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Posts posted by bunglebag

  1. *[too many quoted blocks to repost so have chopped 2 out]*

    Very unlikely that a speedboat had left from the main pier, it is used by larger vessels; speedboats normally operate directly from the beach or from small piers at some resorts.

    It says leaving a beach.

    Nothing about a pier mentioned here.

    This is truly ridiculous. how can folk continue to defend the RTP?

    One defender usually comes across as quite a smart fella to me. Maybe with an agenda, but smart nonetheless. I wonder if he's miffed at having to try and defend this blatant pile of the proverbial as it's a total credibility crusher for now and the future imo. Can't help feeling it might be better letting some of the other more suitable, error prone, defenders do it.

    Yes, it says leaving a beach, and then in two large font paragraphs it talks about that boat and the police not checking CCTV footage; the way it is written and emphasized it's very easy to end up with the impression that there is footage of that boat leaving the island.

    For the nth time, I'm not defending the RTP, I believe information in a case like this should be presented in a clear and unbiased manner, IMO the way that article was written it completely fails at doing so.

    Hi AleG,

    I was not referring to you when mentioning 'one defender', 'twas a more prolific one on this thread. So apologies, I should have maybe put that in a separate post.

    Personally I feel that although you may have a different ideas about what *might* have happened compared to me your posts are often valid, quite unbiased, and not full of outdated or twisted information. I think I might even have 'like'd a couple but I don't keep track of things like that so could be wrong.

    Also since my original reply I've seen plenty of mentions of a pier in other articles. As seems to often be the case there seems to be a little confusion. How inconvenient that practically no translators are available :(

  2. Wee need to know what happened inside the AC bar involving David and/or Hannah or any other venue they may have visited. Was there an altercation or words with anyone in that bar on that night and if so who were they? If there was an altercation , then we need to know what may have occurred as a result of that and where does it lead. Every crime has to have some motive. Part of the investigation determines who may have had a motive. I wonder if the defense team has their own investigator doing a complete time line on this case and all of the potential witnesses. Everyone wants the truth and justice for the deceased and their families as well as the accused. Someone had to see something that will shed real light on this case and someone will talk-eventually.

    I think this could be the crux. Any incident inside AC bar (that night or previously) or on the beach outside (beach party that night) would be my first line of investigation. Could have been whilst it was busy or later when it was getting quieter. How unfortunate that there does not appear to be any cctv available from the minute they entered the bar.

    I saw one report from the early days that mentioned an altercation in intouch bar but that could have been erroneous reporting. It wouldn't be the first time.

    How the policeman witness who watched the cctv could deduce that this was not premeditated when the last time he was able to see David was 2am and Hannah even earlier, and he saw nothing of them once they entered the bar is beyond me.

    Plus he made a few assumptions with his 'evidence' such as the fact that David was looking for somewhere to drink and got pointed to AC by tourists (Could equally be he knew them or knew they knew Hannah and was asking if they knew where she was? Was it not the case that he had told Mr Ware at the apartment that he was going back out to look for her? Open to correction if that is not the case)

  3. Police 'Never Checked' CCTV After Britons Killed
    There are gasps in court as judges hear of a series of apparent blunders in the hours after the two Britons were found dead.
    By Sarah McBride in Koh Samui
    KOH SAMUI: Police failed to check CCTV images of a boat leaving a beach close to where two British backpackers were found murdered, a Thai court has heard.
    There were gasps in the courtroom as Police Colonel Cherdpong Chiewpreecha revealed a series of apparent blunders in the investigation into the deaths of David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the island of Koh Tao.
    The court in Koh Samui heard that the senior investigating police chief and his officers did not believe the killer would have taken that boat, which left an hour or so after the estimated time of death of the pair.
    "We have the footage, but we never checked it," Police Colonel Cherdpong said.
    Sky News 2015-07-23

    Ok colonel Cherdpong , if this is true , that they actually have the footage , then for god sake check it now. So we at least can find out who the passengers on the boat were.

    Very unlikely that a speedboat had left from the main pier, it is used by larger vessels; speedboats normally operate directly from the beach or from small piers at some resorts.

    It says leaving a beach.

    Nothing about a pier mentioned here.

    This is truly ridiculous. how can folk continue to defend the RTP?

    One defender usually comes across as quite a smart fella to me. Maybe with an agenda, but smart nonetheless. I wonder if he's miffed at having to try and defend this blatant pile of the proverbial as it's a total credibility crusher for now and the future imo. Can't help feeling it might be better letting some of the other more suitable, error prone, defenders do it.

  4. MikeENZ, who apparently provided some insights about life on KT and KP for the TIME Magazine "The Sceptic Isle" story casts doubt on the possibility that the son of an influential figure on the sceptic island could have committed or been involved in the rape and murders because he would have had too much too lose.

