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  1. Hi, What is the procedure for changing my home address for my car and motorbike driving licenses at the Department Of Land & Transport in Bangkok? Is it a fairly painless process? Thanks.
  2. Hi, I have been on Non O for over 17 years based on supporting my Thai daughter. My current 12 month extension expires on Monday 13th next week. I cannot apply for a new 12 month extension as my daughter has recently moved to the UK. My new employer is currently compiling the necessary documents and I have an appointment booked at the Thai Embassy/Consulate in KL on the 17th (next Thursday) to submit my documents. I have two questions if anyone has experience of applying for a Non B in KL: 1) If my appointment is on the 17th (next Thursday) how many days will it take to process mt Non B visa/when can I collect it? 2) I would rather fly to KL on Wednesday 16th rather than Monday 13th when my current 12 month Non O extension runs out. How detrimental would 2 days overstay be/what are the down sides apart from the 500 Baht/day fine? Thanks.
  3. @Liquorice My circumstances have changed as my daughter now lives in the UK and therefore I am unable to do another 12 month extension on my Non O based on supporting my Thai daughter as she needs to be in Thailand.
  4. An additional question..... If I travel to Penang to submit my Non Immigrant B application with all the necessary documents from my employer etc do you submit your application one day and collect your visa the following day or does it take longer than this? Thanks.
  5. @CLW Thanks for this clarification. Appreciated.
  6. Could anyone else confirm this please? Thanks.
  7. Thanks @VocalNeal Could anyone else confirm this please? Thanks. Is it really possible to change from a Non O based on supporting my Thai daughter to a Non B using my new employer at the One-Stop Visa & Work permit department without having to visit a Thai Consulate in another country? Could you or anyone else confirm this? I would obviously prefer not to have to fly out of the country if possible. Thanks.
  8. @VocalNeal Is it really possible to change from a Non O based on supporting my Thai daughter to a Non B using my new employer at the One-Stop Visa & Work permit department without having to visit a Thai Consulate in another country? Could you or anyone else confirm this? I would obviously prefer not to have to fly out of the country if possible. Thanks.
  9. Hi, i'm British and want to change my Non O guardian visa to a Non B. I have a company that wants to employ me. How long do you typically get on your first Non B? Thanks.
  10. @DrJack54 I was also thinking of going to immigration to casually ask if they can do anything to help with my 12 month extension given mu circumstances. Not sure if it's allowed to be discussed here but having done 12 month extensions for more than 10 years based on supporting my Thai daughter, the last 2 years they have told me that my application can't be processed due to some trivial technicality in my documents - but they can process it if I (let's put it this way) - "increase" the application fee. Same person both times and I know that person is still there.
  11. @FARANG KIWI Thanks for the suggestion however I want to keep doing my 12 month Non O extension as I may be working in the near future.
  12. DrJack54 - Noted. Thanks as I wasn't aware of that.
  13. Hi, I'm British, over 50 and have a Non O visa based on supporting my Thai daughter who I brought up on my own. I have never been married and I am not with my child's mother. My current 12 month extension expires in just over 2 weeks however my daughter is currently overseas and won't be back in Thailand for another 6 weeks. As she needs to go with me when I submit my application for a 12 month extension I want to apply for a 60 day "Visit Thai Family Members Extension" to bridge the gap until she returns to Thailand. Does someone know the price for this extensions and the documents required. Thanks. PS - I am not interested in a retirement visa.
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