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Everything posted by roo860

  1. Couple years back, I walked into a bar and a woman absolutely stunning for her age, about 15 years older than me, she’s making eyes across the bar at me, she came around and started chatting, got me a drink and asked “fancy coming back to mine?” “Oh yes” I said with some excitement in my voice!! So we head down the road to where she lives, gets inside the door and she whispers in me ear “you ever done any of that daughter and mother stuff?” Well me chin bounced off the floor couple of times, I’m shaking with anticipation and replied “<deleted> no, but I’m up for it” She goes to the foot of the stairs, and shouts up “MOTHER”…????
  2. Correct, amulet saved them, superstitious mumbo jumbo, backward is a better description.
  3. Why not get a plastic mattress cover, then you can wallow in your own warm piss, heaven! Don't know if your partner would be too pleased, they could wear a life jacket though!
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