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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. Hm,...A school boy that is responsible for the deaths of some +/_3000 people !!!
  2. Hm,...Maybe they went a tat too far in this one,...the RTP can give them heavy fines and close there business !!
  3. Until he gets a pardon from higher up !! which wouldn't take more than a couple of days.
  4. Hm,...But it leaves a written trace of the event and can not be denied !!
  5. A gun was produced, now it's a criminal matter !!
  6. Hm,...Now this is in the open thanks to the internet, you might see some changes shortly,...or not,...!?
  7. Well,...It it has the same outcome ? who cares !!
  8. They got the job done without harming him and that's a great job in my book !!! It's far to easy to use violence as a cop !!
  9. The RTP showed remarkable restraint, I can only have RESPECT !!! for them
  10. Indeed, the RTP showed remarkable restraint, RESPECT !!!
  11. They both are !!! more than 2500 people were killed during Thaksin's war on drugs !!! the great majority of them innocent ones !!!
  12. Good one !!! Two monks are discussing, one asks the other, do you think we will see the end of celibacy ?? nah !!!, said the other,..but our children will !!!!
  13. I often wondered what happened to that guy (Michael Karas), as there is never a thorough follow up on interesting story's in Thailand ! Thank you for sharing this !!! Best regards.
  14. They usually very much underestimate the Police ability to solve crimes !!!
  15. Hm,..The person holding the camera !?!?
  16. Most tourists are not aware of the political situation in Thailand,...they just want a holiday on a exotic beach...!!!
  17. Hm,...I know of 6000, 7000 thb,...good rooms, good central location as well,...monthly rent
  18. ..."The governor said there are no other firework warehouses in the district of which officials are aware and the one where the accident occurred had not yet been authorized for use as a warehouse as it was newly built."..
  19. Sadly, these people never learn,...not from there history nor other country's history's,...
  20. Correct !! But some people are so prejudiced that they would never believe Any contradicting (to there believes) information. Best regards.
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