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Posts posted by Heisenberg01

  1. Many people saying an autopsy must have been/will have been carried out.

    IT may well have been.

    My question a few pages back though was aimed at Boris writing "it has been reported a full autopsy has been carried out"

    No it hasnt, or if it has noone on here can quote it.

    People assuming stuff to help get their point across, when it all boils down to it not one real piece of evidance to link the scrawny runt to being on the island.

    There are reliable reports that autopsies were carried out by a UK Home Office pathologist. For David Miller, this was confirmed before the inquest in Jersey into his death was adjourned: see http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-jersey-29413391. Here is a link confirming an autopsy on Hannah Witheridge and that Thailand requested a copy of the report: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-29441039.

    Thanks for the link and clarification.

    Not related but when i clicked the link i noticed the headline that Sarah Paynes father has been found dead, for the brits im sure the name rings a bell.

    Turned to drink after what happened to his daughter.

    Again a reminder terrible things happen everywhere in the world, the most we can hope for is justice for the victims.

  2. Many people saying an autopsy must have been/will have been carried out.

    IT may well have been.

    My question a few pages back though was aimed at Boris writing "it has been reported a full autopsy has been carried out"

    No it hasnt, or if it has noone on here can quote it.

    People assuming stuff to help get their point across, when it all boils down to it not one real piece of evidance to link the scrawny runt to being on the island.

    • Like 1
  3. It's been reported that when the two bodies of the victims returned to the United Kingdom, a Home Office Pathologist conducted an autopsy on the two.

    Home Office Pathologist......For none Brits, that means the finest, most qualified pathologists conducted the autopsy. Home office Pathologists are only used on the most serious of murders. They are regarded as the finest pathologists in the world.

    If your a Thai member of the law enforcement agencies, that means, you had better have the correct DNA, Toxicology, and cause of death reports present and correct, otherwise this is going to come back and haunt you.

    DNA obtained from the two Burmese Accused.

    David killed with a hoe???...really???

    Date Rate drugs in the blood of Hanna?

    THREE samples of unknown DNA on Hanna

    Then the British Police with help from the Intelligence Community resources come into play

    Phone records, cctv enhancement...the list is long and more important comprehensive and accurate.

    I wonder why the Thai Courts won't proceed. We all know why and they are right to be scared.


    Please point me the way to the report that states an autopsy was performed when the bodies returned home.

    As usual, i dont think such a report exists and your making this up to further make your points more valid.

    W e all want this resolved with justice for the victims, but there is so much posted on here as fact which is pure speculation its getting ridiculous.

  4. Cant understand anyone that thinks there is the slightest chance of this DNA test 2morrow making the slightest bit of difference.

    Not a chance on earth would they be doing this if there was any danger of a match with him.

    More likely that the first lot of DNA from the Burmese was sent to the labs as the suspect one so hey presto second ones a match., and the real evidence is at the bottom of the drink between Tao and Samui.

    No one screams louder than an indignant Thai who wants the world to know he is in the right when he is deemed to be in the wrong.

    Thats all 2morrow is, face for the top Banana, even though noone will believe it for a minute, he will feel respect has been gained.

    • Like 2
  5. Is that really Hannah in the photo and if so when is that photo dated. Nobody could possibly be that stupid to claim they were somewhere when they clearly posed for photos elsewhere. That's just downright dumb.

    Rrrrrrrright! As dumb as "disappearing" for a full week after the murders. As dumb as a father claiming his son "just left for university this morning, no, wait, yesterday, no wait... I can't find him and actually don't have a clue where he is or where he went..." As dumb as handing in a shaky cctv still shot, possibly even photoshopped, as an alibi. As dumb as flying and hoping to not appear on any flight list. As dumb as hoping that none of the other students would talk. As dumb as believeing that one is untouchable and irresistible just because his father is a mafia kingpin...

    Not that disagree with any of the above, i dont believe a shread of evedence so far has surfaced to verify any of this.

