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Posts posted by Vagabond1

  1. I think half the problem is large numbers of Johnny bloody farang comes to Thailand and expect the natives to kow tow down in their presence

    Normally soutpeel you miss the point of the OP entirely and this is no exeption

    Which is what dear boy ?..its the typical " i am a whitey and demand respect from the natives" rant been done plenty times on here

    Is it <deleted> you loon head

    It simply a case of the Op being taken for granted usually due to the low intelligence of those who are benefitting from his largess

    Why you need to make it anymore is perplexing to me!

    Usually people choose to marry their equals in terms of intelligence.

  2. The fact that Trump leads in opinion polls makes me wonder about Americans.

    Republicans only.

    Just a flash in the pan for entertainment purposes.

    You should wonder about all nationalities but Trump has no chance of being president.

    Is there only an insignificant percentage of Republicans in the US? I was under an impression that they are one of the two political parties to speak of.

    I do wonder about other nations too - but they rarely leave me in such bewilderment.

  3. The Q is how these "dark skinned folks" enter Thailand and what visa they have to stay here ... ? Maybe CIB should investigate into that also so some Immigration-staff can be transferred .... whistling.gif

    Maybe they should investigate how some of the "whitey's" manage to remain in Thailand long term as well as regards their visa's...thumbsup.gif

    or bugger it, just increase the visa prices and financial requirements for every one ?

    An excellent idea. Will also cut down the numbers of white trash coming to the country.

  4. Many young Thais particularly males simply put their hands out & their parents give the cash to them.......why save, they only need to ask. Until the day comes & it will that the old money dries up due to the parents self induced spiraling debt & they are going to be well & truly stuffed. These kids, the adult Thais of tomorrow have absolutely no knowledge or skills regarding the use of money other than spending it as quick as possible.

    As a visitor talking to hotel staff, waiters, sales people - the usual when one comes for vacation - I found that the situation is reverse: many young people working in at least tourist industry come from rural areas and actually support their families/parents back there.

    As to financial literacy - seems to be universal problem. Otherwise people in the west would not have been drawing unaffordable mortgages and run credit card debt beyond their means.

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  5. Beautiful place - many beaches - some more populated, some really quiet. A world of difference with Pty.

    Still enough restaurants and bars with nice food.

    Best way in is to get a speedboat from Ban Phe directly to the beach you will be staying in - no national park fee that way.

    I had a most relaxed week there in November - will be back in June.

    Also - for off season = rainy season it is a good choice since Samed gets the least of rains during that time

  6. Note that Putin scores around 85% support in polls done in Russia. Including polls done for western intelligence.

    How are Obama, Cameron, Tony Abbott doing?

    Hollande has one of the lowest approval ratings for any French PM, ever.

    Note also the enthusiasm for the Chinese initiative AIIP.

    Just about every country except the USA seem to think it is a good idea to have an alternative to the dreaded IMF and World Bank.

    Meanwhile the Yuan chugging along to becoming a reserve currency.

    The world is changing, whether some people like it or not.

    I'd guess Hitler in 1939 had comparable objective support too.

  7. Happy little club, Russia, China, Nth Korea and Thailand.

    This little club already includes Russia, China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Mongolia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Angola, Mozambique, Madagascar, Zaire, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Greece, Slovenia, Serbia, Slovakia, Armenia, etc.

    That is about 60% of the world's population.

    An arbitrary list, I'd say. Slovenia? Slovakia?

    And if you take out China (which has its own interests - very distinct from Russian) - your % drops dramatically.

  8. For a start since they are in a hot country they should try adapting to the asian way by showering at least twice a day hehe

    +1...Even with a fresh shower, you'll will be in a full sweat in a few minutes.

    Fresh sweat does not have a strong and offensive odor. To scare people away one has to neglect washing their body for some time. When in Thailand I shower 2-3 times a day and use deodorant. Courtesy to myself and fellow-humans.

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  9. Received a couple of emails this morning from friends who are still living in Thailand and each are now desperate to get out. This situation is unlikely to improve and I'm perplexed as to why we are not seeing more foreign expats heading out.

    Because they will not get a job back home, or their pensions will not be enough to support the lifestyle they are used to in Thailand. I do not see many farangs leaving in droves - all they will do perhaps making more posts about how Thailand is sliding into a North Korea kind of society. Not many will walk the talk though.

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