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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. My wife had a very good instructor in Chiang Mai. He told her the most important rules, and to watch around every time she maneuvered....He was really good. She had her driving license easy ! (That's no Guarantee I Know) A couple of years later she did her driving lessons again in Europe and that was a lot of studying,...She studied a couple of months, did her exam and got it the first time. And I swear the exams were very hard and strict. They tried to trick her into making mistakes, but she did it excellently. She is now a excellent and safe driver. I let her drive as much as possible to get as much experience as possible, she drove in Germany, Switzerland, France The Nederlands and Belgium,...without a problem.
  2. Well, to be honest, Its not unlike in the western countries. They all avoid any responsability. I can return your question,.... "when one of them has actually stood up and said "yes, you are right, it was me and I take responsibility". !?!?!?
  3. Tried many times myself months ago and this is what I get,...nothing, nada, mai mee,... "Total number of public Red Notices in circulation: 7530 There are no results for your search. Please select different criteria. This site displays up to 160 notices per search result. Please refine your search criteria to find the notice you are looking for."
  4. Speak for yourself,....lot's of Farangs speak rather good Thai !
  5. I couldn't agree more with you. Been double vaxed and on the list for a booster shot ! Best regards.
  6. One very good reason never to buy property in Thailand !!! Rent is far better. If anything happens, you can leave on the moment and leave nothing behind !
  7. Thanks for sharing you're knowledge of Brazil. It is very interesting. I googled Cracolandia !? crazy !!! It really looks like a zombie movie !
  8. Hm,...so if I understand you well?,.... only the kid's of the rich and powerful can and may avoid conscription !?!?
  9. Hm,...would the use of plastic bags to know where the money is be required ?
  10. So ?,...Wayne Rodney Schneider. killed and berried himself then ??? Well after all This is Thailand and we have seen stranger things happening !!!
  11. The thing farang's don't understand is that people in high places can loose face multiple times, as long as they stay in there very well remunerated plus full benefits function. A function that gives them the possibility to gain more power and a whole lot more money than there high salary's.
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