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Gonzo the Face

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Posts posted by Gonzo the Face

  1. If you have a muscle car or know where to get one, kindly contact me. It can be any make, year or condition. :o

    You may find something at a little garage on the S W Corner of the intersection of Charoenrat Rd and Doi Saket Rd. Thats on the East Side of the river byRama IX Bridge. Just around the corner from the Pun Pun Guest House.

    A Thai guy comes in there periodically for repairs and has a Shelby Cobra or two.... I think an Olds 442 also. Don't know if they are for sale or not but you could always ask


  2. I really think that the Nation is a very good newspaper.

    Why can they not do just a bit of proofreading. I know and understand the hesitancy in hiring a native English Speaker [read foreign] but I know that there are Thai's that are very very proficient in English, and in some cases they speak English as their first language.

    Why does such a good paper refuse to do this hiring.

    Two Examples from this afternoon's Internet news from The Nation

    Headline in Breaking News Section :

    "Police seek public health for identifying 16 persons suspected of contempt of court

    Read the article and it becomes evident they mean "Public Help"

    Next article in Breaking News "

    First commercial flight lands at Suvarnabhumi airport

    The first commercial flight of Thai Airways International landed at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport at 8:09 am Saturday morning.

    The short flight using 747-400 Boeing left Don Muang Airport at 7:29 am.

    Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra flied with the first group of passengers in the first commercial flight.

    The TG1881 flight had 75 passengers, incluidng the prime minister.


    Are these people concerned about face loss if the hire someone who is able to correctly proofread?


  3. Can't wait till October when TRT, with the support of the vast majority of Thais will win the election even with a whole new bunch of electoral commissioners in place. Thailand is more than Bangkok!

    And the corruption goes far beyond the EC.

    You can't wait eh? I suppose you're looking forward to Thailand becoming the new Singapore (but without the money). The new Myanmar, maybe? They don't waste their time with this election bullshit over there. You'd love it.

    Me, I'm looking forward to seeing Pol. Lt-colonel Thaksin resplendent in a freshly starched uniform and big shiny jackboots, and to a free copy of 'The New Light of Myanmar' every morning. Can't wait for that.

    Yea and maybe if Ned likes it so much, he can be the token falang lackey and shine those jackboots. All bent over spitshining those boots, job won't pay much but the tips are big....... and plentiful.


  4. Any word on whether Chuwit dropped off any fried rice and ice coffee today? :D


    Wednesday July 26, 2006

    The jail official said the trio must get up at 6am this morning to exercise and answer roll call just like all other inmates. Their families were allowed to bring them meals for their first breakfast in jail.

    If they were not released on bail within seven days, the prison may consider sending them separately to different jail zones.

    A source said they were treated to dinner yesterday prepared by Chuan Chom, a restaurant run by the department.

    Earlier, deputy Chart Thai party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit paid the trio a visit at the Criminal Court, bringing along fried rice and iced coffee for them.

    Mr Chuwit, who was greeted with loud boos from the trio's sympathisers, said he wanted to give the trio his moral support.

    Wasn't this man the former Massage King ???? Maybe he brought them a Bag lunch........

    Three old bags


    and just to continue showing that all prisoners are treated equally.... this from the Nation today.


    Jailed trio get special privileges NNnnnnnoooooooo

    Still no bail, but guilty trio allowed better quarters, television and mobile phones

    The three former election commissioners yesterday failed in their attempt to be moved to "better" quarters after suffering three days in prison, a source said.

    "They had asked to go to a new detention centre," the source said. [On the French Riveria the source didn't say}

    Vasana Puemlarp, Prinya Nakchudtree and Virachai Naewboonnien are reportedly feeling stressed since the Criminal, Appeals and Supreme courts all denied them bail out of fear they could cause more trouble and obstruct judicial proceedings.

    They were reportedly still locked up in Bangkok Remand Prison as of last night.

    The Criminal Court on Tuesday convicted the trio of mishandling the April 2 election and sentenced them to four years behind bars. The three then resigned.

    Natthee Jitsawang, director-general of the Corrections Department, said he was considering moving the former election watchdogs to nearby Bang Khen Detention Centre, located in the Police Club compound.

    Since Tuesday, many EC supporters had come to visit and spend the night in the compact area in front of the prison, making it difficult for guards to control the crowd, he said.

    The three former commissioners were given special privileges, such as a private room with a television and the chance to make five phone calls, he said.

