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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. There are several new stations just like this one on the way down south,...they are all far to big for the towns/villages they are at. Somebody had to make a huge amount of money on this,... TIT
  2. Well deserved to get caught, I hope the bleed him dry ! Not the slightest sympathy for drunk drives.
  3. Hm,...Not if you are drunk and destroy state property !! Light poles or electric poles are expensive !!! He will know ! It's going to cost him !! and I hope a lot ! I have no sympathy for drunk drivers !!
  4. Yes, Indeed. The Thai Government and justice system Lost all credibility, that is , if they had any,....?? But they don't care. They will continue to get away with everything. As long as there's no strong powerful opposition around.
  5. Don't worry, last time I was in The south, Songkla and Had Yai were full of Malaysians in the weekends,...al hotels were full booked. Thai Nightlife is still a whole lot more attractive than the Malaysian one
  6. “There’s a sucker born every minute,” Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891)
  7. Yes,...That was a good movie. And sadly the start of massive Chinese tourism in Thailand !!!
  8. Hm,....Some tourists,...but not for the western tourists,....which are bigger spenders,...strange Concept indeed !!!!
  9. If that was not reckless driving !?!? I don't know what is !?!?,.. so sad for the two young people that died, R.I.P. Condolences to families and friends.
  10. ..."They were allegedly involved in visa fraud, offering a Schengen visa application process that cost €7,000, translating to roughly 267,000 baht.",... How these guys get those Schengen visas ??? they need accomplices in a European Embassy !!!
  11. If the mother did not return !?, something has happened to her !,...Elephant mothers never leave there little ones wonder of,...
  12. Hm,..."paid a 4,200 baht bar fine to take the woman to his hotel.",...Impossible !!!, everybody knows that there is no prostitution in Pattaya !!!?
  13. Yes, Big pockets and non functioning brain. Going out in the nightlife anywhere on earth with the equivalent of 60.000 Bht. is very stupid.
  14. That's why it was so easy for those Katoeis to lift him of that surplus weight. ,...
  15. Hm,...If it is her ex the police will find him quiet easily !
  16. Thailand used to be one of the safest country's on earth for women alone on the streets,....
  17. It's a Government employee uniform, in this case Ministry of interior !!! no Military uniform !!
  18. Hm,...Isn't "Police General Phatcharavat Wongsuwan" not the brother of Prawit Wongsawan !?!?!? The Watchman ???
  19. Hm,...I heard so many story's about Thais been ripped of by other Thais even from there own families !!!
  20. This was in Taiwan !!!,...Read the article before commenting stupidly.
  21. Hm,...Been rich isn't enough, but been from a very rich family with lot's of good connections in high places will do it !
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