    Personally I have no idea who committed the crimes and don't wish to point the finger of suspicion at anyone in particular. However, I would like to point out that MikeENZ's theory is inconsistent with the observed behaviour of the sons of wealthy and influential figures in Thailand. Without naming names or citing dates, I list from memory some incidents I recall over the years in Thailand.

    - The son of an influential politician was alleged to have shot a policeman in the head at point blank range in a disco over an argument about someone stepping on his toe. No conviction.

    - The son of a gangster associated with gambling dens in Bangkok shot the nephew of a Thai diplomat in the face non-fatally in a disco in Bangkok after the victim allegedly stepped on his toe. No prosecution.

    - The son of an influential politician became irate when a pick-up truck cut in front of him on a Bangkok street. The pick-up truck was pulled over by bodyguards travelling in another car and the driver was beaten. The politician's son walked towards him and fired a shot that missed. Then he pointed the gun right at his head and pulled the trigger but it failed to fire. No prosecution.

    - The son of a influential politician was pulled over by a traffic cop on Pattanakarn Road in Bangkok for a minor violation and got irate when the cop refused to let him go without booking him. So he pulled out his gun and shot the cop in the face non-fatally. No charges pressed after a financial settlement.

    - The son of an influential politician abducted a police sergeant over an unknown dispute and incarcerated him for 2 or 3 days. No charges pressed after a financial settlement.

    - The son of a billionaire who sells cafeinated sugar water to gullible fools all over the world ran over a police sergeant and dragged him for 220 metres before tipping it on the road, ensuring death, if it had not already occurred. Then he attempted to get a family servant to claim responsibility for the crime in his place. He was charged but there has been no attempt to bring him to court and almost certainly the case will be allowed expire under Thailand's ridiculous statute of limitations.

    - The son of an influential Isaan politician became irate when he was travelling in was overtaken by a pick-up truck on an isolated country road. He speeded up and overtook the pick-up so that he and at least one of his buddies could fire into the pick-up with their illegally carried handguns. The pick-up truck owner, a building contractor, was ready for them and returned fire with his own illegal handgun, killing the politician's son. LOL. The pick-up truck owner was prosecuted.

    I could go on but I think this pattern illustrates something in the Thai psyche that MikeENZ obviously failed to learn during his brief stint in Thailand as an illegal worker in tourist resorts. Sons of wealthy and influential people are brought up with a sense of entitlement and impunity which makes them believe they can and have and do whatever they want and never have to face any consequences because Daddy will fix any problems that result. The above list indicates that they are often right. This makes their reflexes different from most less privileged people in Thailand or people living in rule of law jurisdictions, who are more likely to stop short at a point where they should be able to see a possibility of spending many years in prison. Since they don't feel they will have to face the consequences of their actions, they don't see any need to control their flashpoints and, in a country where face is so important, this can lead to some ugly situations.

    Another point has been raised by other posters, i.e. why would police go to so much trouble and why would the case be escalated to such a high level to protect a fire dancing drifter, even if he was Thai. In the case of the Katherine Horton murder in Samui, the authorities were happy to arrest and convict two Thai fishermen. No doubt Burmese fishermen would have been preferable but Thai fishermen are only a couple of rungs up the ladder and are also of no consequence.

    why would police go to so much trouble and why would the case be escalated to such a high level to protect a fire dancing drifter, even if he was Thai

    I think this is an interesting question. The explanation would go like this:

    • Events leading to the murders started with a fight in AC Bar. Indeed, some of David's wounds may well have been received there.
    • When Hannah and David left, the killers (casual and formal employees of the bar) followed.

    Even if the bar escaped formal prosecution as sharing responsibility, the negative publicity would be devastating.

    Note: I am not saying this is the only explanation, only that it is one of the plausible scenarios.

    If they were even conscious when they left

  5. See those boats in the background? I bet Andy has... It would be easy for the cops to identify those vessels and talk to everyone on board because it is vital.

    I read yesterday in a Drummond article (dated approx 20-9-14) that there were up to 10 fishing boats moored off sairee beach that night and that police were tracking them down. This was new to me because when the murders first occurred I thought the news reports said it couldn't be a repeat of the fishermen swimming to shore murder because all fishing boats were moored round the other side of the island that night for some reason.

    Am I the only one who thought they read all fishing boats were moored round the other side of the island that night that initially?

  6. How come the certain posters are still posting huge long-winded posts related to details of the crime scene, which they keep screaming is speculation or fact or proven or disproven, yet on the very simple topic of why all the translators have been scared off and no-one is willing to work the case they remain deafeningly silent?

    GB, do you maybe have a few paragraphs to spare on this point? Or maybe this is the machinations of the evil Andy Hall at work, twisting the facts and tweeting the lies?

    I guess everyone has to earn pennies somehow.

    From now on I am going to seriously limit my replies to the obvious repeated attempts to derail and send the thread down irrelevant paths. Everyone here knows those in question and they are no longer going to waste my time for one. I also believe another purpose is to draw people in the opposing camp in to arguments so they can try and get them a ban from this thread, particularly handy with the trial recommencing today.