    The source believes that if the three ousted commissioners were transferred to the other facility, they would feel relieved and more comfortable as they would be kept out of the eyes of the media. But that could also raise doubts about whether they were under detention or free to walk around the compound.

    As the detention centre is run jointly by the police and the Corrections Department, Vasana, as a retired senior police officer, along with his cohorts Prinya and Virachai, would likely receive better treatment than they got in the prison, the source said.

    Their new cells would be renovated to welcome the newcomers, the source said

    Despite prison rules banning the use of mobile phones, the three men took theirs with them into prison, the source said.

    Piyanuch Tamnukasetchai

    The Nation

    Yeah I can see it .... Just like all the other prisoners :D

    yes, if i keep laughing any longer i'll end up in hospital connected to a heart and lung machine.


    Heart and lung machine just may be a waste of a good chip. All you would need use is the "Allergy " Chip....

    I hope we can now see prisoners from jails all over Thailand filing for a Bail hearing, based on their being allergic to Jail.

    Is hemmoroids and allergy. The 3 EC'er could have used this one , as I'm sure they all had this malady from sitting around on the Azz all day doing nothing GOOD

    Allergies my Azz


  5. Any word on whether Chuwit dropped off any fried rice and ice coffee today? :D


    Wednesday July 26, 2006

    The jail official said the trio must get up at 6am this morning to exercise and answer roll call just like all other inmates. Their families were allowed to bring them meals for their first breakfast in jail.

    If they were not released on bail within seven days, the prison may consider sending them separately to different jail zones.

    A source said they were treated to dinner yesterday prepared by Chuan Chom, a restaurant run by the department.

    Earlier, deputy Chart Thai party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit paid the trio a visit at the Criminal Court, bringing along fried rice and iced coffee for them.

    Mr Chuwit, who was greeted with loud boos from the trio's sympathisers, said he wanted to give the trio his moral support.

    and just to continue showing that all prisoners are treated equally.... this from the Nation today.


    Jailed trio get special privileges NNnnnnnoooooooo

    Still no bail, but guilty trio allowed better quarters, television and mobile phones

    The three former election commissioners yesterday failed in their attempt to be moved to "better" quarters after suffering three days in prison, a source said.

    "They had asked to go to a new detention centre," the source said. [On the French Riveria the source didn't say}

    Vasana Puemlarp, Prinya Nakchudtree and Virachai Naewboonnien are reportedly feeling stressed since the Criminal, Appeals and Supreme courts all denied them bail out of fear they could cause more trouble and obstruct judicial proceedings.

    They were reportedly still locked up in Bangkok Remand Prison as of last night.

    The Criminal Court on Tuesday convicted the trio of mishandling the April 2 election and sentenced them to four years behind bars. The three then resigned.

    Natthee Jitsawang, director-general of the Corrections Department, said he was considering moving the former election watchdogs to nearby Bang Khen Detention Centre, located in the Police Club compound.

    Since Tuesday, many EC supporters had come to visit and spend the night in the compact area in front of the prison, making it difficult for guards to control the crowd, he said.

    The three former commissioners were given special privileges, such as a private room with a television and the chance to make five phone calls, he said.

    The source believes that if the three ousted commissioners were transferred to the other facility, they would feel relieved and more comfortable as they would be kept out of the eyes of the media. But that could also raise doubts about whether they were under detention or free to walk around the compound.

    As the detention centre is run jointly by the police and the Corrections Department, Vasana, as a retired senior police officer, along with his cohorts Prinya and Virachai, would likely receive better treatment than they got in the prison, the source said.

    Their new cells would be renovated to welcome the newcomers, the source said

    Despite prison rules banning the use of mobile phones, the three men took theirs with them into prison, the source said.

    Piyanuch Tamnukasetchai

    The Nation

    Yeah I can see it .... Just like all the other prisoners :o:D:D

  6. I need to replace the digital scale that was stolen last month. It would have to have a digital readout that is switchable between grammes and ounces, and be portable. Plenty of analog ones around, but I havn't managed to find any digitals yet. Thanks MM

    MM Give a try at the couple of shops just North of and Same side of the street from the Montri Hotel. Cross the moat from Rydges Hotel.

    I bought a digital there about 3 years ago and its has worked pretty well. Mine does not convert between the grams/ounces but they have a pretty good selection and may have what you are looking for. When you do find one let me know where cuz the conversion sounds like a good idea. Beats the hel* out of all the calculator work.

