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Posts posted by funandsuninbangkok

  1. 3 minutes ago, iReason said:


    A curious quote from your link:

    "To date, the Trump Department of Justice — like the Obama Department of Justice — is fighting me in court and working to keep hidden the identities of those who accessed a government internet protocol address found in my computers."


    So, you are stating the current White House is complicit with your "Deep State coup d'etat", correct?

    Just the exec branch deep cover liberal fed employees commuted to overturning the election.  96% of Washington voted for Clinton. They hate the idea of fed layoffs and getting a real job. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

    Impeached for lying about a consensual affair is not the same as impeached for colluding with a foreign adversary to undermine the most basic institution of American government—free and fair elections. So in Trump's case, unlike in Clinton's case, impeachment would not be the end of the story. (In Clinton's case, it wasn't the end either—he lost his law license and other penalties).


    But, Hey, kudos, because at least Trump supporters are slowly moving towards conceding that impeachment is a possibility. I guess that's progress.

    Clinton lied about many unconsensual relationships and will always be remembered as a failed Democratic President that a Democratic congress would not toss. 


     . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton_sexual_misconduct_allegations


    Trump has not been charged with any crime

  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Desist from the moronic and condescending personal psychological advice. Stick to the topic.

    Dissent and protest and opposition is something that happens in a democracy. It doesn't need to only be at election time. That is BASIC. Trying to crush dissent is something authoritarian leaders do. 


    The trumpist true believer line seems to be SHUT UP and get on the trump train or get run over. Reminds many of us of so many other dark fascistic regimes in history. 

    Well I didn't think I've told anyone to shut up. 


    If if you want to discuss democracy, great. Trump won the election. 


    Will Trump resign or be impeached and convicted?    No I don't think so. In fact this Deep State coup d'etat will only harm the Dems even more. 




    even The Hill, a monster liberal rag is turning on you today. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You're being silly. This likely doesn't get hard core until after the 2018 midterms. The topic will remain relevant as long as the clown potus in the oval. If you're bored with the topic, instead of obnoxiously trying to shut down free speech on it, may I suggest that you just not participate in it?

    2018 is going to be more of the same for the Dems. Honestly I am worried about you guys. Take a vacation and come back for 2020. Then we can talk possible change(God I hate that word since Obama ruined it)



  5. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's basic. Impeachment is in the house and conviction is in the senate. People discussing this would already know that. 

    Back to topic, so hard for you it seems, trump enjoys a republican majority house until at least 2018. So any dirt on the clown potus will need to massively serious for them to impeach. Even after 2018 if the house flips, and the clown potus is impeached, the same issue in the senate where flipping in 2018 is very unlikely. 

    Sooo, he's in till 2020?

  6. 42 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

    Resign or not, he is finished.  The concept of due process - which Trump supporters only like when it suits them - and the Republican held congress are the only things standing in the way to this rogue's impeachment and the indictments of those who are part of the Trump crime syndicate.

    Interesting Hitch. 


    you don't like Trump so wiretapping him during the campaign is OK


    not what you believed when you were alive







  7. 25 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Maybe spare your enthusiasm. The republicans control the house and the senate. Impeachable crimes or not, it's their political decision to make at least until 2018.

    Certainly the Democrats gave the Repubs a road map on how to leave a President guilty of perjury and obstruction in office !



  8. Comey, Clapper and Rogers lied to congress.  Guess who is going to jail now!  Fun!


    March 20, 2017

    At the House Intelligence Committee hearing, Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers both deny that there was any information supporting Trump’s allegations in his original tweet.

    "With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully inside the FBI," Comey said. "The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components. The department has no information that supports those tweets."




  9. 37 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Unprecedented  (note sp) an opposing 'contestants campaign' would collude with agents of the adversarial Russian Government to bring down their opposing Presidential candidate,  requiring the nations most secretive intelligence organisations and law enforcement agencies to request the right to surveillance. Really Incredible.


    Your support of traitors who have attempted to run amok with a nations democracy in order to feather their own nest is utterly pitiful at best. Luckily they have been caught and every single one of them is going to get what they are due and all those who have enabled, empowered, supported and defended them will hang their heads in shame when the true extent of this treachery is revealed. You keep defending the Trump, it is a crappy job but someone has to do it eh!

    Here comes the outrage. This whole thing is a giant boomerang back on the lying cheating Dems






    Unpresidented an opposing administration would be wiretapping a contestants campaign. Really incredible. Who listed to these tapes?  DNC party hacks? Hilary staffers?


    we already know Comey lied to congress when he said he had "no idea" what Trump was talking about when he alerted everyone he was being wiretapped. This is Thai-politic like crap and people are going to jail.  





  11. 3 hours ago, heybruce said:

    " U.S. investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the 2016 election, CNN reported on Monday. "


    " FISA warrants require the approval of top FBI and Justice Department officials, and law enforcement has to demonstrate to the court that there is reason to believe that the subject of the investigation may be acting as an agent of a foreign power. "   https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-campaign-adviser-wiretapped-under-003637808.html   


    I don't want to cut and paste too much of the article, but there is nothing indicating Obama was involved in the wiretap.  Manafort was wiretapped because of the company he kept, not to spy on the Trump campaign.  Did Breitbart make that clear?

    Obama controled both FBI and justice dept, just look at how Hilary's email investigation was handled. fISA courts approve 99% of requests for search warrants. You just need to ask. 


    Interesting investigation was shut down once and then reopened during election campaign. 


    Comey lied to to congress when he said Trump was. It wiretapped. 


    Obama will go down because of this one as one of the most corrupt presidents ever 



  12. 19 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


    To Trump supporters, this is more evidence of Deep State interference. "They" had it in for him from the get-go because he promised to drain the swamp.


    Yet, with so much power, "they" somehow "let" him win. "They" were able to organize 3-5million illegal votes in all the states where HRC didn't need those votes but couldn't get 40k votes in the states where they were needed.


    Typical Deep State combination of power and incompetence! Controlling everything, except the thing that matters!

    Wow!  Obama did wiretap Trump campaign!!! Incredible!


    Trump was right!  What did Obama know and when did he know it?


    This will turn out to be a Democratic Watergate. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, robblok said:

    You were not there.. she said no flooding.. especially not in places that had not been flooded in 50 years.. never had a flooding in this village above BKK..  only in 2011. She kept handing out false information to safe her pretty face. Had she not done that the damage in this village and many others would have been far less. 


    Remember she had satellite images and small planes to observe the water mass moving. We only had her words to trust as we never been flooded here in living memory.. So not so strange to trust someone then. Had she shared the information she had we would have taken more precautions. Many people would not have lost their cars. You should have heard the anti YL sentiment in this village at that point. Normally they were quite happy with her.

    I was not there?




    geez, that is news to me. 


    How come one I remember Sukhumbhand saying Silom and Sukhumvit would be flooded by two meters of water every other day?


    yingluck said it would not. 


    She won

  14. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    She handled it really bad many people here lost money because of it. Had she been fair and given fair warning we were going to be flooded instead of keeping to the mantra .. no flooding no flooding. People here would have moved their cars. Now many were lost and we were flooded for 2 months. She should have shared the satellite images.. showing the water mass coming towards us so we could have seen how serious it was. They had small planes and satellite images but she never warned us. Only kept saying no flooding dont worry. This was no flash flood.. it was a slow moving water mass easy to predict if we just had the right information. But it was kept from us because of fear of losing face. 


    Only reason they dropped it is because Prayut dropped the ball on the latest flooding and I doubt any of the goverment leaders made much improvements after 2011 to the flood defenses. 

    You must have been the only guy who did not know a flood was coming to Bangkok. 





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