    Over the last couple of days I've started replying to many of these posts, finding links to back things up etc. only to then think 'what's the point - it's just feeding the trolls and it's what they want' and then swiftly abandon my reply. I urge others with similar thoughts to sometimes do the same and not get drawn in, or at least not waste too much time on them.

    And one very active poster in particular has shown through constant questions / statements / errors, based on either suitable outdated or erroneous info (or sometimes just uneducated assumptions), that they seem to lack any knowledge as to how the 'investigation' unfolded originally and as they had never even heard of Koh Tao before this I hazard a guess they don't live in Thailand or even know much about how some things in Thailand work, yet here they are arguing over and over about anything and everything with many long term residents who DO have first hand experience.

    To me, the repetitive deflective nature of some posters has worn too thin to bother responding to much now. Their purpose has become clear over the course of this thread imo.

    But I'll give a quick example. It was widely reported that in court a couple of weeks ago that Mr policeman testified that he was called to the scene at 6.30 am by a fellow officer (so 6.30am is actually the time the SECOND policeman arrived on the scene) yet one of our ever-present friends seems to have somehow morphed that into 'the bodies were found at 6.30am' even though the same person has been posting about how long it would take before the police were called after the first person (beach cleaner) found the bodies, who then called someone else (resort owner), who then faffed around for some time before calling the policeman #1, who then did who knows what before calling policeman #2 at 6.30am.

    Now if the second policeman on the scene was called at 6.30 what time were the bodies found? Not 6.30. This person must know this yet they still post erroneous misleading info. Why? I presume to try to get people to waste time interacting / arguing with them.

    And before they ask, here is a source:



  7. So if only 5 are what you called "Facts" then I gather the rest is just Bull-shit then and I will throw them in the Bull-shit Pile.

    Okay? Lets' check Your "Facts"

    Sniffer Dogs?

    I can't see what the Sniffer Dogs would do on the beach, besides having a good Poopoo, when the Crime Scene is covered in 2 feet of water after the Tide came in.

    Mon on the crime scene?

    The Media Reported the bodies were discovered by beach cleaners, but if it was the gardener no difference, as they both would have worked for Mon and his hotel or the bar.

    Now if some excited migrant worker came running to you all excited and said in broken English he found bodies on the beach what would you do? Well before I would call the Police and possibly make a fool out of myself.I would go and look for myself first. Which I gather this is what he would do also.

    Since the bodies were behind rocks, he would need to enter the crime scene to see for himself. Or do you think a partial blind migrant beach cleaner, or gardener would call the Police before he talked to his boss first, who he knew was nearby?

    Allowed People to handle evidence without rubber gloves?

    The only instances I can think of is first the the Hoe. The gardener went to get his hoe as he needed it. He did not know it could be a possible murder weapon at that time so he handled it the same way as he always did. This does not qualify that they allowed him to do this. He just did what he normally did each day. I believe it was Mon and the Police who asked the Gardener to put on gloves before returning the hoe, which contradicts your "Fact" also.

    David Millers Body was perhaps the second instance and handled without gloves. I don't no for sure. But either way I don't see much choice they had then. The Tide was coming in and they either had to move him or risk that he would be swept away, and taken out to sea. If there is more it will be answered in you next "Fact".

    Didn't have qualified people doing Forensics?

    If you mean the crime scene I already explained that in an early post but for you I will give you the shorter version.

    People here tend to like to compare this case to a case involving the FBI investigating a case in New York City, or Scotland Yard in London. What they tend to forget is that these double murders and rape took place on a small remote island that has a population of about 2,000 People and a Total Police Force of 5 people.

    How much training do you think they have in securing a Crime Scene and if so how long ago? How many Double Murders and Rapes do you think they handle every year? What is the size of their S.W.A.T. Team on the Island? The highest ranking Police Officer on the Island was on the stand and when asked by the Defense he said he was involved with 2 rapes but not including a murder in his Life-time. That should indicate the rest of the Police Men and there experience.

    How long would it take to get a Profession Investigative Team together in Bangkok, with approval from the higher ups, plus all the equipment and supplies you are going to need? Then get from Bangkok to a remote island and unload everything then get to the Crime Scene? Have they even a place for them to all stay that night and sleep? Would you go if you had to sleep in the Jungle? Would you send your men to do that?

    My point is Professional help was a long way off and since the Tide was coming in they had to do something quickly or risk losing all the evidence and maybe even the bodies. That is also why they asked for help from ordinary people. But then you would probably think all this was all staged to.

    Lied about DNA?

    They never did and that has never been proven anywhere, so this is not a "Fact" at all. So I will just throw that one in the Bull-shit Pile.

