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Posts posted by funandsuninbangkok

  1. 18 minutes ago, hugh mckee said:

    well some people like you are totally obsessed by money,  we are not all interested in investments and amassing as much money as humanly possible, I'm not and money is not the "be all and end all" as it obviously is with you, good luck with that but I personally am quite prepared to lose some money in my pursuit of a comfortable life and  knew this of course with my decision to buy my condo and live in my own home as opposed to renting and living in someone else's....each to their own.


    as I said hope there's never a crash to spite greedy money obsessed people like you,  you can continue to dream that other people's misfortune can make you even more money, that level of greed is not my thing.


    and the ironic thing about it is that there is every likeliehood that 5 years from now Pattaya and Thailand property will be even more expensive than it is today?....of course no one knows this but in the growing and strong developing economy of Thailand surely this has to be a strong possibility?

    Just because I am not foolish enough to buy a condo in Pattaya, a place with infinite sleaze and thousands of empty condos, does not make me greedy.   


    I think what you will find is that the developers in Thailand over promise and under deliver.  You will also have to contend with hoards of Chinese and Indian  day tourist in your building noisily boning lady boys.  



  2. 6 minutes ago, hugh mckee said:

    oh excuse me, I didn't realise you owned the forum? "quiet desperation like most" wow from your posts you are the guy who is desperate.


    personally I spent less than 1/3 of my life's saving on a luxury condo as I don't want to rent and in my 50's don't want to be an old man or die with the cash in the bank, I'm not desperate, I'm relaxed, my last property purchase at home in uk was in 2007, it's worth 10k-15k less now in 2017 than it was when I bought it 10 years ago, I don't lose any sleep over this, sure it would be nicer if it had doubled in value but it hasn't and you just get on with your life, I did not buy my condo in my 50's as an investment, I bought it for pleasure, my pleasure and if it goes up in value I'd be happy but if it goes down I'll accept it just as the same as i did when it has happened to me with property in the past, nothing anyone can do about this and I bought with this knowledge after reading this forum and others.


    to use your words there is "desperation" for a crash from many of the posters on here and hope it never happens particularly to spite people like you, if there is a crash? I'll still have my holiday home and my UK home and enough in the bank to retire comfortably, would be pissed of about it but just get on with my life.


    Thailand is a growing economy, I considered Florida, Tenerife and Cyprus for my holiday home, I choose Thailand and Pattaya for various reasons but one was I wanted an apartment right on the beach, in Pattaya I got one 50 yards from the beach for nowhere near what i'd have had to pay in the other countries, Pattaya is extremely cheap in comparison to other "popular" holiday home locations and is a growing and popular city in a growing and poular country, maybe your desperation for a crash will not happen and your dreams will not be fulfilled after all?....whatever happens I will enjoy my luxury holiday home by the beach regardless:partytime2:

    Not desperate, big man eggs, lots of cash and investments, happily renting while making my money work for me in the equity markets.  Never claimed and not interested in owning this forum. 

  3. 5 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    I really do think kim is insane enough to shoot down a plane in international air space.


    Would not be first time


    trump ha shown restraint 


    missle over a Japan a few weeks ago was completely unacceptable


    us practices citizen evacuations regularly in SK. Next drill for real?

  4. 3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Good luck to a NK agent trying to get in US on a Kiribati passport!




    truth is they go in as diplomates to UN but they can't get out of NY because counter intelligence is up thier ass. 

  5. On 9/24/2017 at 5:43 PM, hugh mckee said:

    if someone is planning to buy their "dream holiday home in the sun" is 10% or so fluctuaion in exchange rates going to stop them?

    me personally (from UK) it didn't, it all depends on individual circumstances and the euro is not so weak and many rich Americans and Australians, if this is your dream you'll most probably still go for it regardless of exchange rates.


    so many doom mongers on here, wishing for this crash so that others suffer, life is for living, me personally I'd rather have

    a nice condo as opposed to having the money lying in a bank, none of us know what's ahead for us, sure buying a condo

    is a gamble, sometimes you have to take a chance, waiting for a crash? 1year? 5 years? 25 years? no one knows


    I think most of the people on here who criticse or mock condo buyers are not the type of people who'd buy a condo, either haven't got the cash or the balls or both and many of their comments/hopes are fuelled by jealousy

    Look, you just showed up and tossed a huge wedge of your life savings on one of the worst possible investments a newbie could make. 


    Live with it in quiet desperation like most.  Dont start saying we ain't got cash and / or man eggs. 

