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The manic

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Posts posted by The manic

  1. 30 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    A silly cliche to use in this context.  It's more mature and honest to be selective and sensible, rather than putting your brain on the shelf just to pacify and coddle the silliest Romans in Rome. 


    Thankfully my Mrs. isn't into religion, so I don't need to pretend, enable or facilitate a lot of rituals, superstitious dogma or old wive's tales.  I've dismantled a few she'd been holding on to since childhood, thanks to her parents, I'm sure.   Exposure to the big world outside Thailand and Asia in general, has helped diminish it as well. 


    Nevertheless, ghosts and goblins seem to sail right past our house.  

    Just lucky I guess. 

    Or it could be the neon sign I installed out front on the lawn. 



    Not a cliche but a wise truism.  What you believe is irrelevant. It's the beliefs of the community you live. Your immaturity speaks volumes. No more thanks. Somebody asked for advice about a culturally sensitive matter. All he has to do is consult senior member of his community including, monks,police and mediums.  Your suggestions are just arrogant cultural insensitivity.  I will block you now.

    • Haha 1
  2. 10 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    so youre anti-refrugee?

    Depends on their legal status, their culture values,  their ability to integrate etc etc. But these wealthy economic immigrants who pay thousands of pounds to gangster to cheat the system are not welcome. Let's prioritise based on merit. The Yazids, and Christians should be given priority. Not the bearded thugs who have overrun our cities and groomed and raped our children.  Good guys in bad guys out. Trump was right when he spoke out regarding the damage done to Europe by uncontrolled illegal immigration and false asylum seekers who already have asylum.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I don't believe in these things, but I find them kind of charming with in the Thai cultural context. So why not fix it up and make it a part of you landscaping.  

    How about the OP provides a picture? does he need the room , is it intrusive?

    I am an atheist but at the same time I am a cultural christian, I don't believe in all the mumbo-jumbo but  enjoy some of the Christian culture I was brought up in . Can something like this apply to this Buddhist/Animistic Thai cultural symbol.

    Why remove it?

    Just removed it in the correct way

  4. 3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Seriously?  Thailand's not difficult to suss out but I appreciate some here like to get all wrapped up in the silly stuff.  Makes them feel more "assimilated" I suppose.


    Agreed though, I'll move along but you have to know, the irony in the advice to "grow up", is a real gut buster considering the topic at hand.  Amazing.  Anyway, see ya'.


    When in Rome....

  5. 4 hours ago, bkk_mike said:

    As someone who sent their kids to International school in Bangkok for years before returning to the UK where they finished secondary school, I'd actually say the Thai school was better.


    (This was an international school where classes were taught in English by mostly UK teachers. I also remember an Australian... The only Thai teachers I met were teaching the mandatory Thai classes. And yes, it had the correspondingly eye-watering level of fees.) 


    I don't believe the teaching itself is any better in general, but the kids are better behaved, so there is less time spent controlling unruly kids rather than teaching.


    For an example, my kids couldn't believe it the first time they saw a fight in a school in the UK. Also, the first school they went to in London, they got bullied , so they ended up having to change school). 


    Also the International school seems to give a lot more help for University applications (some of my daughters classmates are starting Uni in September, with King's College London, the LSE and Harvard some of the destinations of her former classmates). 

    Too true about the violence and  bullying in UK schools. 

  6. 57 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Did you also throw out your PC because spam arrived in your inbox? Or maybe the radio because it played the wrong music? You seem to be a smart cookie...

    It was a smart move albeit spontaneous. Spam I control and the computer is a creative and communicative tool for me. As for radio..I stopped listening to that when Radio Caroline closed down. Apart from R4 but I find that unbearable now apart from The Archers.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/26/2016 at 9:13 AM, gemguy said:

    I hear you.

    That old saying; Screw the bad girls and marry the good one...... sort of applies here.

    This is Thailand while a man can play it several ways including being married and still go out womanizing and some men do it with the permission of their wife's or at least the wife knows and does not intervene.

