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Monkey Fish

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Posts posted by Monkey Fish

  1. I went there this morning and everything went fine.


    The place is a little tricky to find in the "free zone", but all you have to do is look lost and point to your animal and somebody will steer you in the right direction. At least that's how it worked for me. Here's a google map link.


    Staff was courteous and professional. The vet gave my dog a pretty thorough looking over. Seemed to take his job seriously.


    They tell you that you need a copy of your passport, but you also need a copy of the dog's vaccine documentation. Fortunately they do copies themselves for a few baht.


    I got there shortly after 8:30 and was out of there before 10. Was even able to catch the 4th quarter of the Seahawks game.

  2. Hello,


    There are plenty of good threads in this forum about what needs to be done to sell one's car in Thailand. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the two forms (drl6 and power of atty) from any of them. LINK1 LINK2 for example. Other threads have links to download them from the Department of Land Transportation website, but they just return a 404 error.


    I would be grateful if somebody could provide the files or working links.


    Thank you for your time.

  3. Hello. I'm selling my car and trying to get the two forms (drl6 and power of atty) that are always mentioned in these threads.


    Unfortunately each time I click on one of the .pdf file links, I get a new page with this error message:


    "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."


    Some problem in a few different threads. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. Thanks for the feedback. Before I made my first post I actually used the CPB website to ask the same question. The automatic response informed me that I could expect a reply in a few weeks. . . but this morning there was one in my inbox:

    Dear _____, 
    That is OK. Most used personal goods are duty free, and the CBP officers at the airport can ask for more information if they need it.

    So both replies above were right on.

    I don't think we have to complete separate forms though. From this page: "If you are traveling with other immediate family members, then you can complete on [sic] form for your entire family." From this page: "A joint declaration is a Customs declaration that can be made by family members who live in the same household and return to the United States together. These travelers can combine their purchases to take advantage of a combined flat duty rate, no matter which family member owns a given item." (Although technically that second page is for visitors to the US, I assume the same applies to returning residents.)

    Since I have a family of five, I believe we are duty-free up to 5x$800=$4,000. If we go over that, the next $5,000 ($1,000 per person) is taxed at 3%. If we declare over $9,000 in goods, then the officer will classify each declared item to calculate duty fees.


    Aside from the CBP pages, this page was very useful: A traveler's guide to US customs


    Thanks again.

  5. Hello,

    When my family and I fly into the US next week, I'm going to need to complete the US customs declaration form (CBP Form 6059B).

    It would take a lot of those little forms to list every single thing that we "purchased or acquired abroad".

    So this question is particularly for US residents who were returning home after years abroad with hundreds of small items (like clothing and books). What experiences have you had at US customs that might help me comply with the intent of the regulations with as little inconvenience as possible? I really don't want to have to list each of our toothbrushes.

    Thanks for any advice you might offer.

  6. 1 hour ago, hdkane said:

    i've made that trip a few times, from thailand to the usa with my dog...don't worry about the microchip...it's almost like a small vaccine to your dog...painless and no reaction...just get your dog used to the crate a week or two beforehand...


    After one immunization my dog got a big lump at the site of the injection. It was not a big deal. I'm just worried that a similar lump would be some kind of red flag to quarantine in the US. (On the other hand, I could worry about what happens if the dog somehow gets loose and loses its collar...  Kit mahk mai dii.)


    12 hours ago, PennyFarthing123 said:

    I do not know about Korean Air, but when I brought my dogs to the US on Eva Air we changed planes in Taiwan and I needed documents from Taipei allowing that. I don't remember if they were called export permit or transit. Was simple and done by email.


    Good advice. I called the Korean quarantine office (82) 32-740-2660 and they said no documentation is required as long as the dog is not going through immigration (or whatever dogs do). I called the airline to confirm and they said we're all just switching planes without "staying" in Korea. So we should be fine.


    Thanks for the feedback.

  7. Fyi, after reading this article, I sent an email to the authors asking about the Ror 1/1 form.

    One of them just sent me a reply with this link to download the form: http://dcontrol.dld.go.th/index.php/download/108--11.html

    Very considerate of him!

    Here is the form, and a pdf conversion I made. Caveat: I will not know if they like this form at the quarantine office until I go there in a few days.