    First, I acknowledge that it is unreasonable to expect perfect handling of the crime scene by the local police. However, one does not need to be a police general to know that a crime scene should be cordoned off and everyone not directly involved in the investigation kept out. Further, while the police on Koh Tao may not be very experienced, one would imagine they would inform Koh Samui and Surat Thani headquarters immediately. It does not take long to determine that a serious crime needing senior officers to take charge is needed (unless you consider the Koh Tao police too inexperienced to recognize this). Speed boats (if no helicopter is available) do not take that long to Koh Tao.

    On the need to collect evidence before it was covered by the rising tide, I could not find tide tables for Koh Tao on the morning of September 15, but tables for Koh Samui (which should be similar) are available. Based on those, the water level was falling when the police arrived (low tide about 7:30 am) and high tide was not until after 3:00 pm. Also the tides were not very strong on that day.

    Let us consider Mon's involvement, both because you brought it up, and because it is pretty key. Let us start with Mon's claim that he is the running man on the CCTV footage. From the time he walked past the camera until he is seen running back was about 50 minutes. What was he doing at the crime scene for about 45 minutes? Does Mon own a phone? Did he immediately inform the police?

    You are making a lot of assumptions here which you do not know if they did or did not happen. The first WRONG one is you saying I brought Mons' name up. I did no such thing! I was asked by another poster here how I could explain certain things (which you deleted out) about Mon. If you are going to twist what has been written here then I have no interest in discussions with you on that subject.

    If this was however an accidental mistake then lets' step back a few paces. You said low tide at 7:30 am and high tide at 3 pm. So 7 hours and 30 minutes from low tide to high tide. So lets put some times together here.

    The bodies was reported by the media to have been found by a beach cleaner at around 6:30 am. What is the next logical thing to do once that happens and you are this cleaner? Well, I would gather you would want to report this, but to who? The Police, who may question your whereabouts that night, or your boss? I would go with My Boss (Mon).

    So where would Mon most likely be at 6:30 am? In bed still perhaps? Awake and having his first cup of coffee? So now this beach cleaner has to go and find him. Is he in his hotel already or is he at home? But if you are with me so far he sooner or later finds him, tells him what he saw. As mentioned already, and if I was the Boss, I would want to see that for myself. Who knows for sure that this wasn't just some beached up dauphin, which this migrant worker saw?

    So you go to the Crime Scene and witness these bodies for yourself. Now what? Well I gather you would want to get the Police involved at this stage and call them. Did you bring your mobile Phone with you, or did you forget it in all this excitement and have to go back and get it? So you contact the Police and an Officer comes to investigate. Because the Boss was still waiting there to show him the location he sees the dead bodies to. Now what?

    Well, if I was this officer I would now want to call my Superior and ask instructions on what to do, then wait for him to show up to. What time are we looking at now? It is reported by the media that the Police Man in charge moved David from the sea on fear it might get washed away as the tide was coming in. Since low tide was 7:30 am then it would have had to been past this time. So shall we call this 8 am or 9 am?

    Does the Police Man in charge have the authority to call in a Special Investigative Team from Bangkok. I would think he would need a higher rank than this. So now he would have to call his Superior on perhaps the next island over, and he to might want to see the Crime Scene to first. So now he is off to the Island, then call his Superior in Bangkok to get approval to send out a Special Investigative Team with supplies, and perhaps even tents to sleep in on the beach.

    My point is that organizing something like this takes time. A lot of time. It is not just one simple telephone call away. Many people have to get involved first. The location is remote and the Police there are not specialists in dealing with crimes like this. There was no urgency to fly everyone in on a helicopter. The dead bodies aren't going anywhere.

    So there was no way they could do this before 3 pm anyway, and high tide. Even if they could, who is to say that even at half tide, say 10:30 am that the Crime Scene may be completely covered in water already? Do you know that for sure? So the way I see it the Local Police were forced to make the best out of a bad situation and before all the evidence would have been washed away and out to sea, including the bodies.

    And you say other people make a lot of assumptions!

  8. On the donation front there's also a chain of thought among fellow Countrymen who would rather contribute towards costs incurred by the parents rather than help fund the defence of those who might just have murdered their children....

    There's certainly less likelyhood of being wrong this way.

    This is true but those lives have unfortunately already been taken by this tragedy. If the B2 are innocent of the charges laid against them would you want theirs to also be taken?

    I'm not saying they are innocent as I don't know what happened that night, but to me something hasn't felt right since day one. With suspicion across Thailand, and the world, that these 2 are scapegoats and with their lives on the line I do think they have the right to legal representation and as fairer a trial as possible, don't you? They won't get that without a some aid, hence my own small contribution went that way.

  9. I've just come across nom sods Facebook fanclub page. Looks interesting but it's all in Thai. Is linking Facebook permited on T V? It would be good if someone could translate as I'm sure there is interesting info on it. It would seem that most of the comments are negative.

    Why do you want to drag in more social media gossip ? It's already enough of it in this thread.

    I've been through both his and his brother pages and, not being a friend of theirs means I can only see what they make public. So not much, the other brother "Intouch" appears to have a much larger ego than "Nomsod", but that's my opinion.

