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Everything posted by sniggie

  1. I hope he enjoyed his trip to VFS to get his visa.
  2. 500mg widely available and inexpensive.
  3. Looks a bit white to me. I hope it.s not working,
  4. Totally agree. The lightest of showers at 3 am yesterday was followed by a 4 hour power cut. No improvement from when I first arrived in our village 12 years ago. 'Somchai! Nip down to Mr. DIY and get another roll of that black tape. We seem to have run out.'
  5. 'Joe" had a Ferrari collection, Hakparn has a gun collection. So what?
  6. Sorry, I did not make my first response clear. I always log on through a standard Google search just as if I were in the UK. No VPN. The web page accesses my account on any device. It works perfectly - except for yesterday evening! It's the app I can't download
  7. It was very slow yesterday evening when I was trying to send money to Wise. Finally managed it but pages were very, very slow to refresh. Managed it in the end, though. I've not used the app. When I've tried to download it it would seem that you can't download it in Thailand.
  8. Good luck with that! If an uninsured, untaxed and unroadworthy motorcycle rider drives into your car (as happened to my wife) the insurance company will likely as not repair both vehicles. And you will be expected to give a little money to the motorcycle rider so that he may have any injuries checked.
  9. Just the thing for a late night stroll along Beach Road.
  10. I use Seretide. It's not universally available over the counter. In my Isaan province I have a tame pharmacist who will supply it though in Khon Kaen, a neighbouring province, it's not available in the pharmacies that I have tried. It's available in Pattaya (as are most things!) but not everywhere. When I first came to Thailand Boots used to supply it over the counter in Pattaya but that stopped some time ago.
  11. Hang on. Wasn't it only last week that the powers that be were complaining about the falling birth rate? Clearly the kids are heeding the call!
  12. Two words. Defensive driving. If either of the people involved had been riding with any appreciation of what might go wrong then the crash would not have happened. I showed the video to my son and some of his friends. Then I spent some time discussing vehicle positioning and sightlines. I just hope some of it went in!
  13. This morning's chuckle over coffee. The police doing their actual job for once!
  14. He left his job where he was earning 'nearly 100,000 baht a month' to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a police officer. Didn't he do well?
  15. Or you watch one of the 'bad driving' videos from your home country and think 'what's wrong with that?'.
  16. Ask Russell Brand.
  17. One thing that critics of Thaksin seem to forget that he was elected. He, and subsequently his sister, were elected by the people. It was the Will of the people, a phrase that the UK remembers only too well of recent history. He may have had his failings (We got Johnson, for heaven's sake) but the electorate chose his party for the change that they offered. A start an reducing the inequalities in this country, perhaps. Whatever, it was enough to spur the elites into action,
  18. The one thing that this man did which affected our lives here in Isaan was to decree that all villages should have internet connection. The difference that has made to people in our village is tremendous. Maybe it would have happened anyway but I wonder whether the phone companies would have come out to the small villages without some encouragement. Otherwise I don't think he has been great for Thailand. He joins the long list of Army officers who believed that they would be better at running a country than elected politicians. Think of Pakistan, Niger, Uganda, Argentina, Greece, Myanmar to name but a few. In many cases they take over to deny the people the change that they have voted for.
  19. This saga does raise an issue. I am now nearly 78 and during my seventies i have noticed a distinct deterioration in my muscle mass such that, although I am basically reasonably able, I really can't lift much above my head any more. I try and keep my hand luggage to the minimum and I've always attempted to get it into the overhead bin unaided. Almost without fail a younger passenger or a flight attendant assists me as soon as they see me struggling, for which I am truly grateful. For this group of passengers to encounter the problems that they did they must have aggravated the situation in one way or another.
  20. More like they could find out if they were bothered. If someone has a UK address and their pension is paid into a domestic UK bank account they could possibly check to see how often that person enters the country and how long they stay on each visit. But why would they do that, its a lot of bother. Likewise registering with a GP.
  21. Watch this space!
  22. This may be of relevance. I renewed my retirement extension last week. I went to a photo shop to get some new mugshots (as I understand that they don't like you using the same pics for two years - and they check). The guy asked me what size I wanted and showed me a chart of various sizes. The one for Immigration was much larger than the others, including that for a passport. I noticed the same chart in another shop that I went into for some final photocopying. I doubt that they would reject a TM7 for the wrong size photograph but you never know!
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