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Posts posted by LanceGringo

  1. Waking up this morning to the facebook shock news, I went to help this sean out at the minimart mentioned in his fb posting. The island was silent predawn, no police, no army, nobody on the roads. I passed the police station expecting a hive of activity. It was closed, nobody there. I drove to Fishbowl and the area. All normal, nobody around but one or 2 street dogs and a drunk couple sitting in a shop front. I asked some vendors preparing early morning curries if they had seen and police/army/fighting, nobody saw anything.

    Just my observations pre 6am this morning.

    It appears a group of intoxicated British Youths have fabricated a very poor Taste Hoax .

    The Hoax was very vile in its choice of subject matter- and i hope a prosecution results.

    The family have suffered enough

    What makes you say it was a hoax?

  2. I've already told you why, to make it look like the couple were intimate, and the first thing the cops did was say it was a crime of passion as they also "assumed" that the couple had been killed whilst commiting an act of intimacy. So the naked par worked, it bought the guilty ones time.

    It throws off investigators it made them look at the obvious thing to them, and almost immediately the friend and his brother were Prime suspects.

    It's called covering your tracks, or arranging the crime scene to make them think of a different scenario.

    I don't agree with any of this, I think you're giving the killers far too much credit. Don't forget, these are the same people that left the murder weapon (hoe) behind, so that it was discovered with ease.

    far too much credit, or not enough credit, by all accounts there's been zero fingerprints recovered from the Hoe, and the Police would have NO idea how many people handled it prior to it becoming a suspected murder weapon, remember the object that was used against David, hasn't as far as I'm aware been recovered.

    As everyone has pointed out, these Hoes are very common all over thailand, and if it came from a buildng site, as suggested, how many workers prints do you think they'd find on that hoe, before eventually getting prints that linked the weapons to a person or persons?? .... time.. all more time, all more time to get further and further away from the crime scene.

    Don't you think that given the time and the location of the murders, that it would be more difficult to just "walk through the area" with a bloodied hoe in your hands without someone noticing? Lots of the dive shops start opening early doors if they're going out on long trips.. too many people around that "could" notice a couple of geezers who one of them for sure would have been covered in Blood.

    Why not strip your victim, take his board shorts and just walk away casually dumping your stuff in any number of a hundred bins along the pathway there, or even wrap them in a boulder and toss them below the low water mark... have police divers been searching around the shoreline for the other murder weapon?

    I've not heard anything to suggest they have??

    I believe the hoe had been stolen from a nearby garden? at least I think I read that in one of the reports somewhere. Also, I'm sure the police had revealed that they had found another item that they believed was the second weapon used, but as of yet nothing else has been mentioned about it.

    if the murder took place around 4am then surely it would still be dark enough to carefully dispose of any bloody items/clothing without drawing much attention to yourself?

    Perhaps they did take his shorts, police did say the man running on CCTV was wearing them - however, they have apparently caught that man, and questioned him, plus took DNA samples from him.

    The police did have divers at the scene, but it has not been reported if they found anything or not.

  3. What would be the point of stripping David to make it look as if he and Hannah had been intimate, if they were then going to leave traces of their own semen at the scene - doesn't that defeat the purpose?

    Think how since the very beginning there has been insinuation of it not being a Thai and bad behaviour by the victims... Yabba melts the brain and so does alcohol plus Thai gang type lads arnt exactly known for their logical thinking or brains if they have to mug people to make a living.

    Everyone from top to bottom has been pretending its not then gagging for it not to be a Thai and the BS has been quite staggering.. and they arnt even the rape gang

    The amount of dumb excuses and things ive seem and read people here do in crimes its not beyond the realms they completely missed the DNA trace they would leave behind ... thats if they even know what DNA testing is.

    I agree with you, I think the attackers are probably quite young and incredibly stupid, no doubt alcohol and drugs played a major factor in how far they took things (murder etc), but to say that in some way they had a 'plan' as such, removing David's clothes, making David and Hannah look intimate etc, all these minor details to throw the police off the scent, it doesn't seem at all likely I'm afraid.