    When you find one, ask the shop if they have vaccum sealers. Looking for one of those too. Slightly stronger than a household one would be preferrable


  7. The whole of the N.E. (Isarn) seems to be one big voting bloc for "pooyai's" to drive through, dressed in rural garb; throwing trinkets out to the throngs. These people have never really been given anything regarding education; development; etc.

    All politics is about maintaining and consolidating the status quo, btw. When you've never had anything, something tangible (hard cash; 30 baht healthcare; village development funds; etc) means a great deal to these people. They have always been exploited by the Bangkok elite, notwithstanding any one political party.

    I'm not sure if the above reply is totally on-topic but it does IMHO express in a nutshell

    what the good doctor and his pals managed to grasp and people marching around Bangkok

    with placards still don't seem to understand.

    You may get votes from speeches , but you'll get a lot more if you do something for a

    mass of people who have previously been neglected by the "elite".

    I can think of the FIS in Algeria and Hamas in Palestine.

    Most of their support comes not from their radical stances but the fact they were active

    in neglected communities providing social services , healthcare and education.

    To get back on topic , maybe the "intelligence testers" should research eugenics.

    While not exactly the same, but related, In the US, as an example, much weight, prior to an election, in given to publishing the results of the candidates "physical" . Also to the annual physical given to the President.

    Here in Thailand, I would feel same in assuming that there are also physicals given, but would also make a guess that if there were any negative aspects uncovered in the candidates health, they, shall we say, would be bought off.

    But nowhere, have I ever heard of "mental" or psychologial , testing being done. Cripes, both my worlds, the US and Thailand would be much better off had this been done 5-6 years ago.

  8. Here is an article from the Nation. I can read and understand each of the words, but can some techie tell me what it means please ?

    Is this to be another telephone system to compete with AIS, DTac, Orange etc.?

    CAT Telecom to launch CDMA service in 51 provinces next yar

    CAT Telecom Plc will kick off the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 2000 1x cellular service in 51 provinces in next January and will rely on the lowcost handsets to quickly nab subscribers.

    CAT's chief finance officer in charge of the project, Jirayuth Rungsrithong, said Thursday that CAT would partially launch the CDMA service in October and go fully commercial in January when 1,600 CDMA base stations in 51 provinces are expected to be completely rolled out.

    The Nation


  9. Re the preparedness,

    I missed the part where they showed what should be done in case of attack by inter-planetary, inter-galactic, Osmlian Alien Invaders. I would like to protect my family from the Cosmo-Gastronic ray guns they use.


  10. Should there be an Intelligence Test for Voting

    I know that the above would unconstitutional in many countries, but stop for a moment and give it a serious second thought.

    Consider here in Thailand. To do something as simple [but possibly deadly] as legally operate a motorcycle, car, truck, bus, you must pass a test to obtain a license to do so. After all you will be control of a vehicle that may if improperly, or imprudently operated, kill a number of people.

    Now consider that all you have to do to vote, to participate in the future of your own well-being as well as those other citizens of Thailand, is to reach a certain age. The vote, collectively has the power to, so to speak, make or break a country. To say to a people, as a whole, you either live or die. Now don't take that as a physical death literally, though it is possible, but more like a death of freedom, death of financial existence, or emotional death.

    The person or people who are voted into office do have your life in their hands.

    But it is sad to see that most voters here in Thailand exhibit very little thought regarding what the political runner stands for or is about, but rather the only thought is "this guy gives me 300B and that one gives me 500B so that makes Mr 500 a better man.

    They don't seem to realize that the money he gives you today, comes out of your pocket tomorrow.

    This is not only true to Thailand, but other countries as well Look at the retard that the US voters put into office and the problems he has caused for not only the US but the world as a whole. But this is a Thailand forum , so lets stick to Thailand.

    My Thai friends, look at your country today. Look at the government you have voted in with/by your acceptance of "tea money" in more than a few cases. Is that government [read acting government] working for you and in your interests, or is it working for its own pocket.

    Now back to the original question. Should there be some level of intelligence test , however minor to qualify a citizen to vote? Also shouldn't there be some test, much more in depth than how much money a politico has to distribute; perhaps some test of his/her abilities to run for a respective office ?

    I would be interested to hear other opinions .

  11. Reading all of this surely can make one wonder.

    One thing is for certain and that is, "If you live long enough IT will get you".

    Now "it" may be the next ice age, or it may be Global Warming roasting your cookies, and chances are much greater, if you live around here, that you will be hit by a drug crazed motorcycle driver and be killed.