    I dont think the Burmese did it, i do think there is a cover up, but i would have thought something would have come out concrete about the son by now, CSI LA for all its endeavours has produced zip.

    Someone would have blabbed by now.

    If he was there that night, how come not one western backpacker, especially the victims freinds have not said anything?

  6. .... This despite the fact that police early on showed they were not scared or intimidated by the headsman family. Like other early suspects they came out publicly stating the headsman's family were involved but like other earlier suspects, they were ruled out.

    I dont know how you come to this conclusion, no DNA tests and intrest dropped and not mentioned again after a change of plod.

  7. I am curious if the police in the UK have interviewed the other people associated with this case who are now back in he UK.

    I don't know, but I've heard UK officials are woefully busy with thousands of jihadists coming and going to dune countries.

    Its safe to say most on here dont think the Burmese kids are the guilty ones.

    Most clamouring for the Headman/Headmans son to be DNA tested so fair to say hes the number one suspect, at least on social media and forums. However why is it not one person has come forward and claimed he was even on the island that night? (shortened for brevity)

    For starters, it was reported at the very early stage of the investigation that the headman said something like, "my son just returned to Bangkok" Some poster on here may be able to find the precise quote. The headman later retracted that statement when he realized it might implicate his darling son.

    But more damning: There has been, as far as I know, no meaningful recreation by officials of the scene at the AC bar the night of the crimes. Social media are rife with scenarios, but Thai officialdom are mum. There's only one reason why (besides not wanting to divulge all they know to the public): the scenario quite likely implicates several of the revelers in the bar that night, and Thai officialdom has silently declared all those (who should be prime suspects) as off limits.

    Yes, i am aware of the headman being QUOTED as saying his son was in BKK and he couldnr get hold of him.

    Im not doubting it would be great to just waltz in and DNA test all and sundry.

    But im yet to see ANYONE anywhere claim he was on the island/in the bar that night.

    If he was im certain the Ware brothers, Mcanna,Hannahs and Davids freinds and a load of others could verify this.

    Whether the British police have been told this and are sitting on it for now time will tell, but such a claim would blow the lid of the case surely, just one person of note, Mcanna, The Ware brothers et all claiming the guy was on the island at the time?

    With the CCTV,at the UNI, the police and eyewitnessess, it would surely force a climb down by the BIB.

    • Like 1
  8. Its safe to say most on here dont think the Burmese kids are the guilty ones.

    Most clamouring for the Headman/Headmans son to be DNA tested so fair to say hes the number one suspect, at least on social media and forums.

    However why is it not one person has come forward and claimed he was even on the island that night?

    Non of the victims freinds, ex pats or other holiday makers, not one.

    The 2 brothers from Jersey, Hannahs freinds, im sure one would be able to say if he was there or not, im sure he is well known.

    Not one from his school, airline employee, noone has said anything to indicate he is inplicated/was on the island.

    Im not suggesting for one minute the Burma guys are guilty and know just how bad the Thai police are but i would have expected something to come out by now regarding the son, if any truth in it.

    Mccanna, Seans/Hannas freinds at least, if not other holiday makers would have been to the law when back home surely?

    Unless they have and as of yet its not been released?

    • Like 1
  9. reading that the suspects are on suicide watch from other inmates!

    <deleted>??? They're keeping them with other inmates?? I can't say what I want to say for fear of a defamation suit!

    Prison Chief Fears Koh Tao Suspects May Commit Suicide

    SURAT THANI — The two Burmese men who were accused of murdering two British tourists in southern Thailand last month are being monitored to prevent possible suicide attempts, says the director of the prison where they are being held.

    "I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men. I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

    According to Chanin, the two suspects are being held in a general holding cell with other inmates, but he stressed that wardens are doing their best to keep the suspects under watch.

    How can these Thai police/officials keep a straight face when giving out these statements?

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