    • Like 1
  4. why doesn't it make sense?

    If I wanted to commit a murder, I wouldn't make it look like a murder, I'd take lots of precautions and leave red herrings or items that make no random sense, as it delays the thought process of the Investigators.

    Have you never heard of murderers arranging bodies in particular manners and fashions? so as to make the Investigation team believe it wasn't a murder?

    You never heard of evidence that was planted at the scene to throw the scent in anohter direction ?

    You don't read much, or seem aware of the steps killers take to cover their tracks..

    Case in point Ian Huntley.. killed two little girls in his house, then went on National TV saying it was horrible they were missing, and even joined in on the search party.

    Open your mind as well as your eyes fella

    You've been watching too many movies/TV series.

    I believe this was a frenzied attack, done in the pitch black of night, no doubt it was done under either the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. You make it sound like they were cool and collected, that they had a plan, right down to the very last detail.

    They weren't planning a jewel heist at a Las Vegas casino, like you're implying in your posts.

    • Like 1
  5. I've already told you why, to make it look like the couple were intimate, and the first thing the cops did was say it was a crime of passion as they also "assumed" that the couple had been killed whilst commiting an act of intimacy. So the naked par worked, it bought the guilty ones time.

    It throws off investigators it made them look at the obvious thing to them, and almost immediately the friend and his brother were Prime suspects.

    It's called covering your tracks, or arranging the crime scene to make them think of a different scenario.

    I don't agree with any of this, I think you're giving the killers far too much credit. Don't forget, these are the same people that left the murder weapon (hoe) behind, so that it was discovered with ease.

  6. Where does the condom come into it then in all these theories? - did it belong to David?

    Surely the attackers didn't use it, as we know that semen was discovered which has led to the DNA samples etc.

    It might have been David's or it could have been from someone else who had sex on the beach. I don't think the police have linked it positively to this case.

    It does seem odd that a condom was found at the scene, however, as you say, it hasn't specifically been identified as being linked to the crime.

    It is a bit odd that David was completely naked also when he was discovered.

    You make a very good point. If he merely chanced upon this rape scene and came to her rescue, why was he naked?

    This is why I wondered about the condom, I'm not saying that anything happened between David and Hannah, but it does seem odd that he (David) was found completely naked.

  7. Where does the condom come into it then in all these theories? - did it belong to David?

    Surely the attackers didn't use it, as we know that semen was discovered which has led to the DNA samples etc.

    It might have been David's or it could have been from someone else who had sex on the beach. I don't think the police have linked it positively to this case.

    It does seem odd that a condom was found at the scene, however, as you say, it hasn't specifically been identified as being linked to the crime.

    It is a bit odd that David was completely naked also when he was discovered.

  8. Just how many threads are we going to have running on this story here at Thai Visa, right now there are 10. This list is just for "new" posts today so some may be missing

    It is not possible to have the Koh Tao topics all in one topic, events have been changing rapidly and some of the new information cannot be added to existing topics easily. Therefore new topics are added as additional information comes in.

    I can't actually believe that you're having to explain that to people on here, you'd think it would be common sense!

  9. Just read the local police are going to call in the American FBI to help them. Not sure how that's going to work out, as the FBI will have to totally run the show and keep the incompetent police out of the crime scene, or what's left of it.

    Though, since no Americans were killed, I don't know why the FBI would assist. Perhaps this is just more nonsense coming from the Thai media.

    The FBI are going to examine the DNA evidence, to determine whether the samples belongs to Asian's or European's

  10. Remember when crimes used to be solved without using DNA evidence? Even if cig butt DNA doesn't implicate some suspect, do they ever consider maybe cig had nothing to do with the crime? It's not like Thailand's pristine beaches are pristine... Hard thorough investigation needs to be done rather than this sort of preconceived profile of what sort of person (non Thai) would do this. I just happened to reread "Helter Skelter" book about Manson killings this week. Brilliant job of tracking down obscure leads etc and all without DNA.

    The cigarette butt DOES have something to do with the crime. The DNA found on the girl victim, matches the DNA on the cigarette butt.

