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Posts posted by farangmick

  1. Many posters are using this thread for totally justified, (in this instance), Thai bashing. For those of us with children, but without the funds to pay for an International school, it is a concern. I am presently trying to find books from England, with the idea that my sons come home, have food, then have 30 minutes of English lessons before they play.

    Im right there with you mate.

    My son is learning Thai style English from the Thai teacher and proper English from me.

    Not easy for me. I always have to remember to say, for example, "Yes, you are right", rather than "Tha's reet tha knows".

  2. amerasianex, on 17 Nov 2015 - 10:44, said:

    Smart. But I would take it one step farther in light of the Paris attacks. No entry to any middle Eastern passports. Zero. None. Entry into a country is a privilege not a right. And tho community is proven very dangerous many many times already

    A bit too harsh there aren't you? why all middle eastern passports? start with the Syrian and Iraqi one,

    those are the one that being forged and offered for sale...

    But Saudi, Qatar, UAE and the rest are funding the bastards, or paying protection money.

  3. Many posters are using this thread for totally justified, (in this instance), Thai bashing. For those of us with children, but without the funds to pay for an International school, it is a concern. I am presently trying to find books from England, with the idea that my sons come home, have food, then have 30 minutes of English lessons before they play.

  4. I've often wondered why Thais don't get native speakers to proofread.

    The problem is the hierarchy system. Someone at a higher level has studied abroad, etc, and has an inflated opinion of themselves. No one would dare question them even if they knew for sure they were wrong. The person who studied abroad probably thinks they can't do any wrong.

    Many Thai websites offer an English translation which mostly remains Thai with a little bit of poor English. No offence, but it's very typically Thai. Offer an English option to look multinational and professional without checking the actual content. "It looks good; ergo, it is good"

    Not only the Thai companies. When I was looking for a surround system for the TV, I looked at the websites of Sony, LG, Samsung, and the rest. Gibberish. Any native English speaker with a good knowledge of grammar and punctuation could have made the sites readable, for a relatively modest fee. I am open to offers.

  5. Most civilians are lousy shots so probably should give them hand grenades to make sure they hit the target.

    Not at all,,, Most states that allow concealed carry, REQUIRE the person to attend, and PASS a firearms training course... If you only want a firearm for home use, and NOT carry on a daily basis, only a background check is required...

    Two weeks of fire is all it takes to get you on target...

    It's not really science....(ok, some wind measurements are required for distant targets).

    We are talking about close range....20 to 25 meters. A good pistol and a few lessons can get almost anyone...in the black.

    On a range, no stress, pistol already in hand, static target, perhaps, if you have a natural aptitude for shooting. In real life, stress, maybe bad light, moving target, consider back stop, maybe just woken up and wearing boxers, or less, little, if any practice. <deleted>. And 20-25 meters is extreme range for a pistol.

  6. Most civilians are lousy shots so probably should give them hand grenades to make sure they hit the target.

    Not at all,,, Most states that allow concealed carry, REQUIRE the person to attend, and PASS a firearms training course... If you only want a firearm for home use, and NOT carry on a daily basis, only a background check is required...

    Two weeks of fire is all it takes to get you on target...

    It's not really science....(ok, some wind measurements are required for distant targets).

    We are talking about close range....20 to 25 meters. A good pistol and a few lessons can get almost anyone...in the black.

    On a range, no stress, pistol already in hand, static target, perhaps, if you have a natural aptitude for shooting. In real life, stress, maybe bad light, moving target, consider back stop, maybe just woken up and wearing boxers, or less, little, if any practice. <deleted>. And 20-25 meters is extreme range for a pistol.

  7. The irony of a left-wing, Jewish, Spurs supporter playing a Conservative-voting West Ham fan was not lost on Mitchell, although he became concerned that some of his audience failed to recognise the show as satire.

    He recalled an exchange with a fellow Tottenham fan who had come up to congratulate him on "having a go" at immigrants. "Actually," Mitchell tersely replied, "we're having a go at idiots like you."

    I was 10 when "Till Death.." was first broadcast. In my predominantly white, but changing, working class district there were many intelligent people who understood satire. But the adults saw what they wanted to see, the threat to jobs from immigration, and passed their views to their children. We were ok, because my father was a craftsman, but many unskilled or semi skilled mill workers were looking over their shoulders. Alf struck a chord, just not in the way planned by his creators.

  8. So; he thinks he will be safe 'at home'....where terrorists bomb shrines in the middle of the Capital, political activists kill each other and innocent people on a by-annual basis, the South of his own country is plagued by a Muslim Insurgency and local madmen attack their wives/girlfriend with guns and knives all over the land on an almost daily basis !!

    So nothing that is not happening in every other country.

    No one is safe anywhere in the world anymore. Except maybe in countries where there are no Muslims, if that's possible of course.

    Sadly, I wouldn't know, since the UK has doled out passports to Pakistanis and Bangladeshis on demand since I was a small child. The elder generation actually came to work. Their descendants are a somewhat different kettle of fish. Now there is the new invasion. Not going back to England anytime soon.

  9. Whatever standard or certification in Thailand for building design is useless because the professional qualifications are being controlled and issued by government bodies instead of the respective professional bodies, like RIBA in the UK.

    And if the cost of a TREES certified building is 10% higher, the developer has a lot of incentive to build in the old way, and bung a generous brown envelope to the inspectors to ensure certification. Unless these buildings are inspected by qualified foreigners, the certificates should be viewed with suspicion.

  10. The world's politicians are just as bad. At one time it would have been a personal letter via the diplomatic bag. Now it is a race to see who's minor aide can get the Prime Minister/President's sympathetic tweet into the media first. Basically a pro forma with variations covering terrorist incidents and natural disasters. And they always end "My thoughts and prayers are with the injured, and the bereaved families at this time." Yeah right, I believe you.

  11. If they would re introduce the Triumph 650 of the 1960s, I would pick one up in a heart beat.

    That was a real mototcycle.

    No plastic...thank you very much!


    If I'd stayed in England when I retired, a classic bike would have been my first buy. Expensive these days, but so is a wife and two kids. At least when a bike throws a wobbler you can just lock it in the garage until you are ready to deal with it.

  12. Be careful what you wish for…..India is a country of 1.2 billion…and everyone is not the same.

    The ones from the villages and small towns are still living in some kind of archaic belief system that makes it ok to rape women and behave like savages. To see the kind of individuals I am referencing take a walk down beach road in pattaya or bangkok's sukhumvit.

    Whoever is handing out these visas has an important responsibility.

    Agree. The educated middle class with something to offer are one thing. Britain has suffered decades of taking in the uneducated dross from South Asia, who think it is normal to marry their children to goats.

  13. Give people credit for realising there is a problem, and trying to do something about it. I recently took the family to a little known waterfall. Long trek through the forest on a steep, slippy path that was almost non existent. I could have imagined that I was an explorer, or a Chindit, except that the path was clearly marked every meter or so with water bottles and snack packets. Rather spoilt the effect.

  14. Give people credit for realising there is a problem, and trying to do something about it. I recently took the family to a little known waterfall. Long trek through the forest on a steep, slippy path that was almost non existent. I could have imagined that I was an explorer, or a Chindit, except that the path was clearly marked every meter or so with water bottles and snack packets. Rather spoilt the effect.

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