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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. Now that is exactly what I was thinking,...but then again,...there are no "kick backs" in there own old planes.....(A “kickback” is a bribe paid incrementally by the contractor as it is paid, usually an agreed percentage of the contract. Most bribes in exchange for large contract awards in international development projects are paid as kickbacks, usually totaling 5%-10% of the contract value.) Best regards and have a good day !
  2. In this case it does !!! His father is known as the most honest politician in Thailand, and nobody would dispute that !!!
  3. Nah, not only for him, it's trickle down economy here, it trickles down to his subordinates !!! Now, he keeps the biggest part, and how much trickles down is up to him,....
  4. Lucky You, I am really Happy you could prove me wrong,...there is still hope for Thailand ! THX. I am verry sorry for your wife,... Best regards, and have a great life.
  5. I have/heard so many story's of people that bought property in Thailand that were deceived. And if that's not enough,...getting bad/noisy neighbors..!?!? If you rented ? you can leave easy !!!
  6. Don't worry about me,...I (we, my wife and I) don't need property, I travel around SE Asia every year for 5/6 months (the European winter months),...and do the same around Europe for 3/4 months in summer,...the rest we spend in our inexpensive rented apartment at 500 m from a European beach !! Been doing that for over 30 years and this suites us very well,...I did that when I was younger, and now I do the same with the wife,...visiting friends all over the world.
  7. Hm,...I hope never to get into a similar situation,...I don't trust Thai Justice !!!
  8. Sure, many of my friends bought condo's/houses,...and never had problems,...but some had,....
  9. Hm,...People like me,..?? I staid many years on Samui, rented a bungalow on the beach for around 6000/7000 Thb,.....
  10. This is what I was always told !!! RENT !!! NEVER BUY !!! unless the money invested is unimportant and ready to be lost !!!
  11. He was most probably under influence of some substance !!!,..But the RTP didn't dare to test him !!!
  12. Must have been a real one with a false name, because he evaded French border police and they are very well trained !! Maybe he got it at the Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi. ??? this is going to be a very interesting story to follow if there is any follow up !?!?
  13. ..."Initially, when he was caught trying to escape to Loei Province, where he had been staying with his mother,".....there is a pattern in there ??? as they all run to there mother,...
  14. HM,...He might have the time of his life, Bar girls can really take good care of young people...and this is no intended sarcasm.
  15. Indeed...."Thanks to Thong Lor Police officers, the tourist – although bruised and shaken up – was reunited with all of her valuable stolen belongings."....great effective police work !!!
  16. I am really sorry for your friend,...this could happen to anyone of us,... Best regards.
  17. Indeed, it's a unwritten rule in Politics !!! Pragmatism !!!
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