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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 8 hours ago, Becker said:

    So he doesn't want to serve time in the private army of the elite, the same army that has persecuted him and is continuously overthrowing governments?? What a shocker!!!

    BTW, having served in my country's armed forces I have had the pleasure of serving together with plenty of people who wore skirts (they're called women) and I did so proudly and gladly. What about you?

    As aussieinthailand said; you're a real class act.


    BTW, how many sons of the elite you support do you think have to do military service?

    FYI I served my 2 years in the Australian Army, and there was very little pleasure involved. As far as I know, RTA conscripts swear allegiance to King and country, rather than some "elite". OTOH the only 'private army" I know of swear allegiance to a wealthy criminal, and his money.

    If you are not aware, katoeys are exempted from military conscription - the comment had nothing to do with women.

    BTW I know of some "sons of the elite" who were conscripted, Chalerm's murderous sprogs, who somehow were appointed as officers.

  2. 10 hours ago, janhkt said:

    On the other hand, it is also rather naive claiming that pumping out billions of tons of shit into the atmosphere on a yearly basis will NOT affect our environment. Are you telling me that correlations like this is indeed just pure coincidence?



    Ample proof that be adjusting scales to order you can prove anything. Over a 240 year period there has been a reported temp rise of around ONE degree, on a planet that regularly has ice ages. Should i start to panic now or later?

  3. 13 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

    Never mind that. Care to explain why weapons alledgely stolen in 2010 are just now found at the home of someone who publicly talked about armed resistence more than three years ago. And the icing on the cake is that the people from the flying saucer in Phatum Thani are "linked" to this weapons find.


    Me thinks some people have left their brains at BKk or DMK or whatever airport they used to arrive in this kingdom of utter bullshit. When something sounds too good to be true, it always is.

    So your denial is based on a view that the RTP are far too experienced and efficient to have taken this long?

    As usual you deny and obfuscate, and claim proven facts are mere opinion, because they don't suit your agenda.

  4. 4 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    Well yes, better to trust the intellect at the head of the RTP,  led by the chief of police who cannot even fill in a tax form, or read what someones written for them. Not sure who has the brains out of this lot.

    What has one to do with the other, except as a diversion? A known violent thug and his supporters are found with weapons, and it has to be a stitch up.

  5. On 14/03/2017 at 10:33 AM, Wilsonandson said:

    Reminds me of the Hua Hin elderly couple and son beating. People just walk on by or stand back and watch. No one steps in to help.

    The story of the good Samaritan is obviously not told in Thai schools. I wonder if there is a Buddhist story that is similar to that told to children?

    Why is the culture of this country to turn the other head? Ignore the crys for help of the injured or victims of crime. Who teaches this culture? Don't get involved, don't help, not my problem.

    Is it karma? The victim deserves it as they must have done something wrong in the past. Anyone know?

    Not all Thais are like this and do come to the aid of those being attacked or those injured but for the many years I have been here I haven't seen that happen very often.

    I guess this is not just Thailand either but an Asian culture thing. Oh well, survival of the fitest or should I say the one with the biggest gang.

    Perhaps you should revisit the Good Samaritan. He didn't join in the senseless violence, he helped the injured afterwards.

  6. 24 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Paracels are a big deal for Vietnam, not such a big issue for Fils. Actually, since Duterte got in power, the Fils has been sleeping at the wheel.  The US shouldn't sleep, though, unless it wants China to take over and militarize the SCS.   But that's what happening.  The US, under Trump, is letting the State Dept be under-staffed (many career people quitting, and many positions/appointments not filled).  Head man Tillerson is like a dotty old granddad who sits in the corner sucking his pipe - essentially a do-nothing doughhead.   His trip this week to Asia, is shouting about N.Korea.  Sure, N.Korea is important, but no more so than the SCS.   Tillerson will visit China and, in Trumpian fashion, will smile and bow his head at everyone including the butlers and dishwashers, .....but will accomplish nothing of substance.


    What he should do is tell the Chinese to pack up and get out of the SCS, or else. 

    Or else what?

  7. On 08/03/2017 at 10:46 AM, Happyman58 said:

    Ok anybody taken a taxi in Australia They are way over the top for what they charge. The government there also is not letting uber drivers operate but is some states they do  Depends how much the taxi drivers donate to the Liberal government there to keep the uber drivers out. Is that corruption you think ?Maybe that is happening here also. But you are right I went with a taxi here the other day Wow he did frighten to living daylights out of me the way he drove I have also been with a Uber driver they tend to drive more careful because they own the car I was very happy the way he drove.My question is Why are they not allowed to operate when most of the taxi drivers i have been with have no license also?

    BS. I drive cabs part-time in Brisbane, and my licence number is my log-in ID. As 90% of work is via the computer, working without a valid log in would be a waste of time. A suspended, cancelled or expired licence will not be accepted. A photo plate with the licence number must be displayed at all times, and to get that licence I had to undergo, and pay for, medical criminal and driving history checks.

    Next time you get a Uber, ask him if his vehicle is registered as a commercial vehicle carrying passengers for fare. Because that is the basis for his TPPI insurance, which covers injuries to you in an accident. Hopefully his underpaid insurance would still cover you, or you may well be relying on a lawsuit against somebody with few assets.