    But we want to get to the bottom of this case, whatever that takes. And it seems you, Balo, want this all to go away. What does looking into anyone who is a 'possible suspect' harm the person? Don't they want their name cleared?

    As far as I'm aware Intouch is his cousin (Mon's son) not his brother. Open to correction as usual though.

  10. bungelbag

    "That would be the ac bar cctv footage that Mon refused to hand over to the police, saying it was 'private property' iirc? Convenient"

    Oh really bungelbag. Do you mean like when he came in for questioning and had his DAN tested, or do you mean that in Thailand they don't have such things as search Warrants?

    Oh! That is right! I just remembered! Aren't you the one that's says the Police here can do what they like? So what is stopping them?

    eh! where did I say the police can do what they like?

    As for why he refused to hand it over and why the RTP didn't make him, well you'll have to ask Mon or the RTP about that

  11. A few people on here seem to be harping out the same message as The convicted nonce Sean

    And I quote

    "No one believes it was the 2 Burmese guys and anyone who believes it would be Stupid "


    Sean claims he slept through the whole night and claims he didn't know it was David till 3 days after the crime so how can he prove they had no involvement ?

    They could of been made to help NS we all know how badly VIP treat Burmese.

    again smells fishy I also think, as Sean liked to post a lot of shit about the case on Facebook that there is a good chance Sean the kiddie porn lover is one of you !

    Tony it seems you're losing the plot a bit and getting rather aggressive with your posts, possibly trying to provoke a reaction, can't think why else.

    We wouldn't want to see you get a temporary ban now would we!

  12. This timing is crucial evidence (if substantiated). Allowing a leeway from friends who presumably were wired or tired, let's suppose they left at 3.30 am. Not unreasonable? By the time they meandered to the beach, settled down to talk or otherwise, it could be 4 a.m or even later.

    Who would be awake at that time?

    Possibly those still at the club/bar, and maybe a few insomniacs, or even early starters like fishermen and menial cleaners. The B2 were left to their own devices at 1 am when their friend took a third bottle of beer to them. Would they still be on the beach three hours later at 4 a.m, knowing that they had to work the next day, no more beer, and nothing happening? Possibly, but unlikely.

    A witness stated he found the B2 ASLEEP in their beds at 5 a.m. Given a run back to their abode, that leaves a maximum window of less than ONE hour to commit rape and murder.

    Not impossible, but unlikely that any stable person would be able to sleep following that horrific crime. What can be discounted is that they were high on Ya Ba, which is a keep-awake drug.

    Another example of reasonable doubt?

    tony responds: -

    The crime happens at 4.am so you can discount Yaba which is a keep awake drug ? do you read the crap you write ?

    A witness finding them in Bed at 5am who goes and checks on there friends at 5 in the morning ? if they were asleep how did the witness get in the room ?

    It's factual, Tony. Read up on it. And that's being polite.

    One would assume that someone who lives somewhere has the means to get into it without requiring their roommates to open the door.

    I think I read someplace there was 5 to a room. If only 1 key I would think the last man out hides the key under the planter or someplace like that. If someone is home he leaves the door unlocked.

    If some work in a Bar, which I would think when it is busy, they wouldn't start until the afternoon. If in the hotel for cleaning, starting in the morning, and in the coffee shop maybe early morning. The point being they did not all start or finish work at the same time if they had different jobs

    Last I heard the murders took place between 2 am and 4 am. But not sure if this this been updated.

    Last time David and Hannah were seen together was at the AC Bar. I never so a media Report which said the time they left. But they may have some CCTV Footage that will clear that up,

    That would be the ac bar cctv footage that Mon refused to hand over to the police, saying it was 'private property' iirc? Convenient

  13. I cannot completely eliminate the possibility that Sean was lying about staying in bed all night. However, he was known on the island. I find it quite unlikely that he could have wandered around, meeting David, and no one he knew saw him, and he avoided all the CCTV cameras.

    The answer to your question as to why Sean ran from the island is pretty obvious. He had upset Mon, and fully believed that the Koh Tao mafia was capable of killing him. His claim that Mon wanted to frame him for the murders may also be genuine. This was well before the Burmese kids were chosen as scapegoats. Do you really think Sean's panicked phone calls and Facebook post from the 7-11 the night before he left was some kind of act? That is not to say he does not know who the real killers are. He quite likely does. I doubt he has evidence. Speculation: after escaping from Thailand, he may have been given money to keep quiet.

    So why randomly pick Sean someone who knew David ? What are the Odds of picking a random westerner and that person being connected to the victim ?

    In this article Mon explains why he went after sean


    He had blood on his Guitar in the interview with the media (he could of put his own blood on it on purpose as a cover story its almost as if he is showing it off)

    Firstly, I think we are in agreement that the choice of Sean was not random. Sean knew Mon quite well, and Mon was well aware that Sean was a "friend" of David's. One floated theory, when considering Sean as a scapegoat, was to present it as a crime of jealousy (i.e. a love triangle involving Sean, David and Hannah). This was laughable, considering Sean hardly knew Hannah, and wisely not pursued.