    Some guys have a wife and have one or several "Giks" on the go if financial matters allow them to afford it.

    Also if you are playing the field with the so called good girl and you get them pregnant and you have no intentions of marrying them and then they have no intentions of aborting your child ....then it really, really hits home concerning the consequences and implications of your little head doing more thinking than your big head.

    Fortunately I never made any girl pregnant while I nearly always wore a condom, as many men do ...but a lot, as in a lot of men do not and many girls including the bar girls are not taking any form of birth control resulting in unwanted or unnecessary pregnancies.

    All kinds of implications if you get too involved.

    Just better to pay your way and be on your way...but done in a safe and respectable and amiable fashion.


    Many bar girls have a form of deprovra. Three month renewable contraceptive injections. So their TBF does not put them.up the duff.....again 

  8. On 7/14/2018 at 1:29 PM, 55Jay said:

    There's an open field near where I live and as they do, Thais use it as an unofficial middle of the night dump site to avoid paying a bit of money to dump at the real one.  I've seen a few  busted up "spirit houses" out there some time ago, and once, noted a few thrown into bushes along side a country road.   


    I wouldn't get wrapped around the axle about it and worse, set a precedent that you'll go along with this superstitious nonsense. 


    Or just lie and make up a lovely sounding story like Thais would to whitewash the less sexy idea that they're just getting rid of some shit they don't want anymore.  I suggest you say you're making a home for homeless, starving birds, paralyzed from the wings down.  The more tragic and sappy it is, the better.  You'll be a hero!


    Wrong. it must be done correctly.

    • Haha 1
  9. 7 hours ago, z42 said:

    Thai schooling is generally a numbers game. All about points on a test, all about how much money each student can make for the school, and how many can be crammed into a class (remember i said generally).


    The UK system will create a more well rounded and resourceful individual in more cases than not.

    I wish. How do you think generation England hating, snowflake pantywaste was created. Inner city urban schools are violent and fail their pupils and teachers. In somd schools English is not spoken by many pupils. The key is to send a child to  Thai school but get private  tuition for music, art and whatever the child is interested in. If you can not afford to educate your child then you should not have had kids.

    • Sad 1
  10. On 7/13/2018 at 1:34 PM, Small Joke said:

    Scum of the earth.  In Switzerland,  her assets will be stripped.  She'll do time,  then, if still alive,  kicked back to LOS where she may get a job as a mamasan. But she's toast.  More or less. 

    She was just an agent helping girls get work. All girls are forced to say they were trafficked etc etc. In the old days English teachers flying from Thailand to Japan were paid to escort a girl to Narita.The girls were always grateful. Trafficking is just NGO speak.  The same puritanical feminists who have banned models  from sporting events. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



    Thanks for the reply.    You and I  may have gone on similar/same tours in Saigon.    I looked but will try a different approach in Hanoi next time


    You video was very good.   I enjoyed it.



    Thanks for the  posting .


    The Hanoi food on foot was better than the Saigon MC food tour. If I return to Saigon I would go the mod bar called Vespas. They do tours and are v accommodating.  In Hanoi I would check out on line threads and local tour groups based in Hanoi.

  12. 9 minutes ago, jingjai9 said:

    I lived and worked in Danang for one year. Although that was was 10 years ago, the comments made here about Danang, Vietnam are accurate. I have never been to the Philippines, but I can easily recommend VN. Just remember, it is against the law in VN for a foreigner to bring a VN lady to his room over night.  I loved the women. Biggest problem - The merchants and those in the service industry more often than not charge foreigners double for many goods and services. Also they are not as open to bargaining prices as Thais.  Also, in Danang the nightlife is over by midnight. I hope that has changed.

    Hanoi nightlife finishes by 10/11. As it does in Chang Mai. But Saigon is freer than Thailand. People smoke dope openly, take NO2 etc and plenty girls and music, massage and a couple of coyote bars.  

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