    I think it should be inheirant on each individual one of us to view your surroundings and determine if it is safe enough, in your own belief to provide and protect for your own family, for a comfortable and reasonable life style. If it isn't , don't come here, or don't stay here, go somewhere else where you do feel comfortable.

    That is your job as a responsible wife, husband or family head.

    One place has too many murders; another too great a danger of flood; maybe another too great a chance of military or terrorist action.

    We've all got to be someplace, but generally we have the ability to choose, and one cannot provide protection against every danger, just prudent, common sense.

    I choose Chiang Mai, because I am entirely comfortable here. My idea is to live my life, not spend all my life trying to protect against all perils, and never get a chance to experience what life is all about.

    But it comes to me from a very reliable source. " Living will surely cause death"


  12. I live on the river and did get hit pretty hard last year.

    But I will have no flood damage this year. You can take it from me. No flooding for me this year.

    Not that I think the gov't did a wonderful job of making believe they were doing something by moving sand around the river all year, but because I hired a guy who assures me that he will keep all flooding off my property.

    All I had to pay him was allow him to wander around my property for about 40 years. I don't understand how it will work but that is what this guy MOSES told me.


  13. You asked the question.

    Here is why I am boycotting the Thai based low cost airlines.


    OP'er take a moment or two and go back in the travel forum and read what many have said in the past.

    What can you expect from anyone who feels that all money is better in the pocket than putting some of it in service and maintanance.


  14. Its official, You still need to show money on the Mai Sai border run if it is requested.

    I remember someone asking me what the score was and I am just back and I was again asked to show 10,000 bhat.

    A tourist behind me was asked also he in fact did not have it but brandished a visa card which did the job on that occasion but between you and I, I think I'd rather have the cash just in case they said thats not good enough.

    Yes they do have a new shiny Xray machine too.

    They didnt xray me but many of the Thai's going through got xrayed. well their stuff anyway.

    Hope this help guys.

    Best case, be prepared and take the funds.

    Love and Light to all.

    Lets all get together and promote very hard the increased use of the X Ray Machine

    * Working too close to all those X Rays will make all the Immo guys & Gals sterile

    * Sterile means they won't be able to have babies

    * No new kids to follow up in mommy and daddys footsteps and become new immo's

    * Better for the future falangs

    * And most important all the X Ray machines will clean up the gene pool



  15. Yup, today and yesterday have been the worst yet. I called TOT and a "technician" is coming to the house today (I called 053273300)....

    The phone is working only sporadically now too.

    Just like the government here in Thailand...... It is working only sporadically now too.


  16. I'm not at home, so I don't have the TOT number in front of me. It is a four digit number. I believe I got it off my TOT bill. Not too difficult to find really.

    I have about 50 numbers for ADSL repair.... usually get 2 o 3 different ones each time a different repairman comes out to test and tell me things are working great as his meter shows that he is downloading at a million KPS from his speed test site. Unfortunately in 5 years now I can't ever remember wanting to download anything from his speed test site....

    at the same time I can't even get to my email...


    1100 thats the call center for all TOT and suprisingly one of the better numbers when they put yoou over to the ADSL


    11079 Just tell them to cut the crap when they want to know the name of your modem, the make of your modem, is this light on, is that light on, etc and on and on.... Just tell them that they should stop selling more memberships until they get more infrastruction in place.... tell them wires..... the do not understand infrastructure....

    Did anyone notice in this last month tel TOT bills they are flogging the new ADSL and cheap membership ..... crowd the lines more

    Hope the above numbers help... if not :o


  17. I have TOT ADSL and the service is absymal... meaning its about as good as something coming out of a very deep crack in the earth.

    There are good days [read sub-par] and bad days [ read non existant] .. That goes for the internet service providers as well as the cell phone companies.

    If anything is possible to be said in a positive light for either of the above, that would be that their respective billing departments work to perfection!

    My question becomes , is there not a regulatory body that overseess these public and or private service companies? Is there a realistic possibility to ask for and receive, a reduction in the billing amounts to somewhat coincide with the percentage of service rendered?

    If so I would like to have the address of this group to which I would like to forward my billing, as obviously I would be vastly in the negative percentage and be desirous of a refund.

    Yea I know..... People in hel_l want Ice water too.


  18. I make reference with this post to the article in today's Bkk Post, re the Tax-in letter to that Bush Guy.

    It is seldom that you see something like the following.

