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Everything posted by Spock

  1. Thais generally seem little interested in politics and though their apathy is understandable given the poor calibre of their politicians, it generally means they get the leaders they deserve.
  2. Seems to me that what is referred to as a prison is more likely a police lock-up where prisoners are held prior to going to court and jail.
  3. Would be interested to know if the agent would still cover a policy begun after 70.
  4. It says above that tourists booking through the Tunia group typically spend 14,000 baht a day in Thailand! If that's per person, either that's a lot of money or I am the cheapest of tourist Charlies. I'd spend 2000 on a normal day, maybe less. I can't even begin to think how I would spend 14000B a day. Maybe if I hit the Viagra, the bars and the drugs I could make a dent in that amount, but that's not how your average Chinese would spend his money.
  5. The article is saying 3 American bully dogs will be rehomed when in fact there are only 2. The third was a a Thai dog that was injured trying to help the boy. Yet it's lumped in with the fate of the killer dogs! What's the story?
  6. It's unfortunate you weren't present at the time to prevent the mauling to death of the hapless man.
  7. So this prosecutor is eager for the chance to prove his innocence, though he has freely admitted he is guilty of reducing the speed of a vehicle which killed a policeman from 177kph to less than 80. Hard to see how that constitutes innocence. It's an absolute blight on the Thai judicial system that this a'hole of a man in Vorayuth is still at large. As a Thai man who had just spent 9 years in jail said to me the other day - rich people in Thailand never go to jail.
  8. At least Samui has trees and there are limits as to how high buildings can be. Phuket had no restrictions of which I am aware and the island has been largely denuded of trees for years.
  9. The reason is relatively unimportant. What is important is security guards exceeding the action expected of them in the role they should be playing, particularly in the wake of the highly publicised beating and kicking of a Brit. Why do you people all jump to the conclusion that glorified thugs in security outfits have good reason or any reason to put people in hospital via their actions? These guards are meant to exercise restraint and try to calm situations rather than making than escalating them. There is no excuse for this type of behaviour and the first reaction from posters shouldn't be to question reasons behind the thuggery but to condemn violence by people paid to prevent it.
  10. The 0.2% THC limit puts everything into perspective. The dispensaries can all close because even if they could put on sale products that fall within the legal THC limit, nobody would buy them.
  11. Except that it's Thaksin we are talking about here and it's unquestionable he was given favourable treatment that was really nothing to do with human rights.
  12. I hate him for the thousands of extra judicial killings that occurred during his leadership of the country, all a direct result of his extreme anti drug policies. There is no doubt he is behind the recriminalisation of weed. It's a backward step for the country allowing him a passage back into politics. His lese majeste remarks can be overlooked while a winning party can be removed for much the same 'offence'.
  13. I arrive Monday night from Australia, but despite the promises, I don't like the chance of getting more than 30 days visa exempt entry. Don't understand why the new rules are meant to apply from the 15th July when it's obvious they won't.
  14. If Russians get visa free entry for 90 days, then every other country should get extra time too.
  15. And even better to do neither.
  16. It's hardly a 'dodgy business event' when 8000 shops open along with numerous growers and a million people register the 20 plants allowed by law to grow at home. In any normal country, the government would not be flip flopping on such an important matter. Thailand unfortunately elects governments that measure up all too readily with the general apathy directed at politics and matters related to such. Always one step forward then two steps back in Thai politics. It doesn't help credibility when the prime minister isn't even popularly elected or some maggot like Thaksin can pull political strings even while supposedly confined to prison.
  17. Happy to service a market with stalks, roots and leaves, after throwing away all the THC containing heads?! That'll make them millionaires overnight!!😁 What about the granting of the right to all citizens to grow 20 plants at home and register this so its legal? Do you think any of them were going to use the crop for medicinal purposes? The message from the government to the people was pretty clear at the time. Die in hell, Thaksin Shinawatra and cronies.
  18. 8000 dispensaries, many growers and the millions who registered to legally grow 20 plants at home were hardly responding to a loophole, and if it is to be seen as such, it's one that has allowed recreational use to flourish without interference from police or government. To suggest people were not showing good business practice in the circumstances is nonsense. They did what they were permitted to do under the legislation and no doubt believed that the situation would remain the same in the future. Then along came arch weed enemy Thaksin Shinawatra and the whole situation changes. He and Duterte made a great pair with their thousands of extra judicial killings of small time users and individuals who had enemies within the ranks of the constabulary.
  19. I am booked to stay for a week at the Pho Place Hotel in early August. I chose it because of its location and the relative quiet offered by its position down in an alley, which is obviously also a disadvantage in a fire. There was a mention of the hotel but only that the fire there had been contained.
  20. Only took one post for the first reading between the lines and guess beyond the context comment to come out. Well done on being the first Doubting Thomas to put the blame on the mascot.
  21. You make an initial assumption and then just run with it. Your post contributes absolutely nothing helpful to the discussion, but thanks for your contribution anyway.
  22. But she can demand the same standards as back home and she has. Hope she wins.
  23. You sound like a particularly unreasonable person. You have no right to ask the owners of a friendly dog in a restaurant to take their dog away. I wish the owner had told all 189 of you to bugger off.
  24. Why shouldn't he pursue this further given how lightly the farang was dealt with by the law? I would be pissed off too at 6 dogs being released upon me by this entitled Belgian guy.
  25. Send me the name of your shop and I will buy some next month.
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