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The manic

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Posts posted by The manic

  1. 3 hours ago, overherebc said:

    As you say even in UK you have to dig deep. Almost bought a new bungalow that had nice views over fields to the sea and the area  was green belt listed.

    Dug deeper and found out the green belt listing had an expiry date 5 years in the future.

    Now that bungalow has nice views of back fences and two story houses.

    The green belt has to go to create housing for the immigrants and the children they create through polygamy. 

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  2. The OP review is not unfair but there is still fun to be had here. Even on WS! There are great restaurants here. There is still a buzz here and if you are a night owl can get a drink after 2am. But no its not what it was but where  in the world is? Where is cheaper  and better and more fun than it was 20 years ago? Possibly the Balkans. Certainly not Chang Mai or Bangkok. Utterly ruined by the authorities 


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  3. 7 hours ago, Nigeone said:

    Is this not just about living beyond your means ?? Seems like it . Borrowing money and being unable to repay the interest . We've all been there's in the west ,or most have and know well the problems it brings .

    There is no welfare system here and inadequate health services for the lower paid. Yes we have, and have debt problems in the West. So we cannot preach to Thais. What is the National Debt of the USA? What does quantative easing mean? Desperate people get in debt not just for personal reasons but because national wealth is not distributed fairly. Soldiers with 12 watches and youths who kill with sports cars seemingly have no debts.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, Small Joke said:

    I don't mind state interference. It's what they live for. In most cases it's beneficial, protecting the feeble minded from themselves. 

    It's when they criminalise victimless adult choices that gets me reaching for my reactionary Che beret. 

    True. I know what you mean but really it's an attack on greedy big business. The pharmaceutical industry and food industries need tackling for the way they have wreaked ,for profit, on an unsuspecting population. I always think of Tobacco and Thalidomide.

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  5. I rent a condo in Soi Cozy in a block I would consider buying but there is massive plot of undeveloped overgrown land from a previous failed project. Its tied up in legal problems now. But once that problem is sorted its obvious a condo will be built there. Meaning 24/7 construction noise and dust.  To say nothing of what effect it will have on the environment when it is completed. In the UK, when buying a property you can learn of any future developments and the status of the land nearby. Not foolproof but a bit less haphazard than here.

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  6. 26 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


    Sometimes I can't help but think Monsanto is just PURE evil.


    Well now they are vulnerable to a class action suit.They are hand in hand with the GM pressure groups and they developed Agent Orange to defoliate the jungles in Vietnam causing dreadful harm to generation after generation.  Profiteering poisoners on a global level but the Thai haters ignore such callumny and white about local farmers using parquet or DDT. To these people I say: try running a small profitable farm with pesticides and insecticides. Most of the critics came from countries that invented these chemical....and plastic bags...and plastic straws.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Oink said:

    Maybe the rent was too high. But you would think Central would make some allowances as it was the Kings "Royal Project".

    Or maybe the Expats just could not resist paying 3 x the price in Tops next door

    The one at Central Festival indeed has closed but it always seemed quite busy to me. Is it going to move somewhere else in Pattaya. Where can I get Herbal Stevie?

  8. 5 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

    The Thai way is to see what other countries do and secretly follow with a statement claiming their health/medical experts after much investigation have found problems.you know the people I'm talking about,the ones that approve paraquat.i must give them so praise on this one though as it only took 10 yrs to follow.

    hydrogenated fats are bad. Some saturated fats are good.


    16 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:



    Paraquat for Gawd's sake. Nasty but commonly used to kill off grass around sugar cane. Several folk in our village have physical and neurological  problems from that stuff (exacerbated a cavalier ignorance of safety clothing and processes).


    Very ugly.

    Round up by Monsanto is being sued in the USA

  9. 7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    So KFC,McDonald's,Dunkin donuts,will be leaving Thailand,

    I suppose a breakfast sandwich, is a Bacon sarnie,

    Thailand is slowly becoming a nanny state,one of the reasons

    i came here to get away from.

    regards worgeordie

    such places stopped using those vile artifocial fats ages ago. Lard and dripping are ok

  10. 10 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

    Cultures changed a lot too in a relatively short time

    I doubt its  still ok in most companies to sink a few pints and a meat pie  from 1-2 and go back in to work until 5

    And then maybe have a session after work on pay days.... 

    Old style pubs had more character and characters... 

    Ancient Tobacco stains on the ceilings from old men smoking pipes from generations past

    Now they've all changed and not for the better in most cases

    Too true

  11. 16 minutes ago, aldriglikvid said:

    Wow, I'm so humble and thankful for all your responses. 


    I vill visit Vietnam based on your feedback but Philippnes is absoluteley on a future to-do list. 


    I think I need to do HCMC because one of my purposes is making a visa for Thailand. But, the Danang trip mentioned previously do sound intriguing. 

    Again - thanks. The forum does excel at times. 

    One last point. Vietnam is much safer than the Philippines. 

  12. 1 hour ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    many reasons, one of which is the vile separation of very young children from their parents. I realize its hard for you to understand protesting the mistreatment of children that arent part of your tribe but thankfully not everyone  believes as you do

    Selective outrage. Obama evicted 3 million illegals including kids....The deluded ineffectual left has lost the plot and speaks for no one.


    Therapy for lost souls

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