    I am well aware of Mon's story about the blood cleanup in a spa by someone who apparently did not want to talk to police. I wonder which spa was open at about 4:00 am (the supposed time of the murder) and how Sean avoided being caught on any CCTV. I do not fully believe Sean's version of events either, but Mon's statement is a load of manure.

    It was claimed A women who works in a spa helped him clean the blood not in spa. im not sure if this is the same women he claimed help get him of the island

    alot of interesting stuff on Sean here


    Also has anyone got a photo of NS on koh Tao ? Not date specific just on Koh tao ?

    I cast no accusations with my reply. My mind is still open, but you asked for a pic.

    Must admit I've not yet seen many, but here is one of him in AC bar. This was pre Sept 2014, but I can't tell you precisely when. Is that one of the bouncers top left too?


  14. Dont worry about it, he gets easily confused, he may post some links of other Burmese getting caught with yaba in Bangkok next. But to some of those Thai DJ's in KT here's a prime example of what they get up to with tourists, this is a one named DJ Love:

    Holy $hit! Is that (suspicious looking) white powder I see on her stomach?

    Could be salt to go with tequila and lemon?

  15. The young edgy DJs ? don't think so

    not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

    And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?


    I've looked at the link. I'm not sure how that rules out the 'cool' guys who worked in the bar? You know, the ones into Western women, posing with guns, wearing jewellery that doubles as weapons etc.

    Do I really need to find 10 posts about Thais getting busted with thousands of Yaba pills? I doubt it, I'm sure you've read about some. Not that that has anything to do with this case or even the hypothesis that whoever carried out these crimes might have been under the influence..

    Dont worry about it, he gets easily confused, he may post some links of other Burmese getting caught with yaba in Bangkok next. But to some of those Thai DJ's in KT here's a prime example of what they get up to with tourists, this is a one named DJ Love:

    Sorry I don't see what point you are making with the photo is he on Yaba ? looks like it could of been taken in maguluf

    anyway here is another link about yaba and who are typical users funny Hiso rich kids are not on it.


    or taken in AC bar, which might be more likely as he works there?

    And with regards to this tedious discussion about who may or may not use Yaba, who mentioned HiSo rich kids until you just now?

  16. Everything you have stated about the B2 here (apart from minimum education possibly) is just based on your imagination. How do you know if they were licking their chops every time a beautiful woman in a bikini walked by, what a ridiculous statement to make and you present it as fact!!

    You're not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

    And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?

    The young edgy DJs ? don't think so


    I've looked at the link. I'm not sure how that rules out the 'cool' guys who worked in the bar? You know, the ones into Western women, posing with guns, wearing jewellery that doubles as weapons etc.

    Do I really need to find 10 posts about Thais getting busted with thousands of Yaba pills? I doubt it, I'm sure you've read about some. Not that that has anything to do with this case or even the hypothesis that whoever carried out these crimes might have been under the influence..

    well you have posted it is unlikely that some migrant workers would be taking yaba, and I have proved you wrong simple !

    No, you have generalised, talking about all migrant workers in any scenario.

    Whereas I was talking about the likelihood of these 2 migrant workers having a beer and a quiet singsong after work before going to bed taking Yaba, compared to some Thai bad boys who like Western women, guns and excitement.

    But anyway, my actual question was how does the link provided convert to Thai cool guys / bad boys don't do Yaba? There's no point answering because it doesn't.

    There is nothing to be gained travelling down this Yaba path right now I feel. It can be summed up by saying regardless of who the guilty parties are it is possible they may or may not have been under the influence of Yaba or another drug.

  17. Everything you have stated about the B2 here (apart from minimum education possibly) is just based on your imagination. How do you know if they were licking their chops every time a beautiful woman in a bikini walked by, what a ridiculous statement to make and you present it as fact!!

    You're not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

    And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?

    The young edgy DJs ? don't think so


    I've looked at the link. I'm not sure how that rules out the 'cool' guys who worked in the bar? You know, the ones into Western women, posing with guns, wearing jewellery that doubles as weapons etc.

    Do I really need to find 10 posts about Thais getting busted with thousands of Yaba pills? I doubt it, I'm sure you've read about some. Not that that has anything to do with this case or even the hypothesis that whoever carried out these crimes might have been under the influence..

  18. Another thing with Sean is he claimed that Mon and the copper were threatening to kill him, he managed to take a photo of them on the cashiers phone and post it to facebook,

    So he would have had to taken the photo

    maybe logged out of her facebook

    logged into face book

    attached the photo and paste.

    Why didn't they just put a gun to his head and Take the phone of him ?

    Why did they let him do it and wait for the police to turn up if he did the crime ?

    Maybe because of the cctv? which for once seemed to be working and was handed over.

