai, instead of any other nationality. Also, how about the victim, how do we know he was a foreigner? Maybe the answers are in the video, I haven’t bothered to watch it, nationalities irrelevant anyway.
  10. I hope no applicants are tempted by dodgy agents looking for commission to get them a job, or those human traffickers looking to place them in brothels.
  11. All the tuk tuks in Bangkok have three wheels, is this a special breed in Phuket?
  12. Reduce speed, maintaining adequate distance between vehicles, and full alertness. Three tactics never seen on Thai roads.
  13. With proper interviewing by the police, the suspect’s admission plus statements from the others involved/witnessing the incident would be enough for a conviction. Good luck finding competent detectives who could do that though.
  14. Fancy someone citing political pressure in the Senate. If there can’t be pressure there, where is it allowed?
  15. I hate people who don’t pay their debts whatever sex or nationality. He is a cad and a bounder!
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