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, webfact said:

    Kushner used private email account for White House business - Politico



    FILE PHOTO - Senior advisor Jared Kushner waits for a joint news conference by U.S. President Donald Trump and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the White House in Washington, U.S., July 25, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, has used a private email account alongside his official White House account to exchange messages with other administration officials, Politico reported on Sunday.


    Politico said the emails included correspondence about media coverage, event planning and other subjects. Kushner's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, said Kushner complied with government record-keeping rules by forwarding all the emails to his official account.


    During Trump's 2016 election campaign, the Republican derided Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server for official correspondence when she was secretary of state under President Barack Obama.


    Some of those messages were later determined to contain classified information.


    Trump often led crowds in chants of "Lock her up!" during the campaign and vowed in October she would "be in jail" over the matter if he became president. He has since said he would not pursue prosecution.


    Politico said other senior Trump aides had also used private email accounts, including former chief of staff Reince Priebus, former chief strategist Steve Bannon and economic adviser Gary Cohn.


    "Mr. Kushner uses his White House email address to conduct White House business," Lowell said in a statement provided to Politico, as well as other media organizations including Reuters.


    "Fewer than a hundred emails from January through August were either sent to or returned by Mr. Kushner to colleagues in the White House from his personal email account," the lawyer said.


    "These usually forwarded news articles or political commentary and most often occurred when someone initiated the exchange by sending an email to his personal, rather than his White House, address," the statement added.


    Many White House officials use personal phones to communicate by text message with reporters and others.


    (Reporting by Phil Stewart and Jeff Mason; Editing by Grant McCool and Peter Cooney)

    -- © Copyright Reuters 2017-09-25

    Should be shot   -  on TV

  7. 6 hours ago, heroKK said:

    where is Saudi Arabia and Pakistan ? No UAE, no Egypt, no Saudi Arabia. 13 of the 19 911 terrorist came from Saudi Arabia. Why are these counties not in the travel ban you orange buffoon!


    Everyone realizes that ordinary North Koreans are not allowed to travel right? The only ones that do travel are the very few in the upper ranks and they all have Chinese passports and wont be hurt by the ban. A completely useless gesture.

    Who told you NK agents have Chinese passports?

  8. 20 minutes ago, cheeryble said:

    I have been previously told by a friend who went there that the tall new block on the CM Superhwy near Central Festival was sold out.....nothing available for him.

    I was surprised at so quick.

    Yesterday I went past it, and sure enough quite a few of the blinds and balconies show signs of occupation.

    Go figure.

    CM small units are being bought by Chinese small investors.


    They are mostly motivated to get thier money out of China.  


    Investment return wise they will lose

  9. 10 hours ago, Morch said:


    That you unequivocally declare it to be so, doesn't make it a fact. There were quite a few links provided, on this topic and others, relating the PRC shifting its stance with regard to NK. It does not imply that the PRC have no issues with US foreign policy, or that it fully complies with international decisions on sanctions. But nothing in the accompanying PRC rhetoric indicates assured direct military support.


    MacArthur is long gone, and Trump is no Truman.

    China and NK have a mutual defense treaty. ( China's only one I believe ). Unless they renounce it before the war, there is no reason the US would not consider China a hostile. 


    They still have time but better move soon or Peking may end up worse the Pyongyang

  10. 22 minutes ago, iReason said:


    Well, in your own words, the "Deep State coup d'etat", "deep cover liberal fed employees",

    will stop the occupier of the White House.





    Fortunately no, not in war. Founding Fathers got it right. Commandeer in Chief is pretty clear. Congress squawks but Presidents act anyway. 


    Especially in a nuclear war. No time for debate. Just fire up those bad boys and go. 






  11. 31 minutes ago, Morch said:


    The PRC's support of NK isn't what it used to be. The PRC isn't too happy about Kim's nuclear and ballistic experiments, or him causing the US to increase its regional presence, or with Kim being less receptive to PRC wishes. Doubt anyone seriously think that they will unconditionally come for Kim's rescue.

    War between the US and NK will involve China. Again. 


    Truman stopped MacArthur from finishing the job before. Trump won't. 

  12. 1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


    Let me guess…barack obama disagrees too.

    Yes we need more liberal Democratic policy. (Communist raise in Europe and Central South America, Raise of Iran fundamentalist, Sadam Hussain ,Osama bibLaden, North Korea)


    Republican policy of confrontation does nothing (except crush the Iron Curtain,  end communism in South and Central America, free Kuwait,  kill Hussein, and destroy al-Queada. )


    lets just be nice like Obama. 

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