  8. Hello,

    Next week I'm flying Korean Air to the USA and I'm just wondering if anybody has any advice. (This post was very useful already, but it's a few year old.)

    I've already booked cargo space with the airline. (FYI it was $200, payable at check-in.)

    I've already got the rabies shot and (I very much hope) all the documentation from the vet. I scanned my documents and emailed them to Suvarnbhumi Airport Animal Quarantine [email protected]. They quickly replied that the shots were ok but my vet had not correctly signed and written her full name and license number with each shot, so I had to go back and get it done properly.

    My wife has called the quarantine station (02-134-0731) and confirmed that I should bring my dog two days before the flight for inspection of dog and immunization documentation, along with a copy of my passport. They said an appointment was not necessary. From customer feedback I found on the station's (unofficial?) FB page, it sounds like a good idea to get there early.

    I see the quarantine station on Google maps. LINK. Is parking there convenient?

    I bought a good pet crate from Shamu Shamu, a store I recommend. And what I think of as a hamster cage water bottle, which my dog had no problem learning how to use.

    The only advice I've read about that I haven't followed is getting a microchip. Sounds like a good idea, but I'm worried that the dog might have a reaction to it that might be a red flag to a quarantine station on one end or the other.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any advice you might offer.

  9. Hello,

    I'm flying Korean Air to the US next week. Moving, so I plan on doing the maximum allowed baggage. "Each Economy Class passenger is allowed two pieces of luggage as long as each piece does not weigh more than 23 kg/50 lbs and the sum of the dimensions of both bags does not exceed 107 in/273 cm."

    I'm planning on using two boxes per passenger, each box is 40x45x35 (120 cm, 240 cm for both).

    If you have any advice, I'd be interested to hear it.

    But the reason I'm writing is because I'm curious about the wrapping stations that one sees before your go to the check-in lines. I have never used them before, but they seem like a good idea for my cardboard boxes. Could somebody explain how they work to me? Any rules I need to know about beforehand?

    Thank you very much for any replies.

  10. Looks like it was the toilet in the unused bathroom of the "maid's" quarters outside. Good calls above.

    Not sure why the meter's valves are malfunctioning. It's a systemic problem in our neighborhood. The meters and valves were only installed a few years ago when the provincial water authority took over from the mooban developer. They should last longer than a few years.

    Provincial water authority (which was responsible for embedding the valves and meter in concrete) is coming today for the meter valves. On the phone they said that if the meter-inlet valve is malfunctioning, they will replace it for free, but if the meter-outlet valve needs to be replaced, that's on the house owner.

    Seems to me that if the meter-outlet valve is the owner's responsibility, they shouldn't embed it in concrete. But I've been wrong before (see above).

    Thanks all for your help.

  11. I just got home and was able to run the tests suggested above.

    With everything turned off, there is still a little water flow, so the meter-inlet valve is not closing completely. Opening the meter-inlet valve increases the flow very significantly.

    The flow is no different with the outlet-valve open or closed, so it doesn't seem to be working at all.

    So the leak hunt is on. The neighbors' have the same valves and conditions, so not a big surprise that they would also fail. And one assumes they have their own leaks to find.

    Thank you everybody that took the time to read and/or comment. I'll follow up when I know more.

  12. The first thing you need to know is: We are not the only house on the street with this problem.


    Normally our water bill is about 500 baht a month. For the most recent period, it was over 4,000 baht.

    When the water guy came to leave the most recent bill, he actually wrote us a note and said there must be a problem. He left us a number to call to have it double-checked.

    My wife called the water authority and they said they would send somebody out to check it. If they did so, we were not home or told when that happened.

    Yesterday we received a mailed letter with the current due amount of over 4,000 baht.

    At this point I went out to check the meter and made the above video. When the water to the house is turned off, the meter was still running at a good clip.

    If it were just our house, then it might be reasonable to assume that the outlet valve is malfunctioning AND we have a 3,000+ baht water leak that we haven't noticed. BUT our neighbors are having the exact same problem, except their bill was over 6,000 baht.

    They went to the water authority (we are in Samut Sakhon province) and they were told to pay the bill. If they want a new meter, the water authority offered to replace it for 500 baht.

    I'm wondering if anybody here has ever heard of or experienced a problem like this before.

    Thank you for your time.

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