    If you're going to post on one of these threads, why not have at least some idea of what you're talking about, rather than questioning things that were revealed days ago!

  11. ClutchClark:

    We don't know enough about the area the cigarette butts were found, it could have been a more secluded spot, which you would not find a lot of the typical litter that may mount up on more busier parts of the beach/island.

    If the killers were hiding, then it suggests that this may have been in a spot out of view so that they would not been seen, if that is so, then this spot may not typically have had things like the cigarette butts scattered about the place, so only a few may have been found.

    Have no prints been discovered on them though, or just not reported? - perhaps they have found prints, but have not disclosed that info publically yet?

  12. I tell u this

    I just talked to thai friends about it, and thier version of the story is even more ridicules, but gives u idea on thier mind set.

    They tell that every mountian, beach, jungle got spiritual person, like ghost who look after place, and u cant disrespect him..

    So they reckon that ghost did it b cuz they had sex on the beach....

    and then they tell me some examples from past where helicopter crashed in jungle, and they could not find it and ghost stories.....

    And they dead serious about it, so acording to them, they think it ghost or whatever u call it...

    They up to 28 years old, bachelors, living in city...

    In the several days I have been posting on this forum, this is by far the stupidest post I have read.

    Based on the sentence I have highlighted, can this post not be removed? - it is that ridiculous and deserves to taken down

    The post does not violate any forum rules and it actually gives real insight into the belief systems of the Thai culture.

    Who are you to disrespect their belief systems?

    Yes, you're quite right, if people believe that ghosts are genuinely responsible for murders involving garden hoes, DNA samples, and weapon wounds, then we should listen to them, and take them 100% seriously.

    • Like 1
  13. I tell u this

    I just talked to thai friends about it, and thier version of the story is even more ridicules, but gives u idea on thier mind set.

    They tell that every mountian, beach, jungle got spiritual person, like ghost who look after place, and u cant disrespect him..

    So they reckon that ghost did it b cuz they had sex on the beach....

    and then they tell me some examples from past where helicopter crashed in jungle, and they could not find it and ghost stories.....

    And they dead serious about it, so acording to them, they think it ghost or whatever u call it...

    They up to 28 years old, bachelors, living in city...

    In the several days I have been posting on this forum, this is by far the stupidest post I have read.

    Based on the sentence I have highlighted, can this post not be removed? - it is that ridiculous and deserves to taken down

  14. I'm tired. Do I remember in another thread that the cigarette had lipstick on it?

    Does the DNA on the cigarette match the semen? Doesn't it say so?


    I am a bit surprised so much can be made from a cigarette found "30-50 meters" from the bodies.

    Especially when it has been stated that the two victims were at a large social gathering earlier that same night in the same proximity.

    What an amazing coincidence to find & test that particular cigarette and get a positive match.

    I am surprised if they couldn't pull partial fingerprints from it.

    I really wish people would stop making comments on an island they have never been to - the kids were at AC bar which is a good walk from the Ocean View apartments they are staying in and involves a walk down a long and very dark road

    I visited the island last November. I spend about 3 months a year on Samui. I couldn't tell you much anything about the seedy bar scene of either island though so I will accept your expertise on the matter.

    It was reported there was a large beach party near to where the victims were found. It was reported the victims had attended this social gathering as well; however, the point being made was a cigarette found 30-50 meters away from the bodies was collected as evidence and apparently had matching DNA.

    It is surprising with the amount of fags on the beach and the amount of discarded bottles in a 50-meter search radius that they found that cigarette.

    Its quite interesting how everyone here on TV slams the police for incompetence yet has complete faith in the police crime lab that is testing for DNA.

    How many cigarette butts would you expect to be on the beach of a small island then, in your estimation? hundreds? thousands? millions?

    My opinion of the cigarette butt findings is this; the killers were allegedly waiting for the victims before they left the bar and made there way back to the beach, in this time, it would not seem unusual if the killers whilst waiting, had a cigarette, sharing it etc.

    I would have not thought that there would be 'numerous' cigarette butts in this location, if they had been hiding out before moving nearer to where the attack took place.

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