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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


    How cooperative are the Thai's when UK, US and Australian citizens are being ripped off by boiler room scammers based in Thailand, or when their citizens are murdered or extorted here? Do you think that the information would be used justly? My guess is that it would be used selectively ... opponents of the state hung out to dry but others left untouched. The idea that you would change anything is laughable.

    Forgive me, I prefer to see SOME criminals face justice rather than none. The brits a getting a free pass, so that leaves the locals. Wossamatta, afraid you little tin god might have got his fingers in the pie?

  2. 2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    I think it's better not to provide these details ... in many overseas countries corruption is endemic and the sole purpose of seeking political positions is to get on board the gravy train. You are only providing the opportunity for political vindictiveness by releasing this information ... they are all in on it.

    Criminals should be given a free pass, including keeping their illegal gains, to avoid "political vindictiveness"?? Really? 

    Do you think it might aid reconciliation too?

  3. 3 minutes ago, JAG said:

    I am pretty sure that the UK has a policy of not extraditing to, or otherwise engaging with, jurisdictions which have the death penalty, in cases which may result in the death penalty being imposed. As someone has already suggested the recent proposal to impose the death penalty for major corruption offences will stop any further UK involvement. Jolly convenient...

    The question isn't whether they are prepared to extradite (based on some proposed legislation) but whether they will name those involved who have been given a Get Out of Jail with a Fine paid by the Company card.

    Other countries without death penalty are involved, RR executives have broken their laws as well.

  4. 5 minutes ago, jonclark said:


    Not so sure about that Rolls Royce paid a 28.3 billion baht fine. So they clearly have been prosecuted and fined for their actions.  The bribery case focuses on the use of agents to secure the contracts - the agents paid a kickback to the customer and I'd like to know who RR agents in Thailand are.....RR has admitted the use of agents was irresponsible and paid the fine accordingly. The agents though are laughing all the way to the bank. 

    Come off it! RR are innocent because they hired agents to do their dirty work? Who authorised the payments, Noddy or Big Ears?

    Wealthy company directors have their company pay a fine, poor people go to jail.

  5. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Where did I say I wanted to excuse murder?  Those being blocked from entry probably are not murders.  I was responding to this quote:


    Where is all the noise when Americans are being shot, beheaded or blown up by Muslims?


    Again, that's not the biggest cause of death in the US and definitely not the biggest source of murders.  Some?  Yes.  Most?  Absolutely not. 


    This is interesting:



    "Probably" just doesn't make the cut. If people from your country and professing your religion feel they are justified in committing terrorism, you think that there shouldn't be consequences? How do those affected by terrorism know you are not a proponent, or even a sympathiser? How do they know your attitudes won't change, or that your offspring will decide to go radical?

    The answer to the last question is they spend millions monitoring you and your children. But that's OK, you will probably be an asset to the country.

  6. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    Where does it make that claim in the article I posted or did you get the info from an alt right false news site? 


    The article naming the person charged is emphatic in it's claim the guy is an extreme right sympathiser, not an extremist Muslim. As far as I can ascertain, so far only one person has been arrested & charged, not two or more


    Law enforcement sources confirmed to NBC on Monday afternoon that Bissonnette is the sole suspect in the shooting, though police initially apprehended two suspects. The second person apprehended by police is now considered a witness, and not a suspect.




    Read today's BP.

  7. 26 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Looks as though it has been confirmed the arrested individual, Alexandre Bissonnette, was a white far right activist & now an alleged mass murderer.


    Mr. Bissonnette’s online profile and school friendships revealed little interest in extremist politics until last March when French nationalist leader Marine Le Pen visited Quebec City and inspired Mr. Bissonnette to vocal extreme online activism, according to people who clashed with him.






    " Both men are believed to be Muslim. "   Did you forget that bit?

  8. 2 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    Might be true, however they are right in this case. And that is what this topic handles, shooting the messenger doesn't deflect from the fact that in this instance they are right. I personally could care less about their motives.

    Of course you think they are right, even when they are raising a completely unlikely last ditch solution as a straw argument.

  9. 1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:

    without a doubt. Doesn't change the fact that Saintlouisblues was 100% correct. He WAS convicted in absentia.

    AFTER he was allowed to attend his court case with full representation, up to and including a bribery attempt. Absenting yourself when the evidence is going against you and your bribe is rejected, hardly constitutes what convicted in absentia suggests.

  10. 1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:

    Pray tell, by whom should they be elected ?  It is a private organisation, there are numerous organisation the world over that advocate democracy, where leaders are not being elected.


    It's ironic that Junta huggers even dare to bring about this subject, none of the current lot was elected.

    Oh, it's certainly a private organisation, owned financed and directed from abroad. The lie is that they represent the people of northern Thailand, or have any interest in democracy, other than promoting the interests of their employer.

  11. 14 hours ago, Becker said:

    Maybe you can explain - drawing parallells to your own home country - why they should be elected. Are the Generals elected? Are the leaders of the Democrats elected? Did someone elect Suthep to spearhead the protests against the PTP? What exactly is your point|?

    The point is that is that not being elected, but claiming to be a champion of democracy, is hypocritical at best, and more likely, simply a lie.

  12. On 28/01/2017 at 2:32 PM, Wilsonandson said:

    What else can they do? Even if they vote in their chosen political party, that party is then given a neutral Prime Minister who may or may not agree with the majority party depending on the military picked senates approval of the majority parties idea or policies.


    For example.

    Pheu Thai wins the most seats in parliament and wants a war on drugs.

    They have a house vote.

    The vote passes and the PM consults the senate.

    The senate disapproves.

    The PM throws out the new bill.

    No war on drugs.

    And would that not be a better result than the last war on drugs?

  13. 15 hours ago, tbthailand said:

    wow, yet another departure from basic norms and human rights... 


    if you want to put someone on trial, then have the wherewithal to go get them and bring them back like any other normal, civilized country.


    If you don't have what it takes to do that, then you're just a coward with a court.





    so what are the absconders, cowards without a court?

  14. 10 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    Interesting comments.Some are indeed racist and reflect ignorance and others are contradictory. 

    The one accusing Sudanese of whatever and they can not fit...they will not change their culture to fit, let me ask you and many of us here, how many if you has abandoned "his" culture and adopted local culture?

    As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community .Stop being IGNORANT &  HYPOCRITE.?

    And yet, strangely enough, we do not teach our children teach to treat the locals as moral inferiors, nor infuse them with a religion which is used as an excuse to randomly kill their fellow citizens. Perhaps that is because we consider the local nationals as acceptably marriageable, without forcing them to accept and conform to different religious beliefs.  

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