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Everything posted by ChumpChange

  1. bob seems to like to talk to himself and answer his own questions. A bit manic like GG in that way.
  2. And 385,000 more people are born every day. As I said, lighten up, mate. Just be thankful that it's not your time.
  3. bob, you've turned into the hub of polls and paranoia. Lighten up. Have a drink and celebrate that you've survived another year. It's New Year's FFS.
  4. Alas, another lame duck topic with all the usual tired, old lame ducks in attendance, all huddling around and holding court together.
  5. And? Your point is, other than stating the obvious? If the shoe fits...
  6. That goes for a lot of the UK. Many of them make American red necks seem like rocket scientists.
  7. Right, it sounds like anyone he purchases either a service or a product from he seems to think either works for him or he employees. Deluded to say the least.
  8. How would you know?
  9. All you need is a snap of bob smith. Same geezer.
  10. Does it get charged with sexual assault for that?
  11. Important? Maybe impotent.
  12. It never happened. Stick with my manifesto and you will avoid any grief.
  13. https://www.amazon.com/Stevenson-Entertainment-Group-Apprentice-Collectible/dp/B0002UADAK
  14. First ask her how much she weighs now. If no more than 55 kg then offer her ฿2000 for a knobbing. If over 55 kg then only offer her ฿1500. If she objects to your pricing structure then remind her that your wife only charges you ฿1000 for a shag, which includes a gratuitous "goodbye" nut in the morning.
  15. How did you vote in the poll?
  16. Yagoda and bob, the newest big romance to emerge from The Pub.
  17. You don't have to be to behave like one.
  18. Impossible to offend me, but you can try. The floor is yours...
  19. Spoken like a true Dutchman.
  20. Careful, you risk offending many posters on this site whose whole lives revolve around this imaginary sweaty joint.
  21. You employ massage ladies? How many of them do you have working for you? Do the ones that provide a happy ending get paid more?
  22. If you don't like Trump's Bibles, manufactured in China, you could always buy one of his Swiss watches with components made in China. Or how about one of his "Make America Great Again” hats or a Talking Donald Trump doll both also made in China too?
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