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Posts posted by NguuMuu

  1. Just to let anyone that's interested know, we successfully prepared the mushrooms by doing the 15 minute water soak and then a squeeze. We then let them site for about 2 hours until use where we gave them a quick 3 minute boil. Most of the mushrooms were fine although a few were slightly rubbery.

  2. Hello all,

    I happened across a few bags of dehydrated mushrooms and was wondering the best way to rehydrate them. There are two dishes we plan to make. One is to use the mushrooms in a clear broth soup (gaeng juut). The other is to make a mushroom salad (yam hed). How should I go about rehydrating these mushrooms?

    I have read to let them sit in hot water for 10 minutes then squeeze them out and they should be ready, although the water would have most of the flavor.

    I have also read to let them sit in cold water for an hour to retain most of the flavor.

    We also thought about boiling them to get them nice and soft for the yam (salad).

    Any recommendations would be appreciated. I don't have access to fresh mushrooms at the moment. The mushrooms are labeled white fungus (the big spongy looking ones), small mushrooms (the normal looking ones), and thai black fungus (I think the mouse ear mushrooms).

  3. It's not actually in The Indian Embassy, visa applications have to be taken to their outsourced centre on Sukhumvit 25, as I recall it's not far from Asok BTS, on the left coming from the centre of town.


    That's right, on the corner of sukhumvit and soi 25 in the glas haus building. 15th floor and to the left, I believe. The website says visa applications accepted 9-12, but If I recall correctly, at the outsourced center they actually accept them 9-3. You might want to call first, though. Pickup is only after 3.

  4. On a serious not there's an awesome big lake out in the burbs somewhere with restaurants over the lake, huge fish swimming below you and great food - straight out of the lake. You can hire a little boat or even a little private shack thing to fish from if you want. Practically all Thais there. It's one of the best days I've ever had in BKK. I can find out the name if you're interested. Let me know. It's a pretty large lake! And it's very romantic too if you want it to be.

    I'm very interested in the name and location of this lake. Please post any details you can :o

  5. Hi there, this fruit is called 'mack kam pom' it is found in the forests of northern thailand it has the diameter of a five baht coin and is green. The change to sweet happens more noticably when you drink some water whilst eating the fruit.

    You can find them in BKK as this is where I first ate one, the second time I was on a Pai-Mae Hong Song bus when my girlfriend gave me one. She was totally shocked when I knew its name and that I had eaten one in BKK as she said it was 'jungle food'.

    I hope this helps you.


    Can anyone give the Thai spelling or English name for this fruit?

  6. Sorry to bump an old thread, but has anyone found this around Thailand?

    Supposedly there is a place around Ban Chang (halfway between pattaya and koh samed) that is running a fairly large growing operation. Anyone have more info, location, name, or phone number of this place?

    Even better would be a place in bangkok.

  7. When did you last visit this place? The last time I asked to go there (April last year), the Taxi Driver insisted it was closed & I ended up in the usual place on Ratchada.

    Out of curiosity, I rang these telephone numbers this evening, whilst I accept we are six hours behind in the UK, the results were disappointing:

    วังกุ้งริมคลอง - 084-326-5408 - Ramkamhaeng 153 - Recorded message - sounded more like a personal home number.

    ก.เกมตกกุ้้ง - 02-652-9979/02-652-9980 - Asoke & New Petchaburi rd. - Answer phone - the message didn't suggest this was a prawn fishing joint.

    ป เกมตกกุ้ง ศรีมิตร - 02-7355253 - Ladprao 127 - Woke someone up, who said it closed a long time ago.

    I used to like the one near Patpong, on Surawong Rd, I would guess it's been closed 5/6 years now. I believe they relocated the sea food restaurant, but, no prawn fishing pool. :o

    I believe there's a prawn pool, along with a fishing lake, at the Bangkok Golf Spa Resort Hotel. I'm thinking of spending a couple of nights there in December to check it out.

