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  1. Same <deleted> every year whit this Arabs, driving around all day all night look like a very fun vacation😂
  2. Want happen in Thailand money always number 1 here moral means nothing and is just a show but good for Sri Lanka.
  3. Something to be proud abouts that you have all the Russians since you are one of the few country's in the world to welcome them , all about the money as usual Thailand.
  4. This f..... arabs is like the burning season , you know them come this time at the year every season.
  5. I bet they will finit all the road works around the city so we all can get to all this exciting events ( ironi )
  6. Gread and cooruption in City Hall thats why this dum dums in charge can never finit anything , same whit second road a never ending project.
  7. Thepprasit road have been a death trapp for 15 months because of the gread , cooruption and dum dums in City Hall.
  8. And next you can take the dum dum of a major to Thepprasit Road and Second Road to look at the never ending road work , im sure you will find alott off money missing from this also.
  9. What about use the law you dum dum.
  10. Probably still to busy trying to fix the lottery price him promise back in 2014 ????????????
  11. You would think whit that big head it would been something inside there but I think it's empty.
  12. This idiot was so scared of covid that he and the other junta dum dums shut down the country for almost 2 years but the air that we have to breath every day them seam to not care much about , ritch or poor dosent matter when it come to the air you breath.
  13. Ofcourse him say , the mafia in brown never do anything wrong.
  14. What the dum dum Prayut don't understand is that all his money him have been making from his coorupt rule the last 9 years will not stop him from get sick from the air , ritch or poor dosent matter we all have to breath the same air that slowely killing us.
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