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MyFriend You

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Everything posted by MyFriend You

  1. Beat me too it, but I might add, Hope he has an armoured car, he's gonna need one. Peace
  2. In addition seven pubs in Bangkok were checked. Some 329 patrons were checked for drug taking, but just one was positive. Yeah Right..............
  3. Youi can feed it Village Soi Dogs, solves two problems at once...................Peace
  4. Yes he would make a great leader.............Unfortunately we have seen what happens to Business Men that become PM in Thailand, and relatives of Business Men as well - they don't last long - become Coup Bait.................hard to imagine a Thai PM without a uniform on.
  5. Are they talking about Thailand?? Sounds like the USA in the early 2000's..................lend money to people that have no way or intention of paying it back, then the Govt bailing out the institution................TIT France is doing the same, my sister in law just bought a new electric car - she doesn't have a steady job due to the poandemic and is on Govt welfare.............but still able to buy a car?? - pay off is 12 years Peace
  6. I think brown envelopes have been replaced with Bitcoin Debit card, very hard to trace..................I saw a Bitcoin ATM in Siam Square once - boggles the mind. Peace
  7. Oh, well I donated all food to Staff before I departed.................Peace
  8. The most important one has all the beer and Vintage Drambui in it................????..........Management cleans and checks every two weeks...............
  9. I know, it ain't a fair comparison, I am not in-country at this time, so only the fridge's are running ???????????????????? but my place is smallish, only 60 sq meters and even when running all aircons never went cost more than 22-2800.............Peace
  10. Yeah, my electricity bill has gone up from 185 baht to 245 baht - a whole 60 baht more a month. Don't know how I will be able to stand for that....................Peace
  11. I would say Vietnam is a Communist/Capitalist Country............the people are not Communist minded, only the Government, the people are capitalist...........big difference. mind you, I have only been living/associated with Vietnam since 1999 so what do I know. ???? I don't count the two tours during the War '69 & '71-72...........was a little busy to worry about politics back then. Peace
  12. Because they know how to make money!!! Something thwe current administration hasn;t a clue, they only spend it. Peace
  13. I used this office, they had people that spoke 6 or 7 languages, and their prixces are reasonable, then again, what price is love worth?? http://thailawoffice.com Scandanavian Law Office in Jom Tien, Pattaya. They have affiliates in a few other major cities in the Kingdom. For my piece of mind it was worth the 12,000 baht I paid for my will, it is ironclad. SCB told me directly, Banks fall under different 'rules' - a will doesn't automatically grant someone ownership of your account, you need to make them a co-owner, as @Jim Grant sugests, its better to make the party a C0-Signitaory on the account. We will do that on our next trip back to Thailand. I only did it when a Aussie owned bar I used to frequent owner died, he didn't have a will, his mia noi (???) came out of the woodwork with a video of him saying (rather drunkingly) that he would leave her something when he died..........she got control of the bar from a judge..........bar went belly up because no one would frequent it after that, but you get my drift. Peace
  14. Deleted duplicate answer
  15. It is actually ILLEGAL in Thaland to use someone elses ATM Card - with permission of not..........I already tried that with my bank account, My wife is from Vietnam, I asked for a 2d ATM card for her, they said sahe could not have access to my account as it is against Thai Law, she would have to qualify for her own bank account. Of course, nothig to stop her from using it if she has my Pin, but technically, it is against the law. Peace
  16. Plain and simple, The Thai Will that is in English language will have to be translated into Thai. Otherewise it is not worth the paper it is printed on. We have had stories on this forum over the years of wills being contested - with success - because they weren't properly adjuducated - and you should be aware, a will for any property in Thailand has to be lodged with the Ampur's land office where the property is. Do you think any Ampur will accept a will not in Thai?? One poster suggested you have a Legal office write (or re-write) your will in Thai - don't know where your property is, but my will was (re-written) by the Scandanavian Law Office in Jomtien, Pattaya..........had it read by a Thai lawyer friend, he said it was "perfect" Save your girlfriend a big headache after you die, and do the due dilligence with the Wills. Peace
  17. I think Moscow would be a parking lot in a coupe days, it is not only the US that would respond. Any sane person would realize we have most of his weapons caches locked on by conventional weapons by now..............myself, I hope the winds blow across the pacific ocean, and get sucked up thru the ozone layers into space. If full nuclear, it's end game, almost no hope of planetary survival. South America would be a better bet than Thailand though. Peace
  18. Still say her Aunt is much hotter looking..............???? This gal looks like she has weekly visits to the local Botox lady....... Peace
  19. Looks like this post is going sideways, I will refrain from commenting - Oh by the way - Rest in Peace little ones, if there is real re-incarnation, I hope you come back as you were, innocent children - and the perpetrator, damned to hell if there is one, or comes back as a nasty animal as he was...............RIP...............Peace
  20. but in the form of an autoposy as the article says: Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittiprapas told reporters this afternoon that a second autopsy will be carried out to determine whether Pol Sgt Panya Kamrab was acting under the influence of drug when he went on a rampage at a day-care center in Naklang district. This indicates other than a normal drug test..........deep forensics into liver, kidneys would produce any drug use up to 30 days
  21. Aaaah, my Friday's are saved. Thanx for the positive post, and the obvious brushoff of the haters, they aill always be there, lurking in the shadows. As for "Prior to the legalization of weed there were about 320,000 in Thai jails. That has been stripped by about 80,000 thanks to the changes in the law that freed weed and kratom inmates". Looks like Pres Biden took a page from Thailands book and signed an Executive Order pardoning all Federal convictions for 'possession' of marijuana. That looks great on the surface, but more than 60% of convictions are at the State level, the Feds don't prosecute many for mere possession..........they hunt the producers, importers and heavy weight sellers. As they say "We shall see says the Blind Man". Enjoy your return to Bangkok Peace
  22. Hawaii was the last State in US to drop the mandatory mask, Tourists don't wear them, but most locals wear them in crowds, on buses, even in movies - almost all vendors, resturant workers, cashiers, etc etc etc still wear masks. Now this is just my observation, all the Mask...Defenders in Thailand ansd rest of the world, drop the rhetoric, its a personal choice............I have learned to smile with my eyes while masked. Carry one everywhere, and if the situation insists, I'll put it on. My Lady remembers SAR's all too well, lost a few friends to it, she wore masks on all public transportation for hyears after SAR's was over, she may had been the only one walking thru an airport masked up for years..............then came Covid. She didn't catch SAR's in Singapore, Ebola in Africa, and won't catch Covid in Asia. Try to convince her that masks don't work, I dare you. ???????????????? Peace
  23. Must of missed that bit, didn't see anything about a Go Fund Me Page.............can it be posted?? Also, appears to be no mention of a "Mrs SomChai" in the mix. I ask because a dear friend of mine died of COPD in about ten years back - we all suspet "Mrs SomChai" just told the hospital he didn't have medical insurance, they tansferred him to a Govt facility and he was dead in 3 days after that. "Mrs SomChai" took the life insurance money and moved to Australia. Highly suspect, but due to the Buddhist creamation rules, no evidense, nothing left but a picture of him on a stone in a temple......................
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