    I'll get the wife on the case, checking Thai websites, for any venues which are currently open.

    We gave those numbers a call as well with no luck. Can anyone please give me a specific phone number or location of a shrimp fishing place they have actually been to recently. I've been trying to go for a while now, but still don't know where!

    Clayton, where's this place on Ratchada you speak of?

  8. I've been to a place somewhere in that area called Riverside. It was a while ago and, unfortunately, I don't remember exactly where it was. In fact, now I'm wondering if that was even the real name of the place or just a reference to its location. It was a decent place.

    Can anyone help refresh my memory with better directions to this place?

  9. Rayong would fit the bill you described...beach is as nice as Samet, nice trees right on the beach, normally quite quiet...

    Can you give any more specific places along the coast?

    Is the water there ok? I've heard it's a bit dirty with all the factories around and that you need to get out further to sea (like samed) for the cleaner water. Really, no idea though.

  10. Can anyone recommend some quiet, lesser known beaches within a few hours drive from Bangkok? I'm not looking for recommendations like Koh Chang, Koh Samed, or Pattaya as there are already many threads about those places here.

    Basically looking for some place quiet, maybe even a bit secluded. There doesn't need to be much around, just somewhere to stay and a decent beach. Hopefully it would be relatively easy to get to with public transportation.

    Accomodation should be fairly cheap (I would expect less than 1000 baht if it's not a tourist area) for an adequate room. This may be stretching it a bit, but it would be nice if there was wifi available somewhere in the area.

    Any ideas that fit this description?

  11. OK, the title may sound strange but here's the situation:

    My friend has been to the US before on another visa and currently has a 2 entry visitor visa to the US. The first entry will be used as normal. The second entry would be used several months afterward. The problem is there has been a change in our itinerary. One possibility is for us to enter the US and then go on a cruise which would be stopping several places in Mexico during our visit. Now obviously we would need more entries to go on the cruise.

    1) Most importantly, if we tried to reapply for a visa in between visits, and happened to be rejected, could they (or would they) invalidate the current unexpired visa?

    2) Would it look bad for future visa tries if we try to reapply (in an attempt at getting more entries)?

    3) While this is many months away, the planning needs to be done now. Is there any hope, if we reapply now (without using the visa at all), that the immigration official might change the visa if I bring all the emails and other documents related to the itinerary change? The problem is I obviously wouldn't book a cruise and then hope for enough entries on a visa. I need to be sure ahead of time.

    Any advice appreciated. The most important thing is that we don't want to lose the visas that have already been granted. Perhaps I should stop dreaming and just scrap these plans altogether.

  12. A while back the girlfriend got a new 2 entry visitor visa. Both entries have a different, specific US location on them that was based on our original itinerary. Now our plans for the second entry have changed.

    1) Will we have a problem entering the US at a different port and heading to a different city than listed for the second entry? We would be spending no time in the city listed for the entry during the entire visit.

    2) If we did enter and go to a different location, would this be recorded in the system and affect our chances for future visa applications as it would look like we lied?

    I would hate to have to pay another visa fee and waste all the time just to get the entry location changed because of a basic change of itinerary.

  13. Please share the list as I have been looking for places like this.

    Know of any similar places for fish fishing?

    Here are a few we figure are worth checking out:

    วังกุ้งริมคลอง - 084-326-5408 - Ramkamhaeng 153

    ก.เกมตกกุ้้ง - 02-652-9979/02-652-9980 - Asoke & New Petchaburi rd.

    ป เกมตกกุ้ง ศรีมิตร - 02-7355253 - Ladprao 127

    Thanks...please report back if you find anything good.

    I recently talked to someone and they mentioned a similar place on Thong Lor Soi 10. That's all the information I got...anybody know if there is something in that area?

  14. No, they don't need a passport and neither do foreigners. For Thais their photo ID should be fine. Whenever I travel domestically I leave the passport home (bring a copy) and just use my Thai driver's license for check in. Never even had a second thought from the workers.

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