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Classic Ray

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  1. Marry a Government employee like police or teacher and then all healthcare is virtually free at Government hospitals, 50 baht per visit and free medication.
  2. No bank account to keep the money? Who keeps 200,000 baht in cash lying around, unless you can’t account for where it came from?
  3. Why are the dogs not exercised on leads/leashes? They should not be just released to roam free where they can attack other dogs.
  4. In many Western countries, pedestrians are king and have priority. In Thailand only the poor walk and are treated like crap, priority given according to size of vehicle.
  5. I have a 10 yr old Avanza and a 5 yr old Hyundai H1, both of which have had only normal servicing and occasional batteries (cheap) because of the heat. I expect soon to replace the a/c compressor in the Avanza and just had one window regulator in the Hyundai. I, and I expect most motorists in Thailand, want our vehicles to carry on and have some value even after twenty years. With cheap spare parts and mechanics and no salt on the roads, this is possible with ICE cars. How many EVs will last this long and what total cost of ownership will they have over this time? Or are we suddenly just going to throw them away after 5 to 10 years?
  6. Very convenient for kids meals like sausages and chips, chicken tenders etc. Microwave veg while it’s cooking. i also occasionally bake two loaves of bread in mine when i can be bothered to mix it all up. Bake two because one disappears almost immediately.
  7. 35 micrograms in 100 ml of breath equals 80 milligrams in 100 ml of blood. I expect they were quoting 58 micrograms.
  8. Quite ironic that the popularity of cats (and dogs) as domestic pets was based in part on their ability to control rodent pest populations like rats and mice. Bringing home a few sparrows and lizards was just seen as bycatch. Somehow that is not now seen as a relevant reason to keep them, mad.
  9. I just watched an old movie called “The Front” on YouTube starting Woody Allen, which dealt with the evil nonsense called McCarthyism that blighted the careers of many in the media industry in the 1950s for supposed Communist leanings. This debate on cancel culture exhibits many of the same traits.
  10. So instead of saying normal service will be resumed, they have to say neurotypical service? Not very clear.
  11. I was posted to London, needed a cheap car to get around and bought a £300 LHD Opel Kadett off the side of the road. Did many thousands of miles in it for about 5 years with only repairs being £150 of sill welding to get it through an MOT. Didn’t care about bumps and scratches, eventually passed it to a mate who ran it for a couple of years more. Most memorable deep toned horn, I loved it.
  12. My local one in Bangkok charges only 100 baht for this service. Plus they do test brakes, steering, lights, emissions etc and take the results to the DLT when they renew the tax and reissue the compulsory insurance. Great service.
  13. The government seem reluctant to take any effective action that would affect large business operations or use up tax revenues. This includes stopping crop burning, dealing with dirty vehicle exhausts especially trucks and buses, and industrial pollution from factories. Instead they concentrate on mitigating the effects of their inaction on the population instead of dealing with the causes. Meanwhile children (including mine) and particularly the old and infirm, suffer. I think it’s disgusting and keeps Thailand still regarded as a third world state.
  14. Usually hazardous materials should be stored outside the main building in a chemical store to minimise the effects of any fire. Plus with the low cost of employing a night watchman/woman to conduct regular patrols I’m surprised this wasn’t discovered sooner. Icing on the cake, no fire insurance. Maybe no company would cover them with their unsafe working practices, or just saving money, look where that got them. Expected better from such a large company.
  15. Comforting to know that the rescue/medic team are so untrained that they have to rely on a couple of schoolgirls to give proper treatment.

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