    Also I don't think the picture of them was his first post from the store. Did he not write 'Owner of AC bar did it' as his first post, then a further post with the picture saying 'the guy on the left is the leader'. Then another asking people to get sky news reporter to contact him.

    Once he had typed anything into the phone then it becomes more risky for them to they can't really risk it as they don't know what he has said or done.

    I was following his posts that night and could not go to sleep until I knew he was safe. As I understood it he waited it out in the shop after that and didn't come out until the police turned up later and took Mon and his buddy away for questionning (and an alleged (speedy) DNA test on Mon). Then he (said he) went and moved around the jungle every 30 mins until he was able to hook up with people who made it safer for him the next day (reporters / and some locals?)

  19. Another part of the blame in my opinion has to rest with the british media they all jumped on the bandwagon of this young innocent backpacker being framed for murder,

    Sean would have been a prime suspect he was meant to meet the victim, he has i weak alibi

    People where seen on the beach playing a guitar, he has a guitar

    I don't think I would of lost much sleep if the RTP had used him as a scapegoat ?

    Say what!?

    You wouldn't lose much sleep knowing someone was fitted up leaving the real culprits for these atrocious crimes unpunished and running free to commit more!!

    Would you still lose no sleep if you had a daughter who was visiting the island too?

  20. It has often been observed by researchers that the overwhelming majority of murders are committed by people who have a previous criminal record. For example, burglars become rapists and rapists become murderers and so on.

    The B2 had no motive and have no previous record of being involved in any crime.

    David had a violent struggle with his killers that is clear on the wounds to his body and hands where he was defending himself. It would have been impossible for the killer/killers not to have scratches and minor wounds also. If it were the B2 surely there should have been witnesses who would have revealed that they saw this on them.

    Of course the same can be said about anyone else, Mon did not appear to have any scratches or wounds as we can see from the video and photos of him at the crime scene so I doubt he was directly involved in the killings themselves.

    It's been mentioned (by his classmates?) that Nomsod may have had injuries from that weekend, but we'll never know. By the time cops found him, after he'd been evading authorities for about a week, he'd had time to clean himself up and get a haircut. Re; Mon and wounds. I admit, none can be seen on his face or hands, but again, cops don't check such things re; a VIP, particularly those they are buddies with (Mon has local cop friends). Also, clothes cover up such things. Then there are the tough guy friends of Mon (stingray man, bouncer at AC bar, guys who posed with hoes after the crime, and others) who could have been involved in the crime. At least one of them proudly sported a large sharks tooth ring prior to the crime. For obvious reasons, RTP hasn't even looked at those possible suspects. They're all connected to Mon, as is the 'Big Ears' policeman, so they're untouchable.

    If this case takes a similar route to the case of the pretty farang girl who was murdered years ago in Bkk, then the following could happen:

    The initial court case was found to be full of holes. A second trial was ordered, with a new slew of defendants. All of the new group were convicted, except the mastermind (she must have been rich and/or well connected) ...who ran off to Chiang Rai and is now incognito. The head cop of that investigation, when it was found he skewed evidence, was scheduled to appear before a disciplinary committee. Days before the meeting, he emptied his bank accounts and fled to Miami, where he is today. Thai authorities haven't even tried to extradite him. So it goes, round and round.

    Yes! Many of Nomsod's Classmates did spread rumors of him doing it. From reading Forums and Facebook from people who spread these rumors and like were you found this information about him for example.Like here for example.

    Nomsod was not required by the Police to give his DNA. He did this in the hopes these rumors would stop and he could get on with his business of studying, rather than having to answer 100 times a day that he did not do it. When they still didn't believe him anyway.

    Who would believe him? You have seen what has happened here and how this spreads like wild fire. Even after his DNA proved Negative he was still not believed. You have also seen what happens here when someone even suggests he is innocent, like me. I am sure Nomsod faced that to at university every day and worst than here.

    I am no Cop, or Criminal, but if I wanted to evade authorities the last place I would want to hide is in my Dorm at the University, and attend school. You must have read from this same Gossip Column his friends saw him at this University on September 16th. I am sure many people on the Island knew Nomsod goes to University in Bangkok. Just ask someone at his Father Bar.

    So let me ask you this. In this massive Man Hunt in which Nomsod evaded the authorities for a week, not one cop thought of going to the University in Bangkok and ask for his home address, or his next class? Come On Man! You are smarted then that. Believe what you want but you are smarter than this.

    I'm not accusing here, but playing devil's advocate -

    So why did it take the police a week to 'find' him then? or why did he not go to the police and say 'here I am'?

  21. Darkknight,

    Again you make false accusation against me. Up until last September I didn't even know where this Island was. Just heard of Mon a month after that. I do not know him nor have I ever met him, or anyone else on the island.

    I also never said that David came upon the crime scene and saw a rape in progress. Somebody else said that.I said I thought they were together when they were attacked. Call it whatever you like but yes, I do think the Motive was to Rape Hannah.