  8. 10 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

    Is that a serious question ? The list of crimes commited by the Junta makes anything Thaksin or anyone connected to him has ever done look like absolute child's play.


    Unless of course you actually believe abolishing constitutions, democracy and basic human rights to not be crimes.


    Maybe you believe  people that dare to speak out against the Junta being rounded up for attitude adjustment sessions or worse, without any due process to be perfectly fine.


    Time to take off your rose tinted glases, you cannot possibly be serious.

    Aah, you're a real dreamer aren't you. All those airy fairy concepts stolen, huge crimes compared to the parasite that has bloated himself on the wealth of the Thai people. But HIS crimes are OK, he had a mandate, just another way of saying elections.

    You think I have rose glasses, while you tell me how great things were under Shinawatra democracy, where the PTP had the right to its own militia. Short term memory loss is a sign of dementia.

  9. 3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Dangerous policy. People with access to the internet can find out the truth about all the lies the Government has told them.

    Actually, they can find out the truth about the lies ANY government has told them. If you think that is dangerous to the junta, consider how it will affect those who relied on an ill-informed and uneducated populace to elect them.

    Giving free access to different POV can only increase the quality of Thai democracy.

  10. 8 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

    Well one day there will be a new power in Thailand and then if they are serious they will reject and revoke the mother of amnesty's the junta gifted themselves and go after them for crimes committed.

    What I have never seen you do is apply the same standards to the junta and his family as you do with the Shinz and all things red, people who do not apply the same standards to all sides are call what???

    One hour before this you wrote " Well if any of them can produce proof irrefutable that a crime has been committed, then cool let justice be done,   "

    Do you have any irrefutable proof of junta crimes committed? How does that compare with your bad case of Shinawatra sycophancy?

  11. 6 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    Haha the fugitive criminal argument roars it's ugly head. Since he was convicted in Thailand, by a Thai court, one would think the term is highly subject to inflation. Especially considering there are quite a few people currently in appointed leadership roles that have exempted themselves from any prosecution for past and future crimes.


    Not sure why it would be wrong for a political party to place family members on their voting list, after all, the party still needs to secure votes before those family members could ever be allowed to sit in parliament. Now those family members (such as say Prayuth brother) are sure of those positions, as the electorate cannot possibly make their voices heard.


    Another instance where the situation got far worse, but I guess in your view it is ok, after all these are the good people right ?

    So no comparison - unsurprising! If you can't nominate ONE democracy that the last compared to, how can you deny that it was a farce?

    Ignore the fugitive criminal then, do you know of any government whose members are paid by a 3rd party, a 3rd party allowed access to cabinet meetings? In most democracies, both would be serious criminal offences.

    You don't know what's wrong with nepotism and cronyism on a party list? Do you think Chalerm could be elected any other way?

    You can't defend the Shinawatra regimes so you attack the present. All I am saying is that the previous democracy was a farce, and change was needed. When democracy is restored we can judge the change.

  12. 7 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    Of course it is, as that democracy wasn't a farce. You only call it a farce because the electorate kept voting in parties you seem to dislike.


    If you still haven't figured out that we are most definitely not on a pathway to a better version of democracy (as opposed to the real people's constitution of 1997) there might be no hope you would ever find the clue. Maybe read up on the 'approved' charter to see exactly what kind of democracy Thailand will get.


    One advantage for you is that the Thai electorate voting in parties you don't like has been made almost completely inconsequential. Better version of democracy, thanks for the laugh !

    Really? Then give me just one working democracy to which the Thai version compared well. Give me one working democracy where members of the ruling party are PAID by a fugitive criminal to vote to his order, or where a party list is stacked with family members, criminal cronies and thugs facing serious criminal charges.

  13. 11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Well, as you probably know, Thais aren't especially big on the political/governance history of their own country.


    And at least part of the reason for that, presumably, is only a very sanitized version of Thai history is ever taught in their schools, and what is taught, is probably almost bereft of any political content.


    So, do you call that a "blind spot," or an enforced blackout of knowledge?



    Perhaps they learned a valuable lesson on political promises with their computer tablets for every child.

  14. 14 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

    Actually in case of almost all ot the things you mentioned we have seen a sharp decrease. Keep trying to pretend this is better, when the facts are that the things you mentioned all have taken a nosedive. Including a far reaching amnesty for a few people further negating any oversight.


    It is suprising and incomprehensible how the current regime gets away with things no previous elected government has even approached. Does placebo rings any bells ?

    But I am not claiming this is a democracy, only a pathway to a better version of it. Things are far from democratic now, they were just as far before. All you are claiming is that a non-democratic form of government is less democratic than the farce of democracy previous. Does damned by faint praise ring any bells?

  15. 16 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

    Oh, I forgot.  The currently licensed taxi mafia accept all passenger rides and always uses their meter.  Moreover, they are always courteous, never sexually harass their passengers, and would never masturbate while driving their regulated taxis.  I call b.s. on you.

    Sorry for pointing out your hypocrisy. While the Thai taxi industry is far from ideal, there are regulations that have to be followed. Maintaining those regulations while allowing others to circumvent them is not the way forward.

    BTW try looking at the websites about problems with uber driers. Plenty of sexual assaults and rapes reported.

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