    A word or phrase in the English Language so aptly defined. In this case the word phrase is "Pompous Ass"

    I would seriously submit that the major dictionaries of the world take note and perhaps this definition of the above is more apt then their own.

    This is an excerpt from todays Post article :

    That Bush letter: The Kantathi twist

    Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's now infamous personal letter written last month to US President George W. Bush was merely designed to bolster and maintain the superpower's confidence in Thailand's democratic rule and continual drive toward future economic prosperity, Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon said Wednesday.

    In an interview by telephone, the foreign minister maintained that though his boss' letter was considered personal, it was written entirely in Mr Thaksin's capacity as the premier addressing the US president regarding the current political situation in Thailand.

    He declined to comment regarding whether Mr Thaksin had broken any form of "etiquette" by attacking his political opponents in the letter. The prime minister, he said, wrote to Mr Bush because they personally are friends and the Thai premier had no spare time to see the US president in person, according to the foreign minister.

    Could the Pompous Ass definition possible fit?

  19. Although this thread is computer related, it is basically a local Chiangmai topic, and would have been nice to discuss it on the Chiangmai forum the same as they have done on the Pattaya forum. Such are the vagaries of button pushing :o

    Chiang Mai Resident here and I have been calling TOT daily now for the 3rd week..

    Number 1 retort....."Is the light on your modem on?"

    Number 2 ...... what type of modem do you have?

    Number 3 ....... is the light blinking or steady

    Same Answer...... stop asking me the same questions every day..... the problem is too many people on the same lines .

    Finally the one little girl just told me the best thing to do was go to TOT and make a complaint then maybe things would get better..

    Iv'e been wanting to post something on this for weeks, but at that time the internet was down.

    Such are the vagaries of the Mutton Pushers

  20. Read the tone of the posts on this thread.

    We have a young lady dead. Thats a fact and that is sad and tragic.

    We have an older man who stated he did it and attempted suicide. Thats also very sad.

    I would probably guess that the old guy came to his senses and is very remorseful over what he apparently did.

    But again feel the tone of the retorts, replies and comments on this thread.

    All the holier than thou individuals, as usual I might add, ready to castrate, kill, hang shoot or draw and quarter the bloke.

    I am not a religious person, but it sure brings to mind some at least quasi religious thoughts. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" might be one

    And maybe, There but for the grace of God , go I" might be another.

    Why as much venom in the posts, does it make each of us who post like that somewhat stronger or in some way superior? I kind of feel bad , because maybe someday I will find myself in such a prediciment..

    I do offer my condolences to the girls family.


    Ok Gang .... rip me apart

  21. I would look a little harder at the 900 baht passport.....

    I think there is a program where by you can ghet a real Burmese passport, legal, for around $400 dollars thru an agent. this would include a single entry entry visa into Thai and a r/t ticket [air] this of course is much safer than the undergournd border crossing thing.

    But you must also think what does she do when the 60 day visa runs out. This approach should be used only with thinking about what other type of long term stay visa can be gotten for her during that 60 day period ..... must be thought thru in your own individual circumstances.

    What is your home country and what are the possibilities of marrying her and then trying to get her to your country then at some later date into thailand? Your initial post was a bit confusing for me

  22. I have a burmese gf for 2yrs (shan state) and i have decided to get her to stay in thailand, as burmese state laws restricts any foreign marriage to non-burmese..

    what should i do to apply for her to be able to stay in parts of thailand for longer period of times.

    She's going to be 21 soon. and we are planning to reside in thailand.

    I have a internet-based job generating income and will also be planning to move into thailand, preferbly bangkok to stay.

    how do i go about doing it?

    i am more concerned about getting her a thai PR/Ciitizenship becuz i hope to be able to bring my kid to my parent country in future.

    i think if she is still holding onto the burmese pass and a kid is born, the kid can only be a burmese without my name in the birthcert , and otherwise be stateless?

    im quite a newbie in this hope u guys can guide me..


    Short of getting married to her, look into getting her an alien work permit. I understand that they are again this year accepting new applicants. You can hire her as your housekeeper. Its a bit of a drag the first year but each year thereafter relatively easy to renew.

    Also are you sure about the Burma marriage thing .... I have a few friends who are married to Brumese and they didn't know anything about it.....

    If you do marry her then get her out of the Burma thingy and into your country passport as a citizen ... Cant be a great loss to give up a Burmese citizenry with all the problems that country creates for its nationals. Cripes even an Afgani passport would be preferable

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