    You post stuff here all the time but never back one thing you say that could indicate it wasn't make up by you, or you found it in some Gossiping Link full of Conspiracy Theories. If you like them so much why come here and spread more?

    This so called Bribe to the Taxi Driver was no bribe at all. It involved the football team and had nothing to do with Mon or the accused. The Police had this Football Team as early suspects. He was told that if he had information he would be given 700,000 Baht. But that wasn't a bribe. It was the reward money offered to anyone for the arrest and conviction of this rape and murders.

    If you chose not to believe this then fine. But I do not call you names as you feel you need to do with me, which is the true test of your colors. If you are so sure they are innocent then prove it. I am open minded to proof that wil show me something more than Blah!Blah!Blah!

    Why did the police think the taxi driver might have evidence against the footballers? Why did the taxi driver think the police were trying to use him to frame scapegoats? Why did the police (according to the taxi driver) become angry towards him when he failed to accept the "reward". Why was the taxi driver sufficiently frightened by the police attitude to go public and ask for protection from the police?

    The relevance of this is that it shows how energetically some, at least, of the police were seeking scapegoats from an early stage in the "investigation". It is one of many points that make neutral observers extremely skeptical of the claim that the diminutive Burmese, with no prior record of violence, were the perpetrators of this crime.

    Trying to make GB see the light is a lost cause I'm afraid. I don't recall calling you names GB, I did ask if you might be a friend of Mon on Facebook, though. That's how I'm rationalizing your mental gymnastics here, but, it was a question not an insult.

    Personally I have no interest in trying to bring GB round to my way of thinking, or anyone elses. To me he clearly seems to have an agenda of some sort. I do sometimes pipe up though when he tries to present fiction as fact etc.

  22. Isn't it well know what type of power a Thai person, especially a VIP, has over their Burmese workers? I believe the B2 are scapegoats. But I don't believe they couldn't have been involved in some capacity. I hate even the thought of it, but they could be involved. I do not believe the B2 killed David and Hannah.. Whoever did that had a specific issue with Hannah, that you can be sure of.

    I do agree with you last sentence but the other reason could be they were high on Yaba or ice.



    No, just no. They would have tried to run. Also, they were sitting on the beach drinking and playing guitar which has been established. I don't believe for a second a druggy episode is behind this crime. Look at the difference in the two.. Hannah was brutalized to make some kind of statement, Now, what would the B2 need to prove to Hannah? Nada, they're migrant workers.

    Ask yourself who had motive.

    Well lets see who has the most motive here.

    Is it a Rich Kid who is in University who could have almost any woman he wanted, but already has a Girlfriend? Who is obviously intelligent enough to know, as a university, that a murder like this on the Island would hurt his Father's Business, as well as his Uncles'?

    Or is it 2 Horny Migrant Works who have minimum education and don't have girlfriends, and haven't been with a woman for possibly years, who are licking their chops every time they see a beautiful woman in a bikini, and who get drunk on 2 Beer thus perhaps also Yaba as well?

    Nope! Sorry! The Horny Migrant Workers get my vote for the most motive.

    Everything you have stated about the B2 here (apart from minimum education possibly) is just based on your imagination. How do you know if they were licking their chops every time a beautiful woman in a bikini walked by, what a ridiculous statement to make and you present it as fact!!

    You're not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

    And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?

  23. sorry I do not agree, you need to consider certain things (as I have mentioned previously)

    1. it was at night on a beach were visibility would be poor, not overkill just making sure once the course of action was decided (to kill her)

    2. This hoe is a heavy sharp metal farm tool, it may have taken several blows to find the right one (at night)

    3. Once a fatal blow was made the horrific damage IMO would not be unreasonable

    I also believe she was killed because she was a witness to Davids murder who possibly arrived on the scene while the rape was taking place and was fatally attacked when he tried to intervene, from that time this incident turned from a rape on the beach to a rape and double murder, I also don't believe only 2x men were involved

    How do you explain the positioning of Hannah's body?

    who knows, maybe at some brainless level they dreamed an idea that moving the bodies and setting up a scene would somehow convince investigators that only David and Hannah were involved, they also may have moved the bodies out of view amongst the rocks the idea being that it would provide time for the murderers to leave the Island before discovery, don't forget this was not a planned well thought out operation

    The staging of the young lady is strange.

    Can anyone say what the moon and weather were like that night i.e. what kind of natural low level light there may have been

    Can anyone advise what time sunrise was that day?

    And can anyone provide a time for high tide that night? By the time the pictures were taken it seems that the tide had at least partially reached (and then receded) the young lady's body as her foot was embedded in the sand somewhat, but that could have happened after the discovery of the scene.

    Is it possible that 2 bodies were staged but the young man's got pulled out by the tide?

    The single sock on the young man is also strange. If it was dark and more than one person was removing the victim's clothes to stage a scene then could they have missed the fact that they had missed one of his socks?

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