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Posts posted by samsensam

  1. 2 hours ago, Jack1988 said:

    This visa amnesty can always be extended lol and this foreigners can stay in Thailand for free but there is who had to pay a lot for get an Ed visa, sounds not fair


    i'm afraid 'fairness' is subjective, each country has its own agenda and sets its own immigration rules for the perceived benefit of that country. thailand is similar to most countries in this respect. if we want to be guests in countries outside our own i'm afraid we just have to manage our expectations and go along with any applicable rules and legal requirements .

  2. 35 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    Read the Wikipedia entry on the stuff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucozade  It's been reformulated several times in the past few decades which is why it doesn't taste like the product of your childhood.  It's basically sugar water with artificial sweeteners to avoid the UK sugar tax.  Oh, and coloring agents that can stain.  Doesn't sound like a worthwhile product to me.


    anyone on a healthy balanced diet really doesn't need this stuff, it gives sugar rushes/highs and i hate to think what it does to teeth. i have a healthy active life, exercise regularly, i gave up all forms of sugary fizzy drinks years agonand apart from a cup of coffee or tea a day only drink water which works just fine.


    i'm not some vegetarian or vegan 'i know better' type, but i do think the healthier lifestyle you have the more you realise the detrimental effects sugary drinks and junk food has on your body and well being.

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  3. 18 minutes ago, johng said:

    Isn't it normally about 60 people a day ?...these long holidays seem to be safer than normal days so lets just have  a long holiday all year long ????


    indeed, statistically speaking holidays, while having horrific road death toll figures, are generally safer than normal days. it's just the holiday figures hit the headlines.

  4. 12 hours ago, TKDfella said:

    'Yes it is...no it isn't...maybe...maybe not...er, we don't know let's go ask the public...PM says borders not open anytime soon'. Gee these people simply have no idea. Like many other TV members have said, there isn't going to be a tourist rush considering all the restrictions. Why doesn't the government/TAT etc. just accept the international situation and get on with some real solid domestic plan?


    absolutely, use this time to create a well managed safe, as possible, environment; get a decent test and trace system in place and carry out on going mass testing, that's what other countries are doing and have their borders open to tourists.


    thailand either cant do this or doesn't want to do it, their solution is pile all the responsibility on the tourists, not exactly an enlightened, 'can do' mindset.

    • Like 1
  5. 46 minutes ago, kimamey said:

    I had seen some EVA flights and some Thai although I wasn't so sure Thai was flying. As those are direct flights I'd probably only use them if I went premium economy. If the British government were to show some sense and stop strict quarantine from Thailand then I'd definitely go for a direct flight. 


    the routing, direct or indirect, is irrelevant, you are traveling from a country that is making no effort whatsoever to understand the number of infected people in the population. quarantine is not an administrative exercise it is there to to protect your family, friends and anyone else you may come into contact with. why on earth would't you quarantine?

  6. 55 minutes ago, anto said:

    >It's a funny old world.<   Your a funny old man .Nobody ( or very few ) want track and trace and a big brother atmosphere .BTW ,its just a Flu not the Plague .


    you have a mobile phone? email? facebook? social media? you can be tracked and traced. big brother is here my friend.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    The whole issue of Tourists returning to Thailand is hung up on just 2 things.

    1.  A government that has little or no idea on how to manage a return of Tourists based on " damage limitation ".

    and 2.   Money

    A willingness from the Thai Authorities to shaft as much money as possible from any potential Tourist

    Eg Fit to fly cert, medical check up, Insurance cover, ASQ 2 week Quarantine Etc ETc

    These people in Authority do not realise that the who World is now savvy to their scams and lies, and will avoid Thailand for other more welcoming destinations. And there are many that appreciate Tourists and their money more than Thailand.


    true enough, the thai government it putting all the emphasis on what visitors should/have to do and not what they can do to help manage the situation within thailand, two obvious initiatives;


    - have an effective track and trace system in place (not the nonsense system they have currently)

    - have widespread testing, it's what is most often stressed for any country wanting to effectively manage the virus, i did read thailand had developed a test that gave results in 1 hour 15 minutes so why not use it?!


    the government just dont seem interested in creating a safely managed environment for tourism to exists in. they should be making it easy for tourists to visit not difficult.

    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Actually, I will give it to you there. Sure, there can be some foreigners in Thailand that have come into financial problems that they have been absolutely unable to control. However, I am just so baffled that it seem to be so many when reading all the threads here on TV.

    Never ever said that people will need to have lots of money stashed anywhere. What I am saying is that people must plan better before they do something they just can´t cover in the long run, or that they try and stay on the wrong visa for too long, and just believes that will work forever.


    there probably seem to be a lot here because they have, for various reasons, a need to be vocal, others, who are able to do basic financial planning and live within their means have no incentive or desire to bang on about financial matters... thankfully i'm in the latter.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, toast1 said:

    Every time any good news is put on this website, a miserable, negative post will appear from a disgruntled, miserable negative fallang, saying it doesn't work.

    If the Thai government invented a cure for cancer, guaranteed one miserable fallang would be on here claiming it would never work.

    Why do these people live in or have anything to do with a country they despise, look down on or seem to hate?

    Maybe because they are not wanted or liked where they come from..



    just being realistic in a humorous way, if you'd care to look at my previous posts you'll see i'm neither a miserable, disgruntled (actually i'm a very happy), or negative person, don't look down on, despise or hate anyone. far from it, i'm tolerant and easy going. ????

    • Like 1
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  10. 11 hours ago, brommers said:

    And this is deemed to be newsworthy! England is a decade behind other countries in implementing this. In fact England is a shambles thanks to Mr Blobby and his incompetent cabinet 


    which countries were charging for plastic bags 10 years before the uk? i assume you are blaming boris for this which is nonsense as he's been PM for less than a year!

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